

中文摘要 本計畫工作屬性為既有作業管理系統改版建置,整體改版分2年2階段辦理,於今(107)年以釐清功能需求及查詢類功能改版為主,本計畫依循系統開發建置流程,已完成功能現況盤點、需求蒐集、需求分析以及第1階段功能規劃設計與開發工作。 於友善化系統環境建構方面,全面優化系統操作環境,重整建構用途導向功能架構,以及全面提升介面閱讀舒適性及操作流暢性。 於系統功能新增方面,新增資訊首頁儀表板提供重點訊息功能,以及新增管理端查詢類功能,提供單一對象資料及各項水污染列管生命週期文件內容查看服務,並搭配各項功能首頁最新一筆名單篩選功能強化功能運用靈活度。此外,新增畜牧糞尿資源化專區以及24小時報備報專區功能,有效強化水污染源管理效能及應用效益。 於既有系統功能優化方面,改版優化廢(污)水管理計畫類型申請及審核功能、考核作業、工業區管制以及服務類功能,此外,研擬單一簽入機制、整併與分類報表功能、強化管制現況目的性與妥善性、整合應設置CWMS對象及更新稽查處分資料介接機制等功能優化對策,建立後續系統功能強化基礎。 於資安強化方面,通過GCA政府憑證管理中心申請憑證,使瀏覽器與伺服器間之通訊有安全加密功能,並確保資料安全及傳遞資料的完整性,搭配帳號密碼控管、敏感資料防護、系統語法安全、檔案上傳管理及主機防護等防護設計,以及定期進行系統安全測試及弱點掃描作業,全面提升新系統資安防護能力。 於推動系統上線方面,規劃研擬主機軟硬體規格及協助辦理相關申請程序,提供諮詢管道及說明文件並透過實機系統操作說明會協助使用者明瞭新系統操作方式。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水、許可管理、資訊管理系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-G103-02-A112 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7365 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/03 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 林亦識
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 孫筱婷 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿公開版.pdf 30MB 期末報告定稿公開版

The System Enhancement Project for Industries' or Sewage Systems' Regulatory Reporting Data Management

英文摘要 Web-based “Industries' or Sewage Systems' Regulatory Reporting Data Management System” has served environmental authorities and facilities since 2003. For outdated system languages and overloaded electronic requirements of application procedures, the system has gradually failed to meet the need of information security, operation simplicity and decision supporting. To improve the system, the project has been promoted for rebuilding the system environment, establishing new functions, enhancing original functions, redesigning information security mechanisms and migrating system within the following two years. Four aspects of achievements had been made. In rebuilding the system environment, server condition and deployment, function map and function definition, users’ interfaces and users’ experiences had been re-planned. The server was upgraded with more storage capacity and memory capacity for better operation performance. 3 hierarchical task-oriented function maps and clear design of text and buttons provided for intuitive using experiences. By establishing new functions, the system enriched diverse management tool for facilities’ permits and other life-cycle data. Dashboards were established to remind the reviewing to-do list and facilities’ state- of-art. Besides, the system provided specific facility query and specific life-cycle reporting data query for satisfying various management purposes. Developing the function for self-recording helped environmental authorities maintain the control lists. What’s more, enhancing original functions, including application and review check, data collection, articulation and output, were implemented to elevate the input data quality and to strengthen the purpose of function. As for redesigning information security mechanisms, aware of database security, users’ account, sensitive data protection, data integrity, file upload checking, web page encryption and server protection made system safer. The project group also did safe tests and weak scans at fixed-frequency. The last aspect is migrating system. New servers and its’ software and settings had been erected. Three training classes and the contact information were provided to all system users.
英文關鍵字 Industrial Wastewater, Permit Management, MIS