

中文摘要 (一)洗街作業執行 計畫執行期間,共計執行道路洗街作業長度計68,331.3公里,進度達成率為102%,統計總洗街用水量為75,988.83公噸,單位長度用水量介於0.98~1.22公噸/公里之間,總平均單位用水量為1.11公噸/公里,符合契約規範用水量及環保署作業手冊規範。 (二)洗街作業成效評估 為評估洗街作業減量成效,並建立本市道路排放係數,於計畫期間針對16條洗街作業道路,於洗街作業前、後,共進行96點次街塵負荷檢測採樣分析;洗街作業前平均坋土負荷量為0.21g/m2、街塵負荷量為1.06g/m2,依環保署街塵負荷量管制目標劃分平均道路等級為B級,而洗街作業後平均坋土負荷量降低為0.08g/m2、街塵負荷量為0.47g/m2,平均道路等級提昇為A級;計算得坋土平均削減率為60.8%、街塵平均削減率為55.5%,顯示經由定期街道揚塵洗街作業之執行,可有效降低本市街道塵土負荷量。 (三)污染削減量推估 統計計畫期間共完成機具洗掃作業合計68,331.3公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗街長度×減量係數)推估,可削減TSP 943.0公噸、PM10 177.7公噸及PM2.5 41.5公噸。 (四)道路髒污調查作業 進行道路髒污調查作業,總計普查1,433條道路,道路長度合計4,908.84公里;其中包括A級道路1,202條(計4,047.18公里,佔82.4%)、B級道路231條(計861.66公里,佔17.6%)及C級道路0條;其中都會區域道路,受到車流量因子影響較大,因此B級道路比例較高;同時於調查過程針對髒污案件進行通報改善,共計完成40件次。 (五)整合本市洗掃資源 定期彙整本市各洗掃作業執行資料,並每月提供B級道路及主要影響因子分析予各區清潔隊及養護權責單位進行後續查處規劃,並邀集道路管理權責單位完成1場次「街道洗掃作業分工協商會議」召開;統計本計畫執行期間,本市洗掃作業執行總長度達562,092.9公里,其中包含交通部公路總局各工務段31,970.2公里、環保局單位(空噪科、清管科、各區清潔隊)413,387.4公里、民間企業認養洗掃1,821.3公里、本市各工業區(科學園區)服務中心認養洗掃42,063.0公里及營建工地認養洗掃36,851.0公里,推估TSP削減量約7,234.9公噸。 (六)企業道路認養推動 於計畫執行期間,推動65家民間企業簽署承諾書,配合進行道路認養,並運用企業認養單位執行報表線上回傳機制建檔統計;計畫執行期間認養洗掃長度達1,821.3公里,同時每約篩選至少30家認養單位進行執行數量及品質查核,共計查核406家次。 (七)空氣品質惡化緊急應變 配合環保署空氣品質惡化預警通報啟動緊急應變洗街作業,共計執行173天次,累計加強洗街38,718.5公里;推估TSP削減量約534.3公噸。 (八)農耕機具道路污染改善 於本市稻作收穫面積較高之行政區,完成2場次農耕髒污改善宣導說明會辦理,總計出席人數達87人;同時於一、二期稻作期間,分別針對高污染風險路段執行巡查作業,共完成40條高污染道路巡查工作,並查獲通報農耕髒污案件25件。 (九)積極管制作業 1.空品惡化緊急應變措施 2.建立髒污道路聯合通報查處機制 3.協助局內進行宣導作業 4.配合行政院環境保護署逸散污染源空氣污染物排放管制及減量計畫通報清掃作業。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵,洗街作業,街塵負荷


專案計畫編號 16031102 經費年度 107 計畫經費 12900 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/19 專案結束日期 2019/01/31 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾綉丹 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 13MB

Tainan City Project for Intensified Dust Flushing in 2018

英文摘要 (1)Execution of street flushing A total of 68,331.3km of roads and streets were flushed during the project for 102% of completion rate. The statistics show that 75,988.83 tons of water was used for street flushing, which translates into approximately 0.98~1.22 tons/km used, averaging 1.11 tons/km. The result met the water use specified in the contract and the specifications in the EPA operation handbook. (2)Performance evaluation for the street flushing To evaluate the performance of reduction in the street flushing and establish the road emission coefficients of the city, 96 spots were selected on 16 roads and streets in the street cleaning project for street dust load testing and sample analysis before and after the flushing. Before the street flushing, the average silt load was 0.21g/m2 and street dust load 1.06g/m2; the average road class was classified as Class B according to the street dust load control target of EPA. After the street flushing, on the other hand, the average silt load dropped to 0.08g/m2 and street dust load 0.47g/m2; therefore the average road class was improved to Class A. The average silt reduction was 60.8%, and average street dust reduction 55.5% as calculated, indicating that the street dust loads across the city decreased effectively thanks to the regular flushing of dusty streets. (3)Estimated pollution reduction The project statistics show that a total of 68,331.3km of streets and roads were flushed using machines. The estimation using EPA’s reduction equation (reduction = length of streets flushed × reduction coefficient) suggested a reduction of 943.0 tons of TSP, 177.7 tons of PM10 and 41.5 tons of PM2.5. (4)Road dirt survey A road dirt survey was conducted on 1,433 roads and streets for a total length of 4,908.84km, including 1,202 Class A roads (4,047.18 km or 82.4%), 231 Class B roads (861.66 km or 17.6%) and no Class C road. The percentage of Class B roads was greater in the urban roads as the traffic factor had greater influence. Also, some dirty roads and streets were reported for improvement during the survey and 40 streets were cleaned. (5)Integration of city-wide street flushing and sweeping resources The street cleaning data were collected throughout the city on a regular basis. The Class B roads and major influence factors were provided every month to the cleaning squadrons and the units in charge of cleaning for follow-ups. Departments involved in road management were assembled for a “street cleaning cooperation and coordination meeting.” The project statistics show that a total of 562,092.9 km of roads and streets were cleaned and swept during the project, including 31,970.2 km under the watch of the constructions sections of Directorate General of Highways, MOTC; 413,387.4 km under the jurisdiction of Environmental Protection Bureau branches (Air and Noise Management Office, Waste Management Office, cleaning squadrons); 1,821.3 km under the adoption of local businesses; 42,063.0 km adopted by the service centers of local industrial parks (science parks) across the city; and 36,851.0 km adopted by construction sites. The reduction of TSP was estimated to be approximately 7,234.9 tons. (6)Road adoption by local businesses 65 local businesses signed their agreements to adopt streets and roads during the project, and the adoptions were reported online through the reporting mechanism for statistics. The length of roads adopted for cleaning was 1,821.3 km during the project. Every month at least 30 businesses of adoption were selected for audits on quantity and quality. In total 406 audits were conducted. (7)Emergency response to deteriorating air quality Street flushing was called for as a part of emergency response efforts for the air quality deterioration warning of EPA. The emergency flushing was performed on 173 day-times for 38,718.5 km of streets in total; it is estimated to reduce 534.3 tons of TSP. (8)Improvement of road pollution by farming machines 2 campaign presentations were provided for the improvement of farming pollution at the districts where there is a high percentage of rice farming and 87 local people participated in these presentations. Also, during the 1st and 2nd rice crop seasons, a patrol tour was conducted over roads of high pollution risk. In total 40 roads of high pollution were patrolled and 25 cases of farming pollution reported. (9)Active control measures A.Emergency response measures against air quality deterioration B.Establishment of joined reporting mechanism for dirty roads C.Assistance for the bureau in campaign efforts D.Reporting for street cleaning for the control and reduction plan of Environmental Protection Administration for air pollutant emission from fugitive pollution sources
英文關鍵字 street dust,Street Flusher,Street dust load