

中文摘要 目前轄區內有729家毒化物運作廠商,家數為全國之冠。一旦災害發生,不僅對民眾生命造成危害,而且廠商所運作的毒化物也會污染環境(水污染、土壤污染及空氣污染)。因此,加強「毒性化學物質及運作廠商管理」、「運作廠商及聯防組織災害應變能力」與「毒性空氣污染物及揮發性有機物管制」為桃園市政府環境保護局的重要議題。桃園市政府環境保護局為有效管理毒性化學物質運作及防範毒化災事件與預防毒性空氣污染物流布環境空氣中,特規劃本計畫以執行相關業務。同時也執行化學局當年度所交辦事項,達到化學物質源頭管控及宣導相關政策。 本計畫執行成果包括(一)毒化物運作場所進行稽巡查作業中,有45家業者有缺失,除了14家業者要求改善且回傳改善情形,並同意其回報改善情形,其餘31家業者皆告發裁處(二)共完成809件運作毒性化學物質之申請文件之初審 (三)勾稽上下游運作流向異常案件共計459件,均已輔導改善完畢(四)辦理13場次說明會。(五)協同北區環境事故專業技術小組完成23家廠商之輔導工作 (六)主動查訪73家疑似非法運作毒化物廠商,已完成裁處共59件 (七)已辦理15場次無預警測試(八)完成110家次通聯測試 (九)採購檢知管一批(丙酮、硫酸、氨),供毒性化學物質聯防組織組訓說明會時,教導各組組員如何使用(十)無毒化災環境事故發生(十一)針對轄區PCB業使用甲醛業者進行抽驗,共抽查15件。經送驗分析,經未達管制濃度15%。 整體而言,由於對於毒化物運作管理作為不再僅限於已列管業者,而是要主動比對環保署所建置系統中相關運作業者資料,以避免非(違)法業者運作毒化物,污染環境及危害民眾健康,因此今年裁處件數較往年高。同時,對於毒化災害預防與整備工作也藉由臨場輔導、廠商通聯測、無預警測試及組訓等各項工作來加強,同時也事先調查高風險運作場所偵測設備年度校正時間,以利後續安排專家現場輔導,藉以了解偵測警報實際運作情形,以確保洩漏時能夠及時通報避免災害擴大。
中文關鍵字 毒化物運作管理、毒性化學物質、毒性空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 107030233 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6485 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/16 專案結束日期 2019/03/15 專案主持人 尤文廷
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 魏永信 執行單位 園鴻有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿列印.pdf 22MB 107年度毒性空氣污染物稽查管制計畫定稿本

Project for Audit and Control of Toxic Air Pollutants

英文摘要 There were 729 factories, which operated toxic chemical substances in Taoyuan City, and the amount of factories was maximum in Taiwan. As soon as the disasters happen, those toxic chemicals may be released into an environment and threatened the peoples’ lives. Therefore, the Department of Environment Protection in Taoyuan City proposed this project to manage the operation of toxic chemicals in the factories, avoid the toxic chemical incidents, and prevent toxic air pollutants. The main tasks of this project were listed as follows. 1. to strengthen the management of operation in toxic chemicals and factories; 2. to visit and counsel vendors who sell toxic chemical substance and/or chemicals. 3. to strengthen the management of the importers and manufacturers of chemical substances; 4. to hold symposiums of toxic chemicals, air pollution control and radiation disaster for factories; 5. to maintain and purchase personal protection utility for toxic air pollutants incidents 6. to response the toxic chemical incidents. The results of this project were listed as following 1. Among 45 factories with minor defects, 14 factories were allowed to improve minor defects and 31 factories were imposed a fine. 2. 809 application documents were verified. 3. 459 cases for extraordinary operation between suppliers and manufacturers. 4. 13 symposiums of toxic chemicals, air pollution control and radiation disaster for factories were held. 5. Those specialists counseled 23 factories. 6. 73 illegally operated factories were visited. 7. 15 factories were tested without pre-caution and pre-informed. 8. 110 factories were double-checked the emergency contact person by telephone. 9. A batch of detector tubes was purchased for education purpose. 10. There were no toxic chemical incidents happened this year. 11. A batch of merchandise containing formaldehyde was inspected
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Substance, Toxic Air Pollutants