

中文摘要 國內固定污染源(以下簡稱固定源)空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污費)自民國87年由源頭徵收變更為依實際排放量徵收至民國107年7月開徵的粒狀污染物(以下簡稱粒狀物)空污費,期間歷經費率及辦法規定多次修正為能更確實掌握實際排放量,並透過經濟誘因促使主動減量。 本計畫主要自空污費經濟誘因策略強化、地方審查作業檢核輔導及本土係數研析檢討等三面向進行計畫推動。經濟誘因策略強化方面,歷經多次內部討論及對外公聽研商會議,已於民國107年6月29日正式公告修正「固定污染源空氣污染防制費收費費率」,亦完成粒狀物相關配套措施包含調查現行排放量計算方式、美國係數依國內製程進行歸類、分析國內檢測結果評估本土化係數、研擬減免誘因機制、執行監督檢測及現場排放量確認作業;另完成季節費率策略執行成效評析、提出硫/氮氧化物費率檢討方案及評估低污染性原料經濟誘因。 地方檢核輔導方面,主要完成執行10場次重點式現場查核、抽查5縣市共44件書面查驗、編撰粒狀物空污費問答集及辦理粒狀物說明會。本土係數研析方面,則針對國內焚化爐及石化業製程加熱爐等2項係數進行檢討,並初步擬定揮發性有機物短、中、長期係數修訂順序檢討原則。 由於污染物減量仍為空污改善之重點,後續建議將透過制度、輔導、便民等三方向,以化被動為主動方式,落實固定源空污排放減量目的。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費、粒狀污染物、查核管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA12-03-A119 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9328 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 陳辰菖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃星富 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 健全固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收管制策略暨稽核計畫(EPA107FA1203A119).pdf 13MB

Improvement and Audit of the Regulatory Strategy for Collecting Air Pollution Control Fees of Stationary Sources

英文摘要 The collection of the air pollution control fees for stationary sources has been changed from the source’s consumption of fuel to the air pollutant emissions since 1998. The stipulation for collecting the fees of particulate pollutants has been further effective since 1st, July 2018. The rates and collection measures has been also amended several times to accurately estimate the emissions and provide economic incentive for the premises to take proactive measures to reduce their emissions. This project has conducted matters related to the improvement of incentive-based strategies, guidance of audit and review, and development of local emission factors. For strengthening incentive measures, the amendment of "Rates of Air Pollution Control Fee of Stationary Sources" was promulgated on June 29th, 2018 after considerable internal discussion and public hearings. To study the collection of the fees of particulate pollutants, several tasks were implemented, including the investigation of current estimation method of air pollutant emissions of a stationary pollution source, categorization of emission factors of domestic processes based on "Compilation of Air Emissions Factors (AP-42)" published by the US EPA, estimation of local emission factors by analyzing test results determined by reference methods, drafting the incentive-based mechanisms for emission reduction, supervising the on-site testing works, and confirming the emissions by on-site review. The impacts of seasonal rates on the emissions and fees were analyzed for proposing the amendment of seasonal rates for SOx and NOx emissions. Furthermore, the incentive-based strategies for the usage of materials that cause less air pollution were also evaluated. For the guidance of audit and review, 10 premises received on-site guidance. In addition, 44 audit reports of 5 counties were reviewed. The "Questions and Answers for the collection of the fees of particulate pollutants" was compiled as well as holding the workshops to explain the details. Regarding the development of local emission factors, the emission factors of waste disposal including solid and liquid wastes, and external combustion boilers using process gas for process heating applications were investigated. Finally, the preliminary study to establish the short-term, mid-term, and long-term criteria for the development of the emission factors of volatile organic compounds was conducted. The focal point of air quality improvement is pollutant reduction. It is expected that the reduction of emissions from stationary sources can be achieved by amending collection measures, and providing on-site guidance and convenient services to the premises.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fee, Particulate Pollutant, Auditing Management