

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為107年10月19日至108年12月31日止,成果摘要如下: 本計畫整合氣候變遷相關資訊,即時提供各項作業執行成效,彙整國內外溫室氣體與氣候變遷基礎知識、科學數據及國內動態,提供氣候變遷議題重要資訊、歸納、呈現各單位執行成效及歷史資料庫彙整,提供一個豐富、完整、正確的資訊平台,並延伸至其他國內與國際資訊平台。同時將氣候變遷資訊整合網及Cooler節能減碳平臺納入知識管理系統,進行有系統整理、彙整、更新,讓知識及成果有效保存及應用,達到教育宣導之功能。 為有效傳達氣候變遷知識資訊,本計畫持續蒐研相關會議活動,推動知識內容視覺化,完善氣候變遷知識、我國因應作為等資料視覺化更新,同時邀請專家學者確認資訊正確性。融入環保雙熊繪製氣候變遷漫畫,提升知識趣味性及易讀性。 為推廣氣候變遷環境教育,培育因應氣候變遷人才,提升全民認知及技能,轉化低碳生活行動力,本計畫建立氣候變遷長期教育研究機制,並透過專業民調公司進行電話調查臺灣民眾氣候變遷素養認知,共取得1,201份有效調查,並完成交叉分析、因素分析和集群分析。本計畫通過前述分析將全民依氣候變遷認知分為3個族群,以利未來針對不同族群因材施教,蒐集、轉譯、推廣正確的氣候變遷知識,以提昇全民氣候變遷素養。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、氣候變遷認知、減緩與調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5890 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/19 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 林秉毅
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 鄭玉琴 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107A259.pdf 31MB 氣候變遷資訊整合管理與教育宣導工作計畫

Plan for promoting education of climate change, as well as the information integration platform of climate change.

英文摘要 The implementation duration of this project is from Oct 19, 2018, to Dec 31, 2019. The outcomes are summarized as follows: To integrate relevant information on climate change and timely demonstrate implementation results, this project collects the necessary knowledge, scientific data, updates of greenhouse gases, and climate change information in Taiwan and other countries to provide essential details of climate change. This project presents essential information and the business and implementation results of different agencies as well as historical databases to provide a rich, lively, comprehensive, and accurate information platform. This platform is connected to other domestic and international information platforms. The Climate Change Information System and Cooler—Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Platform are incorporated into the information management system to effectively compiles updated information, so that the collected knowledge and obtained results can be preserved and applied to different aspects, fulfilling the purpose of education and advocacy. To effectively convey the knowledge and information on climate change, this project continues to follow conferences and activities in Taiwan and promote the visualization of knowledge. The objective of this project includes acquiring comprehensive knowledge of climate change as well as visualizing the adaptation measures taken by Taiwan. Climate change experts and scholars are invited to verify the information collected. In addition, the cartoon mascots, black and white bears, are incorporated in the platform to stimulate users’ interest and ameliorate information readability. This project has established a system for conducting long-term education promotion and research on climate change to promote environmental education on climate change, nurture talents in response to climate change, enhance the public’s awareness of environmental protection, and improve people’s capacity for low-carbon life. A survey, namely The Awareness and Literacy on Climate Change, was deployed. A total of 1,201 valid samples were collected through telephone interviews by a polling company. The collected data underwent comprehensive analyses including cross-analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. This project continues to provide different groups with specific knowledge as well as to introduce and promote the accurate knowledge of climate change to improve the public’s literacy of climate change.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, Climate Change Cognition, Mitigation And Adaptation