

中文摘要 環保署於99年針對底泥品質管理相關規範納入土污法,為掌握特定地面水體之底泥品質與污染潛勢資訊,並於103年1月開始推動目的事業主管機關對該管水體底泥品質的檢測申報備查作業(下稱備查作業)。對於民眾活動頻率較高之河川下游水質不佳河段、排水路出海口及養殖、捕食魚介水產品之特定水域,尚無法掌握底泥污染之潛勢危害性,為使底泥品質調查工作更為完備,本計畫持續檢討水體底泥環境品質分期調查策略及評估國內底泥環境之污染潛勢程度,並輔以底泥風險評估概念基礎,提出我國底泥環境管理及行政管制作為。 本計畫主要工作目標為執行國內水體環境底泥品質潛勢預警介質調查作業,彙整分析全國河川環境底泥品質定期檢測申報及水質監測資料,建立河川底泥品質環境分期調查策略,並擬定水質監測結果異常河川水體底泥環境品質調查計畫,辦理底泥污染潛勢評估作業,以及研擬國內水體環境底泥品質風險評估、管理作業方法,提供環保署對於未來水體底泥調查、管制及風險管理之重大策略推動參考。 本計畫執行成果包括:(1)蒐整分析各單位歷年水質及底泥品質監測及環境流布調查成果、河川承受事業排放污染量及各縣市民眾親水、養殖及捕食水產品之高頻率活動資訊,並考量受體暴露及食品安全,盤點優先關注區域,建立河川底泥污染潛勢評估機制,用以瞭解各河川水體底泥受污染潛勢排序並做為監測調查作業之優先名單參考,據以提出河川及河口近岸水域之底泥品質環境分期調查策略。未來可依最新監測調查資料進行滾動式更新,供環保署後續推動底泥管理政策之參考。(2)辦理河川底泥污染潛勢評估調查,完成14條高污染潛勢河川及牡蠣養殖區產能較高之彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣及臺南市河口近岸水域採樣作業。其中8條河川檢測出超過底泥品質指標上限值及部分河川水質超過保護人體環境基準值;河口底泥則均無超過上限值,惟普遍有鎳達下限值之情形,已初步掌握國內應優先關注水域底泥品質及污染潛勢,建議持續累積調查資料。(3)透過驗證水質不佳測站環境底泥污染潛勢、掌握無水質測站河川環境品質概況及完備檢測申報作業不足點位,並釐清受調查之高污染潛勢河川主要污染河段與污染成因溯源分析,提出管制措施建議,可供回饋督察總隊及水保處辦理相關調查管制,亦協助環保署加強督促水體管理單位依土污法第12條第5項規定辦理。(4)針對8條底泥調查結果達品質指標上限值之河川水體,本計畫提出加強管理措施之建議,包括:備查作業增加檢測頻率、調整檢測點位、增設水質監測站定期監測、加強事業稽查處分及針對測站上游事業及工業區加強輔導污染削減,再行評估是否推動總量管制或加嚴排放標準,另視實際需求,針對高污染河段試辦危害性評估作業。(5)依據各類水體底泥管理分級結果,河川分別有16、20條屬高、中度關注水體,應符合底泥限制辦法規定辦理增加檢測頻率及通知農業、衛生單位檢測生物體內污染物濃度,如有影響人體健康之虞者,建議執行親水區域補充調查、危害性評估工作及研提保護措施等作為;灌溉渠道則有12條屬高度關注水體宜加強管理作為;91座水庫則依現行相關水質水量及底泥管理法規辦理,尚無需提高關注。(6)透過蒐集國外針對底泥品質所採行之風險控管行政管理策略、既有調查及文獻資料,本計畫完成研擬底泥污染物生物累積或對水體生物或人體健康危害性之評估方法(草案),並以食用水產動植物之養殖或採捕區域之王功、七股等2處區域執行生物試驗研究,試驗區內部分點位之底泥中砷、鎳濃度介於上下限值間,試驗結果顯示暫無人體健康及環境生態污染潛勢。另參考先進國家管理方式,針對底泥品質經評估如可能對水體食用水產品安全或人體健康造成危害之水域,提出管制、管理措施建議事項。
中文關鍵字 河川底泥、污染潛勢調查、危害性評估


專案計畫編號 107A251 經費年度 107 計畫經費 15500 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/12 專案結束日期 2020/04/11 專案主持人 李佳欣
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蘇建文 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107A251_書面正式報告.pdf 32MB 書面正式報告

Investigating the water borne media for the pollution potential in probing sediment quality

英文摘要 Contaminated sediments might directly or indirectly affect fishery products which we consume daily. Therefore, it’s required to take adequate measures to manage sediments properly. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan had declared some regulations to manage qualities of sediments 2010, and had requested the competent authorities to detect and report sediments quality data for further reference. In order to make clear of sediment quality in Taiwan, it is necessary to perform the investigations in the down streams with the poor water quality and high frequency of popular activities and the specific water bodies for fish breeding and predation. In this project, the main works and major accomplishments were (1) to collect and analyze the sediment quality and water quality data, water pollutant discharge quantity data and human activity (leisure and fish farming) information of the nationwide river bodies so as to get a comprehensive understanding and a priority on high risk river bodies, (2) to develop an assessment method of pollution potential and the staging investigation strategies of sediment in river bodies considering receptor exposure and food safety, (3) to conduct the investigations of water borne media for the pollution potential in probing sediment quality, and (4) to develop the operating procedure and executing strategies of risk assessment and management for controlling the sediment quality. The survey and ivestigation of the water bodies of the 14 high pollution potential rivers and 20 river mouth areas along the west coast of Taiwan were carried out. Results show that 8 rivers have pollutant concentrations in sediment higher than the upper limits of sediment guideline and water quality of some rivers exceeds the baseline value for protecting human environment. In the meanwhile, most river mouths commonly have nickel concentrations between the lower limit and the upper limit. In order to assist EPA to collecting information of sediment quality and promoting administrative controls, this project also clarified major polluted river sections and possible sources of polluted rivers with high pollution potential, mostly caused by sewage discharge from upstream businesses or industrial areas. Therefore, water pollution reduction and water quality improvement management are still recommended, and the executive measures include strengthening business inspection and punishment, strengthening guidance on pollution reduction for upstream stations and industrial areas. According to the basic characteristics of water bodies, water quality and sediment quality data, comprehensive assessment and establishment of pollution potential and quality management grading benchmark of waterbodies were also accomplished. According to the classification system of sediment management for water bodies, 16 rivers are classified as high concern and 20 rivers are classified as moderate concern. They should comply with the regulations on sediment restrictions. If there is a risk of affecting human health, it is recommended to carry out supplementary investigations of recreation areas, hazard assessment and research and protection measures; 12 irrigation channels are classified as high concerned and should implement measures to strengthened management; 91 reservoirs should be management by following the current regulations for water bodies and sediment. By collecting foreign literature and administrative documents of sediment quality management, this project drafted a hazard assessment method of sediment pollutants. The experimental research was also performed in Wang Gong and Qi Gu to realize the bioaccumulation in sediment and benthic organism. Results show no potential for human health and environmental pollution in the two oyster breeding areas. Based on the accomplishments of this project, sustainable survey of polluted areas in the future is proposed so as to promote comprehensive and sound environmental management.
英文關鍵字 River sediment, pollution potential investigation, hazard assessment