

中文摘要 本計畫內容主要工作項包含「輔導低碳示範社區維運,跨域深耕形塑亮點特色」、「推動部會合作,強化住商節能減碳效益」、「媒合外部資源,建置低碳綠色示範商圈」、「多元宣傳行銷,推廣低碳節能建構」等四大項,執行方式及成果摘要如下。 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱「環保署」)為建構低碳永續社區(以下簡稱「低碳社區」),以村里行政區為範疇,自99年起開始,輔導全國114處低碳示範社區,擴散成功經驗至鄰近村里,逐步建構區域型低碳生活圈。 本計畫定義之低碳社區,係以都市計畫土地使用分區及產業型態區分為都市型(40個,35.1%)及鄉村型社區(74個,64.9%)。藉由低碳永續六大面向,檢視社區執行低碳成果。107年持續協助社區參與低碳永續家園認證評等,並輔導5處社區展延或更新成果,以利延續低碳社區推動影響力。計有63個(55%)社區取得銅級、26個(23%)社區取得銀級認證。其中,鄉村型社區僅16%取得銀級評等,但銅級評等在鄉村型及都市型社區皆占50%以上。顯示多數示範社區已具備低碳基礎,而銅級是社區初步參與低碳建構之目標。盤點銅級社區低碳行為,可作為未來訂定低碳社區操作型定義參考。 藉由整合計算示範社區歷年推動低碳措施成果,推估平均單位低碳措施產生之減碳效益,包括室內使用節能燈具單位社區減碳量平均為11,951 kgCO2e;閒置空地綠美化單位社區減碳量平均為600 kgCO2e,延伸推估全國7760個村里具有推動此兩項低碳行為,則可貢獻年減碳量預估可達6,947 tCO2e。 推動3處低碳社區結合鄰近村里擴大低碳範疇,包括臺北市景東里以建構雨水回收為基礎,逐步打造為低碳調適型社區;宜蘭縣西門里則因社區公共區域節能燈具汰換有成,改推動寺廟節能照明,以當地信仰持續深入節能生活;高雄市文賢里建構蚓菜共生及生物炭爐、酵素桶,共同創造微型低碳農耕生活圈。除投入建置設備外,另輔導社區申請補助加速節能燈具汰換,預估年減碳量可達36.6tCO2e。 有鑒於低碳措施及節能輔導具專業技術性,本計畫成立全方位低碳節能輔導團,適時提供社區執行低碳節能相關技術諮詢。除強調在地化納入低碳綠色元素,亦協助公共區域建構低碳措施與培養民眾低碳生活行動。107年首度媒合中華電信環保節能服務隊,完成20棟集合式住宅建築節能診斷,提供動力、空調、照明等節能改善建議;並與公共電視合作,於苗栗縣塭內社區辦理「踹拍社區紀錄活動」等,善盡企業社會責任回饋社會,亦使資源發揮最大效益互利互惠。 低碳示範社區影響力除擴及鄰近社區外,商圈為民眾生活範圍,107年更強調社區與鄰近商圈的互動,輔導社區與企業、非政府組織、跨部會合作。整合各方資源高達10部會、58項獎補助計畫,以及各縣市政府公告之節能設備汰換補助辦法等。共轉介逾50處低碳示範社區相關資訊,以強化住商部門公私協力推動效益。 為整合住商部門推動低碳節能作為,107年以低碳示範社區建構經驗為基礎,擴大推動至商圈。依據商圈類型及示範宣導效益分區遴選,擇定桃園市中平商圈、臺中市一中商圈、嘉義縣新港商圈、屏東縣小琉球商圈及宜蘭縣羅東商圈為示範對象。藉由拜會在地商圈發展協會或團體,結合低碳社區志義工召開起始說明會及培訓課程。地毯式深入小型商家訪查,運用照度計、簡易照明檢核表、低碳節能檢核表等工具,檢視商店用電樣態(照明、空調、冷凍冷藏)及行為,加強節能基礎意識,輔以提供相關節能文宣及縣市節能設備汰換補助資訊,提升商家汰換使用節能設備誘因。共計完成550家次商店節能盤點作業,耗能設備以照明、空調為主,冷凍冷藏設備次之。多數商店已汰換為節能燈具,不符合能源局補助對象資格;在空調節能部分則因店面小,多數未裝設防止冷氣外洩裝置等。 強化商圈小型商店節電策略宣導,以三大策略提倡商店自主執行節電行動。以每家商店進行「燈具汰換」,由傳統燈具替換為LED燈具,年節電量約800度;推動店面「適度照明」,以減少店面1/3燈具數為原則,年節電量約240度;推動「招牌適度點燈」策略,每日縮短招牌點燈1小時,年節電量約30度。若店家同時執行三項節能策略,則年節電量可達1,070度,總減碳效益為593 kgCO2e。推估107年商圈節能宣導550家商店,如全數響應預估年減碳效益可達326 tCO2e。 此外,藉由為協助商圈發展在地化低碳特色,以凝聚社區及商圈共同推動低碳共識。桃園市中平商圈以其服飾業為特色,結合舊衣回收改造為環保購物袋,逐步推動商圈減塑節能;屏東縣小琉球商圈則以無塑低碳島為主軸,設置10台飲水機,減少民眾使用瓶裝水;嘉義縣新港商圈減少奉天宮燈籠使用時間1小時;臺中市一中商圈則與市政府推動減塑、低碳、清新商圈活動,以三大主軸改造商圈;宜蘭縣羅東商圈則與宜蘭縣環保局合作改造攤商,並全面協助商圈改用LED燈具。預估年減碳量可達30 tCO2e。 107年首度由社區擴散至商圈,辦理4場次培訓課程,導入本計畫所製作適度照明檢核表,帶領學員實地進行適度照明量測作業,以深化照明節能效益。具體掌握商圈服務業、餐飲業以及批發零售業適度照明情形,發現服務業普遍符合照度標準,餐飲業普遍照度偏低,而零售業則較易出現部分陳列區照度過高情形。共計培訓逾200位社區志工,以在地觀察員角色於無形中長期推動商店節能,使商圈淺移默化朝向低碳節能經營模式。 本計畫透過多元行銷方式,包括製作適度照明及節能燈具手冊文宣,結合培訓課程提供學員使用;修復減碳雙熊人偶,提供環保署各項創意活動辦理使用;維運低碳永續家園資訊網之低碳示範社區專區,分享社區成果及節能案例;利用臉書粉絲團推廣至網路社群,增加低碳永續發展相關資訊能見度。辦理低碳永續措施成果觀摩會,以具體績效成果,提供示範交流與經驗分享;為展現住商部門跨域推動精神,結合低碳、無塑議題,辦理小琉球無塑低碳島示範計畫記者會,宣導低碳永續觀念,提升民眾對低碳永續家園認知,並激勵尚未推動低碳永續作為之社區。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續社區、低碳措施、住商節能


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FB05-03-A137 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9743 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/19 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 吳宜樺
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 林佑蓉 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00_107年低碳示範社區期末報告定稿_本文+附件+附錄.pdf 31MB 期末報告定稿

Residential & commercial energy-saving integration and promotion in low-carbon demonstration communities, 2018

英文摘要 The four main tasks of the project include: “facilitating the operation across the low carbon communities and discovering the unique characters for each community”; “enhancing the cooperation among the agencies to strengthen the energy efficiency in residential and commercial sector”; “integrating external resource to build up a low-carbon green shopping district”; and “accelerating the construction of low carbon society through multi-propaganda approach”. A summary of the project was shown as followed: Since 2010, Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C. (Taiwan) has been implementing the low-carbon sustainable community program with village administrative as a unit for gradually building a low carbon living society. Counseling total of 114 low-carbon demonstrative communities which were chosen from all of the country and duplicates their successful experiences to the neighboring villages then gradually establishes a regional low-carbon living area. Based on the different city zoning plan and types of industry, communities were divided into urban (40, 35.1%) communities and rural (74, 64.9%) communities. Through 6 key directions and 102 items to measure the degree of low carbon living, the low-carbon outcomes from those communities that participated in the certification scheme were examined and awarded. Until 2018, there were 63 communities (55%) awarded bronze certification, and 26 communities (23%) awarded silver certification. Among them, only 16% rural communities awarded silver certification, but bronze certification is more than 50% in both rural and urban communities. In 2018, there were 5 communities which continuously accept the coaching from the counseling team to renew their certifications and affect the promotion to construct a low carbon sustainable community. After so many years of hard effort, most of those low carbon communities already have equipped with the basic low-carbon knowledge, and the bronze certification is the initial goal for the community to participate in low-carbon construction scheme. Analyzing and reviewing the low-carbon behavior with the bronze certification’s communities may be used as a reference for formulating the future definition of low-carbon community operations. We estimated the average carbon reduction benefits of unit low-carbon measure by integrating the consequent of demonstration communities over the year. The low-carbon measures include using energy-saving lamps and eco-greening that average unit carbon reduction is 11,951 kgCO2e and 600 kgCO2e respectively. If 547 and 684 communities among the 7,760 villages will implement these two low-carbon measures respectively, the total amount of 6,947 tCO2e can be reduced. This project provided an intensive instruction to 3 communities to expand low-carbon area in their neighboring villages. For example: Taipei Jingdong Village gradually becomes into a low-carbon adaption community based on construction the system of rainwater recovery; Yilan Ximen Village succeeded in replacing the energy-saving lamps in the public areas, and continuously promoted it in temples to make people live an energy-saving life from local beliefs; Kaohsiung Wenxian Village to form a miniature low-carbon farming life circle through construct biochar stove, enzyme barrels, and earthworm symbiosis with vegetables. In addition, we also assist communities to apply for subsidies to accelerate the replacement rate of energy-saving lamps, and the estimated total annual carbon reduction through those three places can reach to 36.6 tCO2e. In view of the technical expertise, we organized a consultation team which providing timely technical consultation about low-carbon measures and energy-saving. In addition to emphasizing the inclusion of low-carbon elements in localization, as well as in construct measures and develop living practices. In 2018, the first time to cooperation with Chunghwa Telecom’s Environmental Protection and Energy Saving Service team which implemented energy-saving counseling of 20 multi-family dwelling, and provided power, air-conditioning, lighting and other energy-saving recommendations for improvement. The Public Television Service Foundation also held training to Miaoli Gangqian Village and recorded with film for propaganda. Two above cases not only fulfill corporate social responsibility, but also make resources achieve maximum benefits. The influence of low-carbon demonstration communities is not only extended to their neighboring area, but also may construct a shopping district. In 2018, we promoted the interaction between communities and shopping district, and cooperated with enterprises, NGOs and central ministry. Additionally, we integrated 10 resources from central ministries, 58 subsidies plans, and the energy-saving equipment subsidies by the county and municipal governments. A total of over 50 communities were also transferred its achievements to promote benefits through strengthening the public-private partnership. In order to promote low-carbon energy conservation in residential and commercial sector, it expanded to the shopping district by means of the experience from low-carbon community construction. According to the types of shopping district, the effectiveness of demonstration and partition selection, the shopping district of Taoyuan Zhongping, Taichung Yi-Zhong, Chiayi Singang, Pingtung Liouciou, Yilan Luodong were selected as the demonstrations for shopping district. A start-up session and training courses were hold in conjunction with community volunteers by visiting a local shopping district development association or other concerned groups. Such tools as illuminometer, simple lighting checklists, energy-saving checklists and so on were used to examine the electricity usage patterns (lighting, air conditioning and refrigeration) and behavior of store. It also provided information on energy-saving brochures and subsidies for energy saving equipment, so as to enhance the incentives for store to replace energy-saving equipment. Total of 550 stores energy-saving inventory were completed, the energy-consuming equipments in stores were lighting and air-conditioning, followed by refrigeration equipment. Most of the stores have been replaced by energy-saving lamps. The most of stores have not installed air-conditioning leakage prevention devices because of small store area. Three self-executing major strategies to energy-saving in store, namely, lighting replacement, moderate lighting, and proper lighting of signboards were emphasized. The whole store carries out "lighting replacement", which means by using LED lamps replacing traditional lamps, the average annual energy conservation about 800 kWh; the "moderate lighting" of storefronts to reduce the number of 1/3 lamps, the annual energy conservation about 240 kWh; the “proper lighting of signboards” reduces lighting by 1 hours per day, and the annual energy conservation about 30 kWh. If the store executes above three energy-saving strategies, the annual total energy conservation up to 1,070 kWh, and the total carbon reduction is 593 kgCO2e. It is estimated that 550 stores of energy-saving propaganda in shopping district will respond to the annual carbon reduction of 326 tCO2e. In addition, we assist the shopping district to develop low-carbon characteristics in the localization, so as to enhance the low-carbon consensus in community and shopping district. The Zhongping shopping district in Taoyuan is characterized by the apparel industry, transforming the old recycling clothes as an environmentally friendly shopping bags, it may help community gradually towards energy conservation without plastic bags. The Liouciou shopping district in Pingtung initiates “a plastic free low-carbon island” as its main symbol, then set up 10 water dispensers to reduce the consumption of bottled water. The Chiayi Singang shopping district reduces the use time of temple lanterns for 1 hour. The Taichung Yi-Zhong shopping district is in cooperation with the municipal government to transform of the shopping district with three main aims, namely, plastic reduction, low carbon and fresh air. Finally, the Yilan Luodong shopping district worked together with the Yilan Environmental Protection Bureau to transform the stalls in traditional market, which comprehensively assisted it to switch to LED lamps. The annual carbon reduction might reach 30 tCO2e. 4 training courses were conducted to introduce the appropriate lighting inspection form for the project, and lead the participants to conduct moderate lighting measurement operations in the field to deepen the energy-saving benefits of lighting. Specifically understand the moderate lighting situation in the service industry, catering industry and wholesale and retail industry, we found that the service industry generally meets the illumination standard, while the catering industry generally has low illumination, while the retail industry is more prone to excessive illumination in some display areas. A total of more than 200 community volunteers were trained to promote store energy conservation in the invisible and long-term role of the observers in the field, so that the shopping district could be gradually oriented towards a low-carbon and energy-saving business model. This project increases the visibility of low-carbon sustainable development through multi-diverse ways, including making moderate lighting and energy-saving lamps brochures that can combined with training courses to provide participants use, repairing carbon-reducing double bear dolls to provide various creative activities for the EPA, maintaining low-carbon demonstration community zone of Low Carbon Sustainable Information System to share community achievements and energy-saving cases, and using Facebook fans group to promote Internet community. In addition, there held a field trip to focus on experience learning and figure out the benefit of low-carbon implementation. In order to show the spirit of cross sector promotion of the residential and commercial, we will conduct a press conference on the demonstration project of the Liouciou plastic free low-carbon island in combination with low carbon and plastic free issues. Continuously promote low-carbon sustainability concepts, raise public awareness of low-carbon sustainable community, and encourage communities that have not promoted low-carbon sustainability to join low-carbon initiatives.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon Sustainable Community, Low-Carbon Measure Construction, residential & commercial energy-saving