

中文摘要 本年計畫之主要目標係包含下列主要五個部分:文獻彙整、透過監測分析完成細懸浮微粒熱點管制策略確效並提出建議(大型宗教活動)、本市PM2.5相關區域管制策略至少3項(永和市場、洗掃街揚塵抑制確效及餐飲業逸散抑制評估)、本市焚化廠之煙道細懸浮微粒指紋資料、解析本市焚化廠排放污染物對於周界暴露及健康風險增量、調查研究工作與政策效益透明化以及其他配合辦理及配合事項等。工作成果條列如下: 配合本市PM2.5相關區域管制策略至少3項 大型宗教活動 定點監測結果顯示施放十萬發環保鞭炮,其瞬間PM2.5質量濃度與數目濃度分別可高達2.3x104 μg/m3、10x104 #/cm3;施放五萬兩千發傳統鞭炮,其瞬間PM2.5質量濃度與數目濃度分別可高達8000 μg/m3、8x105 #/cm3,結果指出不論環保鞭炮與傳統鞭炮,在施放中皆會產生PM2.5質量濃度與數目濃度高值,而環保鞭炮所產生之數目濃度較傳統鞭炮所產生的低,但產生之PM2.5質量濃度卻高於傳統鞭炮所產生之PM2.5質量濃度,原因推測與鞭炮數多寡相關,因此,將總濃度除以總火藥量,指出PM2.5質量濃度其每單位克之環保鞭炮所產生量1.28 μg/m3;而每單位克傳統鞭炮為8.55 μg/m3,數目濃度其每單位克之環保鞭炮所產生量5.56 #/cm3;而每單位克之傳統鞭炮為854 #/cm3,每單位克之傳統鞭炮所產生之污染量明顯高於環保鞭炮。另外,比較施放間濃度平均值與施放前濃度平均值之上升倍數,環保鞭炮其PM2.5質量濃度之上升倍數為147倍,數目濃度為1.6倍;傳統鞭炮其PM2.5質量濃度之上升倍數為60倍,數目濃度為17倍,指出使用環保鞭炮較不易產生高濃度之數目濃度,但依然會產生高平均濃度之PM2.5質量濃度,施放兩種鞭炮後,在十分鐘內皆會下降至施放前濃度,因此建議施放時人員盡量待於上風處或者以電子鞭炮以及禮炮車代替環保鞭炮。 永和市場 移動監測結果顯示早上(9:00-10:00)之PM2.5質量濃度為126 μg/m3,數目濃度約4.2×104 #/cm3;中午(11:00-12:00)之PM2.5質量濃度為88 μg/m3,數目濃度約1.6×104 #/cm3,兩者濃度皆較9:00-10:00時段減少;下午(14:00-15:00)時段中之PM2.5質量濃度為206 μg/m3,數目濃度約1.2×104 #/cm3,在早上及中午時段,可明顯看出永和街其數目濃度較高,然而在市場休市後PM2.5質量濃度為上升之情況,導致PM2.5質量濃度上升之原因,由當天嘉義測站之PM2.5質量濃度即時測值,在下午2點至3點,嘉義市PM2.5質量濃度為上升之趨勢,推測PM2.5濃度隨背景濃度增加而上升;數目濃度則明顯下降,推測細懸浮微粒濃度可能因市場內車流量變少而逐漸降低。 洗掃街揚塵抑制之確效分析 移動監測結果顯示,針對三種洗/掃街情境進行濃度量測,三種情境分別為:只有掃街、先掃街後洗街以及先洗街後掃街之方式,三種洗/掃街作業前一小時之PM2.5質量濃度分別為155、105、148 μg/m3,數目濃度約1.2、1.4、1.8x104 #/cm3;洗/掃街作業中之PM2.5質量濃度稍微升高,而數目濃度皆較洗/掃街前高出許多,此結果可能與洗掃街車所排放的污染源有關;洗/掃街後一小時,三種洗/掃模式之PM2.5質量濃度皆較洗/掃前一小時高,而數目濃度在先掃街後洗街之作業後一小時有大幅下降之現象,數目濃度約0.8"×" 104 #/cm3,數目濃度約減少42 %,而在先洗街後掃街之作業後一小時,約減少35%,表示透過掃街搭配洗街作業可有效減少道路細懸浮微粒與超細懸浮微粒之數目濃度,但對於細懸浮微粒PM2.5質量濃度並無太大成效。此外,量測洗掃後隔一天以及隔兩天,其PM2.5質量濃度、數目濃度皆比洗掃後一小時還來的低,推測是受到當天背景值之影響而不是洗掃街作業之成效。 餐飲業逸散抑制評估 比較三種採樣情境於牛排餐廳內烹飪區與用餐區其烹飪前、中、後不同時段之細懸浮微粒濃度變化趨勢,第一種採樣情境為僅使用抽油煙機;第二種為安裝一導流設備於爐台外圍並持續使用抽油煙機;第三種為使用導流設備但未使用抽油煙機,比較三種情境其定點採樣結果指出,烹飪中開始進行烹飪活動時皆會使烹飪區與用餐區PM2.5質量濃度、數目濃度、黑碳濃度與多環芳香烴濃度增加,其中以PM2.5質量濃度、數目濃度增加幅度較為明顯,當進行第二種情境時,時間趨勢圖明顯觀察出烹飪區PM2.5質量濃度其上升幅度較其他兩者情境緩,而PM2.5質量濃度與數目濃度於第三種情境中,使用導流裝置但抽油煙機關閉時在烹飪中其濃度上升現象最為顯著,結果指出烹飪區與用餐區於三種情境中PM2.5質量濃度與數目濃度皆以第二種情境其烹飪中濃度增加比最低,因此建議烹飪時需使用抽油煙機來降低烹飪區與用餐區其懸浮微粒之暴露量,若另外搭配導流設備,由濃度增加比計算中指出PM2.5質量濃度在烹飪中其增加量可降低五成,數目濃度約為三成。結束烹飪後無任何烹飪動作半小時至一小時,細懸浮微粒濃度皆會持續下降至烹飪前之濃度。此外,烹飪區與用餐區為共同空間,然而因烹飪區結束後在用餐區還是持續使用鐵板烹飪食材導致烹飪區與用餐區於三種情境中其烹飪中濃度增加比之差值並無相關性。 建立本市焚化廠之煙道細懸浮微粒指紋資料 焚化廠煙道戴奧辛濃度為0.002 ng-TEQ/Nm3。 空氣中戴奧辛濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館0.016 pg I-TEQ/m3、環保署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 0.011 pg I-TEQ/m3、湖內里里長家0.024 pg I-TEQ/m3、湖子內重劃區0.03pg I-TEQ/m3及八掌溪南側農舍0.031 pg I-TEQ/m3。 植物中戴奧辛濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館2.18 pg I-TEQ/g、環保署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 2.6 pg I-TEQ/g、湖內里里長家1.48 pg I-TEQ/g、湖子內重劃區2.47 pg I-TEQ/g及八掌溪南側農舍1.07 pg I-TEQ/g。 土壤中戴奧辛濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館1.14 ng I-TEQ/kg、環保署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 0.435 ng I-TEQ/kg、湖內里里長家ND、湖子內重劃區0.42 ng I-TEQ/kg及八掌溪南側農舍ND。 焚化廠煙道多氯聯苯濃度為64.16 pg/Nm3。 空氣中多氯聯苯濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館0.953 pg/m3、環保署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 1.27 pg/m3、湖內里里長家0.930 pg/m3、湖子內重劃區0.773 pg/m3及八掌溪南側農舍2.35 pg/m3。 植物中類多氯聯苯濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館83.4 pg/g、環保署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 70.3 pg/g、湖內里里長家67 pg/g、湖子內重劃區63.4 pg/g及八掌溪南側農舍53 pg/g。 土壤中類多氯聯苯濃度周界5點位皆為ND。 焚化廠煙道PM2.5濃度為1819 μg/m3。 空氣中PM2.5監測結果顯示,環保署嘉義測站之PM2.5濃度值為19 μg/m3。 焚化廠煙道六價鉻濃度為ND。 空氣中六價鉻濃度分別為嘉義市立博物館0.062 ng/m3、行政院環境保護署嘉義測站(國立嘉義大學新民校區) 0.035 ng/m3、湖內里里長家0.043 ng/m3、湖子內重劃區0.054 ng/m3及八掌溪南側農舍0.055 ng/m3,以上皆符合法規標準值。 解析本市焚化廠排放污染物對於周界暴露及健康風險增量 危害確認:本計畫根據嘉義焚化廠煙道進行污染物檢測,並收集檢測物種之毒理資料及健康效應,確定目標污染物之危害確認。戴奧辛及重金屬評估結果顯示,Group 1的物種為2,3,7,8-TCDD、鎘、砷、鈹及六價鉻;Group 2B的物種為鎳、鈷及鉛。 劑量效應評估:依照危害確認結果,彙整並蒐集目標污染物之致癌風險評估所需之致癌斜率、單位致癌風險,以及非致癌風險評估所需參考劑量或參考濃度等,以利後續評估健康風險。 暴露量評估:為估算目標污染物排放後經由不同途徑進入受體之情況,將藉由大氣擴散模式及多介質傳輸模式運算,以瞭解目標污染物於環境中之分佈,並針對暴露族群於各種不同暴露途徑所造成的終生平均每日暴露劑量進行估算。暴露量評估結果顯示,CaseⅠ、CaseⅡ及CaseⅢ的最高暴露量皆位於一級敏感區,最低暴露量皆位於六級敏感區。 風險特徵描述: 興建嘉義焚化爐所產生的終身增量致癌風險,在不同模擬情境下(包含全年平均之暴露量評估、利用周界採樣點實測值修正夏季6~8月、與冬季12~2月之模擬結果),除了在模擬夏季6~8月或冬季12~2月時,部分區域暴露濃度最大值對應終身增量致癌風險高於10-6,其餘所有地區在不同情境下之終身增量致癌風險與非致癌健康風險皆分別在一般常見之恕限值10-5或10-6以及1以下,顯示不論是從致癌或非致癌風險角度,此焚化爐之興建對當地居民並未造成顯著之負面健康影響。值得一提的是,模擬夏季6~8月或冬季12~2月時部分區域修正濃度最大值對應終身增量致癌風險高於10-6,因修正不同大氣擴散條件濃度之依據為不同時期大氣擴散模擬值與周界採樣點實測值間之差異,高風險原因可能與當季環境中其他背景排放源有關。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、移動式監測、管制策略、有害空氣污染物、健康風險評估


專案計畫編號 1061067 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4380 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/21 專案結束日期 2018/12/20 專案主持人 林聖倫
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宛臻 執行單位 台灣氣膠研究學會


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期末報告 106年PM2.5期末正式報告.pdf 44MB 期末正式報告

Investigation and Health Risk Assessment of Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter and Hazardous Air Pollutants on the Ambient Air around a Municipal Waste Incinerator in Chiayi City, 2017

英文摘要 This project aims to the following five main parts: Reference reviewes, PM2.5 sampling, analysis and monitoring of special area for PM2.5 Spatio-Temporal hotspot analysis (Large religious activities), special areas for at least three places with control strategy (Yunghe market, Street washing and sweeping, control of cooking fume from catering trade), set up PM2.5 fingerprint (Chiayi City refuse incineration plant), analysis of pollutants emission from the Chiayi City refuse incineration plant and health risk assessment. Special areas for at least three places with control strategy Large religious activities In this study, we aim to study the time-series distribution when using different type of firecrackers, one is environmental-friendly, the other is traditional one. The results from 100,000 environmental-friendly firecrackers indicated the maximum of PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration was 2.3x104 μg/m3 and 10x104 #/cm3, respectively. The results from 52,000 traditional firecrackers resulted in maximum PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration was 8x103 μg/m3 and 8x105 #/cm3, respectively. Both showed extreme high concentration during the firecrackers display. Moreover, the number concentration of environmental-friendly firecracker was lower than traditional firecracker, however, the PM2.5 mass concentration showed opposite result, possibly due to the amount of two types firecracker. Therefore, in order to compare the air pollution from two types firecracker, the concentration is suggested to be divided by the amount of firecracker. The results indicated the PM2.5 mass concentration per gram was 1.28 μg/m3 and 8.55 μg/m3; the number concentration per gram was 5.56 #/cm3 and 854 #/cm3 as using environmental-friendly and traditional one respectively, the production of fine particulate matter per gram with the traditional firecracker is higher than the other one. Yunghe market In the morning, during the busiest time of market, the mobile measurement results showed that the PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration was 126 μg/m3, and 4.2×104 #/cm3, respectively. At noon, the PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration was lower at 88 μg/m3 and 1.6×104 #/cm3, respectively. In the afternoon, after the market closed, the number concentration was lower than the morning and noon due to the decrease in the number of vehicles. However, the PM2.5 mass concentration was higher due to the higher PM2.5 background concentration in Chiayi city during afternoon. Street washing and sweeping In this study, aim to understand that the effective way to reduce the fine particulate matter among three different methods to sweep and wash street, the first model is sweep only, the second model is sweeping followed by washing and the last is washing followed by sweeping respectively. The mobile results showed the PM2.5 mass concentration was 155 μg/m3, 150μg/m3, 154 μg/m3 followed by the three different model and the number concentration was 1.2×104 #/cm3, 1.4×104 #/cm3 and 1.8×104 #/cm3 before sweeping and washing street, during the sweeping and washing street, the number concentration and mass concentration were higher due to the emission from the sweeping and washing trunk. Moreover, after the process with washing street about one hour, especially, the sweeping followed by washing, the decrease of number concentration was obvious, the results showed he number concentration was 0.8"×" 104 #/cm3 and the decrease ratio of the number concentration was 42% and 35% with the washing followed by sweeping, indicating the combination of washing is effective way to reduce the number concentration of fine and ultrafine particulate matter, however, among three different methods to sweep and wash street, none of these have obvious decrease of fine particulate matter PM2.5 mass concentration after the process. Besides, one day and two days after the process of sweeping and washing street, the PM2.5 mass concentration and the number concentration were much lower than the day conducted the process of sweeping and washing street, the possible reason because of the lower background concentration. Control of cooking fume from catering trade This study aims to compare the fine particulate matter concentration in different time from the cooking activity with the three designs of range hood in steak restaurant. The first design is using the range hood only; the second design is equipping with one fan circulation device around the stove and using the range hood at same time; the third design is equipping with one fan circulation device but turning off he range hood during cooking. The results showed the dramatic increase concentration of PM2.5 mass concentration, number concentration, black carbon and PAHs was observed in cooking area and dining area during the cooking activity, especially, PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration. Among the three designs, the increase ratio of PM2.5 mass concentration was the lowest as the second design was operated, moreover, the design which always shows the highest increase ratio of PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration during the cooking is when the range hood was unutilized, indicating the range hood is necessary to reduce the pollutants from cooking activity, besides, with the fan circulation device operated, the increase ratio of PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration during cooking activity were both lowest among three different designs. It can lower the increase ratio of PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration down around 50% and 30% respectively. After finishing cooking about half to 1 hour later, PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration were observed that decrease gradually from time series results. Due to the continuous cooking activity that the steak is still on the sauté pan in dining area, the increase ratio of concentration showed less obvious consistent tendency among three different designs at cooking and dinner area even the space of cooking and dinner area was connected. Setup particulate matter (PM2.5) fingerprint from the incineration plant flue. The concentration of PCDD/Fs in the incineration plant flue is 0.002 ng-TEQ/Nm3. The concentration of air PCDD/Fs in Chiayi City Museum is 0.016 pg I-TEQ/m3, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 0.011 pg I-TEQ/m3, HuNei borough chief’s office is 0.024 pg I-TEQ/m3, HuTzi Nei re-planning District is 0.03pg I-TEQ/m3, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is 0.031 pg I-TEQ/m3. The concentration of PCDD/Fs in plant in Chiayi City Museum is 2.18 pg I-TEQ/g, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 2.6 pg I-TEQ/g, HuNei borough chief’s office is 1.48 pg I-TEQ/g, HuTzi Nei re-planning District is 2.47 pg I-TEQ/g, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is 1.07 pg I-TEQ/g. The concentration of PCDD/Fs in soil in Chiayi City Museum is 1.14 ng I-TEQ/kg, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 0.435 ng I-TEQ/kg, HuNei borough chief’s office is ND, HuTzi Nei re-planning District is 0.42 ng I-TEQ/kg, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is ND. The concentration of PCBs in the incineration plant flue is 64.16 pg/Nm3. The concentration of PCBs in plant in Chiayi City Museum is 83.4 pg/g, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 70.3 pg/g, HuNei borough chief’s office is 67 pg/g, HuTzi Nei re-planning District is 63.4 pg/g, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is 53 pg/g. The concentration of PCBs in soil in Chiayi City Museum, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station, HuNei borough chief’s office, HuTzi Nei re-planning District, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is all ND. The concentration of PM2.5 in the incineration plant flue is 1819 μg/m3. The concentration of air PM2.5 in Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 19 μg/m3. The concentration of hexavalent chromium in the incineration plant flue is ND. The concentration of air hexavalent chromium in Chiayi City Museum is 0.062 ng/m3, Chiayi Air Quality Monitoring station is 0.035 ng/m3, HuNei borough chief’s office is 0.043 ng/m3, HuTzi Nei re-planning District is 0.054 ng/m3, and farmhouse on the south side of Pa-Chang River is 0.055 ng/m3. All of the above are within the regulated values. Analyses of the public exposures and the associated adverse health effects in Chiayi city due the pollutant emissions by the Chiayi incineration plant. Hazard characterization: In this project, the pollutant emissions from the stack of the Chiayi incinerator were sampled and analyzed, followed by collection of the toxicity characteristics and health effects of the observed compounds to identify the associated hazards. In the results by focusing on dioxins and metals, the Group 1 species includes 2,3,7,8-TCDD, cadmium, arsenic, beryllium, and chromium6+. The Group 2 species includes nickel, cobalt, and lead. Dose-effect relationship: Given the results of hazard characterization, the slope factors and unit risks for cancer risk estimation as well as the reference doses and reference concentrations for non-cancer risk estimation were collected and organized to facilitate the following adverse health risk assessment. Exposure analysis: To predict the exposures of target pollutants by receptors from the emissions, atmospheric diffusion model and multi-media transport model were employed to understand the fates and distributions of target compounds after the emissions from the incinerator. The lifetime chronic average daily doses of reception groups for different compounds were estimated accordingly. In the results, the maximum exposures for the pollutants emitted from the incinerator occurred in the area 1 in the scenarios including Case I, Case II, or Case III, as the locations of the lowest exposures were all in the area 6. Descriptive risk characterization: In the estimations of lifetime excess cancer risks posed by the pollutant emissions by the Chiayi incinerator during different simulation scenarios, including the full-year average scenario and two scenarios modified by using the pollutant concentrations analyzed at the receptor locations with the occurrence of effective or ineffective diffusion in the atmosphere, the excess cancer and non-cancer risks estimated for different areas of concern were below the threshold limits of 10-6 and 1, respectively. The estimated excess cancer risks for certain areas were above 10-6 in the scenarios modified by considering the effective and ineffective atmospheric diffusions. It was indicated that the adverse health effects resulted by the incinerator was insignificant from the viewpoints of either carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic risk assessment. It is worth noting that the possible explanation for the estimated excess cancer risks above the threshold limit (10-6) observed in some areas for few scenarios in which effective or ineffective atmospheric diffusion was presumed was associated with the consideration of the concentration differences between the simulations from the atmospheric diffusion model and real observations in the receptor locations, potentially suggesting the presences of other pollutant emission sources in the background in the sampling events.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Mobile Monitoring System, Control Strategy, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Health Risk Assessment