英文摘要 |
We executed in 8 cases of illicit profits from violation of environmental protection laws; six of which were in violation of the Water Pollution Control Act and two the Waste Disposal Act. We also composed a calculation result report.
We analyzed the decision in petitions or court decisions in the cases of illicit profits designated by EPA to involve administrative relief and disposed as in violation of Water Pollution Control Act (including 16 cases of petition and 8 cases of administrative litigation) and composed an “Analytic report on the results of administrative relief in cases of illicit profits” in order to avoid repeated mistakes in disposing in cases of illicit profits.
We assisted in forming a team of 30 interdisciplinary, professional consultants from various specialized fields including air pollution, water pollutin, soil pollution, wastes, toxic chemicals, agriculture & fishery, accounting & finance, environmental engineering, and legal or judicial department, etc. We coordinated, at EPA’s request, team members to attend consultant meetings, all 3 of them, including water pollution cases (on July 19 and Nov. 15) and in the area of wastes (Nov. 16), which, combined, were attended by 12 experts and total 63 persons.
We completed the statistical analysis and establishment on wastewater quality-related parameters in three water-polluting industries (foods manufacturing, soil processing and metal surface treatment) as reference in comparison and determination in estimating illicit profits. We also created simple worksheets on EXCEL for illicit profits in said three industries by making reference to the provisions of the “Regulations on reckoning and estimating profits from violating obligations of Water Pollution Contorl Act” which EPA promulgated on Oct. 7, 2015.
We held nine symposiums on advanced inspection & disposal skills, of which, divided by regional features: three in northern Taiwan (PCB manufacturing, electroplating and leather manufacturing), three in central Taiwan (textile industry, leather manufacturing and PCB manufacturing), and three in southern Taiwan (petrochemical industry, steel manufacturing and electroplating). A total of 23 persons were invited to lecture and 535 attended.