

中文摘要 在本計畫中就法規面蒐集國外與環境振動有關之法規內容、管制對象、管制標準及管制情形,作為未來管制之參考。蒐集人對於振動的感受之相關文獻,當振動量加權計算後,總體振動等級可以用於評估身體受振動影響的感受度、舒適性或不悅度文獻10篇。就實地量測部分則執行20點次營建工程引致之環境振動量測,研析我國民眾陳情振動案件,研擬民眾陳情振動案件或常見環境振動之量測選點方式。召開2場環境振動管理諮詢會,依委員建議修正後研擬環境振動管理指引(草案) 。另對於「易發生噪音設施」管制工作之推動,採分批公告管制,第一批公告研擬以「營建工程易發生噪音設施」為主,本年度工作辦理易發生噪音設施輔導與推動相關作業,完成10場次營建工程施工機具調查與宣導。
中文關鍵字 環境振動、振動管理、易發生噪音設施


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-U1F1-02-A166 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1873 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/03 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 陳建維
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境振動改善措施之研究專案研究計畫(公開版).pdf 9MB

The Study of Environmental Vibration Improvement Measures

英文摘要 In this study, the relating environmental vibration control law or guideline of foreign countries was collected to formulate the regulatory measures and the proposed control period, and collected the literature on human's perception of vibration. When the vibration amount is weighted, the overall vibration level can be used to evaluate the body's sensitivity, comfort or dissatisfaction. For the on-site measurement section, the environmental vibration measurement caused by the 20-point construction project was carried out. Research and Analysis of the people to petition the vibration case. Developed a method for selecting points for people's sensitive vibration cases or common environmental vibrations. Two environmental vibration management consultation meetings were held. The environmental vibration guideline (draft) were developed after revision according to the recommendations of the scholars. In addition to the promotion of " facilities prone to generate noise ", the first batch of announcements will be developed in accordance with the " construction of facilities prone to generate noise ". This year the work of handling facilities prone to generate noise counseling and promote work. Completed investigation and publicity of construction machinery and equipment for 10 construction projects.
英文關鍵字 Environment vibration, Vibration control, Facilities prone to generate noise