
107 年科技委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫

中文摘要 本年度計畫於 107 年 1 月 15 日開始執行,工作執行目標為協助完成環保署科技計畫先期規劃與行政支援、提升環保署科技計畫管理品質、推廣環保署科技計畫研發成果,配合作業需求出席相關重要會議。 計畫執行期間完成協助 109 年度科技計畫先期規劃,列管系統功能分析,完成 9 件計畫申請資料彙整總體說明書 1 份。108 年度科技計畫書審議研提 7 件核定審 查通過。完成 106 年度績效評估作業審查 9 件及「環保署 106 年度科技計畫成果彙編」1 份,進行環保署科技計畫績效趨勢分析,協助相關審議作業庶務工作,配合業務需求出席 11 次重要會議,完成新聞輿情分析試作。 107 年度科技計畫追蹤管考作業,協助執行成果等資料確認登錄於科技部,並維護「環保署全球資訊網」相關網站,定期確認資料正確性,另協助完成開放資料 獲資料品質金級標章 2 件。 協助辦理環境科技論壇 1 場共 163 人參與,環境科技論壇論文集共收錄 28 篇 論文,出海報發表 30 張及論壇活動專文 1 篇,為擴散環保署科技計畫研發成果, 上傳 107 年科技論壇活動資料至環保署全球資訊網提供大眾點閱,整體計畫執行成果豐碩。
中文關鍵字 計畫管理、環境科技、環境科技論壇


專案計畫編號 EPA-107- E1U1-02-201 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1273 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/15 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 溫永利
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 林雯妤 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-107- E1U1-02-201.pdf 6MB EPA-107- E1U1-02-201

Quality Management and Promotion for the 2018 TEPA’s Projects

英文摘要 This project started from 15th January 2018, aiming to assist the preliminary plan for EPA’s environmental technology project and administrative support, to enhance the quality of the technology projects’ management, and to promote the outcome of EPA’s environmental technology projects. Throughout the execution of this project, the preliminary plan for EPA’s environmental technology projects (2021) (including 9 projects’ proposal and a comprehensive report) was completed and the monitoring web-system analysis has been carried out too. For the preliminary planning of environmental technology projects, 8 plans were submitted and approved under the timeline of the BOST. For the EPA’s environmental technology projects evaluation of year 2016, 9 projects’ performance were collected and a conclusive report of environmental technology project of EPA (2016) was submitted too. For administrative support, 11 meetings were conducted as well as other administrative tasks were completed regularly. To understand the trend of the environmental news, a preliminary trial was carried on the latest news and public opinions. For the review of the technology projects (2018), this project assisted to update the latest information of projects and submit it on the website of MOST, maintain the English and Chinese content of EPA official website and technology development website periodically, to ensure the correctness of the information. Also, this project updated 2 open data on technology projects for EPA and received gold-medal award. The Environmental Technology forum was held with a total of 163 participants. 28 research papers and 20 posters were collected for the forum. In order to promote the result of the EPA’s technology project, an article of the forum was written and publish to the EPA’s official website for the public to view on-line. Overall, this project was carried out accordingly with fruitful achievement.
英文關鍵字 Project Management、Environmental Technology、Forum on Environmental Technology