

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的為精進我國環境保護署管制考核相關制度,達到健全施政計畫管理之目標。本計畫首先蒐集盤點環保署及相關機關現行制度、規範及業務,並透過與環保署的溝通及討論,篩選出目前需要進行檢討的管制考核業務,分別為環境資源部成立之後的考核制度重整、整合施政計畫管理制度、優化個案計畫訂定與評核流程、提升委辦計畫與補助型計畫審議與資源配置、強化公共建設計畫(含活化閒置公共措施)之管控作法及營運評估之作業原則。整體而言,除針對前述業務進行檢討之外,還須分析環保署升格為環資部後,有關管考制度的影響,最後根據上述的分析成果,提出現行管考制度簡化及精進建議,同時須提出可供環資部成立之後,管考業務推動之相關作法。另外,本計畫亦完成3場次專家諮詢會議,針對委辦計畫與補助型計畫效益分析提供相關彙整意見。此外,配合管考處進行108年度列管個案計畫選項作業調整,以及彙整107年度個案計畫評核會議補充參考資料,以協助計畫推動與提供審查意見。
中文關鍵字 施政計畫,績效管理,效益分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3820 千元
專案開始日期 2018/08/13 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 吳春滿
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 高瑛紜 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本.pdf 14MB 107-108年績效管理制度整合提升專案工作計畫 期末報告(定稿本)

Enhance and integrate the performance management system project, 2018-2019

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to improve the relevant systems for the Supervision and Evaluation of the Environmental Protection Agency and achieve the goal of administrative plan management. First, collect the current systems and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and related agencies. Through the communication with the Environmental Protection Agency, and screen out the management business that needs to be reviewed, includes: (1)Reconstruction of the Supervision and Evaluation system of the Ministry of Environment and Resources, (2)integration of the administrative plan management system, (3)optimization of the planning and evaluation process of the plan, (4)improvement of the plan review and resource allocation, (5)strengthen the supervision of public construction plan (including activation). On the whole, in addition to reviewing the above matters, it is also necessary to analyze the impact of the Ministry of Environmental Resources. Finally, based on the above analysis results, provide the current management system simplification and improvement recommendations. In addition, the project also completed 3 expert consultation meetings to provide relevant feedback on the project benefit analysis and the Subsidy type plan benefit analysis. Coordinate the adjustment of the planning and grading operations, as well as the additional reference materials for the planning and evaluation of the project to assist the project promote and provide review opinions.
英文關鍵字 administrative plan, performance management, benefit analysis