

中文摘要 依歷年環境背景與空氣品質相關資料趨勢,排除境外污染,澎湖縣空氣污染主要來自觀光季節遊客人口及車輛、船舶,經濟發展對空氣污染均有相對貢獻量。觀察馬公站近四年AQI各等級變化趨勢發現,AQI>50良好比率提升,AQI介於100-150比率由104年7.7%降至107年5.8%,107年底PM2.5手動測站年平均值(14.6 µg/m3)與24小時98%高值(32 µg/m3)均符合空氣品質標準,且均為歷年最低。 透過107年度「區域空氣品質模式模擬研析」計畫瞭解本縣受境外污染影響情形,模擬結果顯示本縣指標性污染物受境外移入(含背景+海鹽)平均影響情形:日最大8小時O3濃度受影響量為95%;PM10濃度受影響量為92%;PM2.5濃度受影響量為84%。 因應環保署預公布TEDS10.0版,參考其逸散源PM2.5/PM10轉換係數比例,來修訂本縣基準年排放量。修訂後本縣農地風蝕及海岸風蝕PM10排放量原本占72.4%,更新後占60.5%,PM2.5原本占64.6%,更新後占19%,餐飲業為本縣PM2.5主要貢獻源。 澎湖縣107年各項管制策略執行成果:海岸造林自81~107年已完成2,230公頃,聯合縣府相關局處資源共同推展環境綠美化,減少裸露地風蝕揚塵排放,並媒合4處空氣品質淨化區予民間企業認養,尖山電廠於104、105及106年度榮獲優良認養企業團體,107年榮獲優良認養單位貢獻卓越獎;二行程機車從102年至107年汰舊7,838輛,累計汰舊比例達70%;淘汰一、二期老舊大型柴油車共計160輛,汰除成效為全國第1名;電動機車占有比例為4.5%,占有率全國第一,本年度透過相關推廣計畫,使得購置數量較106年成長3倍;屢遭陳情之碳烤業者經由防制設備以租代購的推動,業已完成12套靜電集塵器機臺裝設運作;營建工程陳情熱區的積極巡查與宣導,使得陳情案件減少60%,整體民眾滿意度提升至80%;尖山電廠SCR防制效率為76.3%;鍋爐汰換完成改善11座;透過風力發電機組與太陽能機組持續建置,再生能源發電量已達總發電量10.4%。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制計畫書、空品淨化區、考核、排放量推估、空品不良查處


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2018/02/13 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳永晉 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年空氣品質管理發展計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 26MB

2018 The air quality management development plan

英文摘要 According to the environmental background and air quality related data trends over the years, the elimination of overseas pollution, Penghu County air pollution mainly comes from the tourist season tourists population and vehicles, ships, economic development has a relative contribution to air pollution. Observe the change trend of AQI level in Magong station in recent four years, and find out AQI > 50 good ratio increase,100-150 AQI the ratio was reduced from the 7.7% to the year 5.8%, and at the end of the year PM2.5 average annual value of manually measured stations (14.6µg/m3) and 98% high Values (32µg/m3) all meet air quality standards and are the lowest in the calendar year. Through the annual "Regional Air Quality model simulation Analysis" plan to understand the county affected by the impact of foreign pollution, simulation results show that the county's pointer pollutants from overseas migration ( including background + sea salt ) average impact: daily maximum 8hours O3 concentration affected by 95%;PM per concentration affected by 92 %;PM2.5 concentration is affected by 84%. in response to the Environmental Protection Department's pre-release of the TEDS10.0 version, reference to its fugitive source PM2.5 /pm conversion coefficient ratio, to revise the county base year emissions. After the revision of the county farmland wind erosion and coastal wind erosion PM emissions originally accounted for 72.4%, updated after the 60.5%,PM2.5 originally accounted for 64.6%, updated after the 19%, the catering industry for the county PM2.5 The main source of contributions. Penghu county year 107 results of the implementation of the control strategies for the year: Coastal afforestation has been completed 2,230 hectares since 81~107 , joint County capitals of the relevant Bureau resources to jointly promote environmental green beautification, reduce exposed wind erosion dust emissions, and media 4 air quality purification areas for private enterprises to be recognized, Jianshan power plant in the the year of the company, the section and the region won the excellent foster Enterprise Group, Won the excellent recognition unit to contribute to the excellence Award; two- trip locomotive from the year to the year of the period of the old 7,838 vehicles, the cumulative proportion of the old ratio up to 70%; Two period of old large diesel vehicles a total of 160 , the removal of the results of the country's 1 , the proportion of motor vehicles to 4.5%, the largest share of the country, the current year through the relevant promotional programmes, so that the purchase quantity is more 3 times the growth of the year, the carbon roasting industry has been repeatedly identified by the anti-production equipment to rent the purchase of purchasing, has completed the installation and operation of a set of electrostatic dust collector machine, construction projects in the hot zone of active inspection and advocacy, To reduce the number of cases of 60%, the overall satisfaction of the population to 80%; Jianshan power plant SCR control efficiency of 76.3%; boiler replacement to complete the improvementthrough the continuous construction of wind turbines and solar turbines, renewable energy generation has reached a total capacity of 10.4%.
英文關鍵字 air quality status, capacity of environment