

中文摘要 為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。消費者於購買環保產品時,可獲得售價1/100價值的綠點,所得綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或至環保旅館、環教場所旅遊消費時,作為抵扣之用。另為鼓勵搭乘綠色運輸工具,如捷運、臺鐵、公車,也可獲得綠點。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。
中文關鍵字 綠色金融、綠色消費、綠色經濟


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-EA03-03-A082 經費年度 107 計畫經費 10125 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 許靜華
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 王瑞鋐 執行單位 汎宇電商股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年期末完整版.pdf 18MB

2018 Green point system planning and building project plans

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched a “Green Point Program” for encouraging consumer to purchase sustainable products, and inspiring manufacturers to design and produce more green products. Consumer purchases will earn green points when they buy green products, and they can redeem these green points to get discounts for buying another green product, or pay for entrance to the national parks or stay in environmental hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with 100 NTD, he will earn 100 green points, and these green points could be redeemed for one NTD discount for buying another green products. In addition, if consumers take public transportations such like MRT, railway or bus, they could earn green points as well. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four facets: administrative work, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, several companies that provide environmental friendly services, and the suppliers that provide many environmental friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages people gain green points through taking public transportations, purchasing green products and joining eco-friendly activities. EPA has established a project office to provide customer services for the companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
英文關鍵字 sustainable finance, green consumption, green economy