

中文摘要 近年來政府致力再生能源等綠能產業之開發,針對離岸風力發電系統更研擬示範獎勵辦法,以加速海上風力發電開發、打造綠色能源經濟,因此可預見未來因離岸風機之大量設置而衍生水下噪音之問題。 台灣西部海濱風力具有開發潛力,具備發展離岸風機的高度潛力,然而臨岸海域卻是珍稀的中華白海豚的棲息水域,族群量很小,不到100隻。有關水下噪音對海洋哺乳動物的衝擊與管理,在國際上以美國國家海洋漁業署的管理系統目前是最完備與仔細,該國依據海洋哺乳動物保護法實施相關措施來保護海洋生物。在歐洲則以德國曾經提出明確的量測方法,以及特定需求的調查內容,而其他國家多依賴專家群就個案各自審理與管理。 本計畫主要目的,配合國家能源政策建置離岸風力發電設施,維護環境安寧及離岸風機施工與營運期間對生態環境的影響,須開發離岸風力發電設施施工與營運期間水下噪音調查技術,俾符合環評承諾。為維持測量水下噪音數據品質,研擬建立離岸風力發電設施水下噪音量測方法,俾執行單位有所依循。
中文關鍵字 水下噪音、水下打樁、水下噪音測量方法


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-1201-02-01 經費年度 107 計畫經費 900 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/07 專案結束日期 2019/03/31 專案主持人 許榮均
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 程惠生 執行單位 國立臺灣海洋大學


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期末報告 EPA-107-1201-02-01.pdf 23MB 期末報告定稿本

Development of underwater noise investigation technology for offshore wind power facilities.

英文摘要 In recent years, the government has been dedicated to the development of green industry (including renewable energy), establishing demonstration method to encourage the development of offshore wind power and to forge a green energy economy, as a result the underwater noise caused by offshore wind turbine may be a huge concern in a foreseeable future. According to various researches, there is great potential in the wind farm on the west coast of Taiwan, also an ideal location for offshore wind turbine. However nearby ocean is also home to Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin, an endangered species with a population less than 100, this species is recently valued both at home and abroad. The management system of the US National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) is the most complete and detailed in the world regarding the impact and management of underwater noise on Marine mammals. In Europe, Germany has proposed specific measurement methods and content of specific needs investigation, while other countries rely on expert groups to judge and manage individual cases. The main purpose of this plan is to aid the policy on constructing offshore wind power facilities, maintaining a quiet environment and containing the influence on the ecosystem both during construction and operation. Therefore, a method must be developed to monitor underwater noise during both periods to meet the requirements of the environmental Impact Assessment. Also a standard operation procedure should be set to facilitate executive units.
英文關鍵字 Underwater noise、Underwater noise piling、Underwater noise measurement methods