

中文摘要 執行107年度南投縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫最主要的目的在於落實機車排氣定期檢驗制度,並藉由車牌辨識稽查通知到檢,並強化偏鄉車牌辨識稽查與戶外定檢服務作業以提升到檢率,同時針對稽查未回檢車輛進行二次通知及後續告發作業,持續辦理二行程機車汰舊及換購補助作業,辦理各項宣導活動,查核輔導轄區內機車排氣檢驗站,並透過電視託播、媒體宣導等方式進行宣導,以鼓勵民眾淘汰二行程機車,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,計畫執行期程自107年2月9日起,積極執行合約內容各項業務,並符合合約規範,統計至107年12月31日止,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下: 今年度車牌辨識系統共計拍攝178,984輛次,經篩選車號唯一未定檢車輛數為96,110輛次,平均未到檢率為19.85%[未定檢數/(已定檢數+未定檢數)],對於設籍本縣未定檢車輛皆寄發公文定檢通知,統計至107年12月止,回歸車籍到檢率為68.83%。 每月按時由環保署所提供之定期檢驗通知未到檢名單進行篩選後寄發未定檢機車通知公文,共篩選寄發22,968件未定檢通知公文,另針對告發處分未繳款案件,辦理處分案件移送法務部行政執行處之作業,截至107年12月31日止,共移送完成100件。 執行定期查核作業,已完成311站次機車排氣檢驗站定期查核作業,查核有缺失站數共計有32站次。彙整查核缺失有「檢驗區動線未標示清楚」佔所有缺失17.54%;「耗材廢品未保持三個月」佔所有缺失7.01%;「電腦影像存檔與檢驗資料不符(車號誤植)」佔所有缺失29.82%,「車牌影像紀錄無完整上傳(照片規格不符)」佔所有缺失43.86%;「檢驗人員證書是否懸掛」佔所有缺失1.75%,標準氣體第1至5季查核結果不合格站次共有5站次,經手動校正後複驗皆已合格。 受理民眾檢舉烏賊車案件共計283件,初審通過264件,複審通過210件,複驗合格污染物CO削減量為4.44公噸及HC削減量1.23公噸;接受二行程汰舊申請案件數為3,813件,核發金額共5,737,500元整,申請電動二輪車購車加碼補助共有517件。 完成設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站1站,提供偏遠區域、公務單位、宣導活動現場或機車流量密集處等適當地點,進行戶外機車排氣定期檢驗服務活動20場次,共計服務檢驗1,069輛次,辦理3場次「機車定檢,低污染車輛推廣」小型宣導活動、1場次「環保樂活愛地球、清新環境好南投」環保嘉年華暨成果展大型宣導活動,活動人數突破1,500人次。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源稽查管制計畫、移動污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5810 千元
專案開始日期 2018/02/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 曾德民
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 張請男 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 107南投縣移污期末報告定稿本.pdf 25MB 107年度南投縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫

107 Nantong County Mobile Pollution Source Inspection and Control Plan

英文摘要 The most important purpose of the implementation of the 107-year Nantou County mobile pollution source inspection control plan is to implement the locomotive exhaust gas periodic inspection system, and to confirm the inspection by the license plate identification inspection, and to strengthen the remote town license plate identification inspection and outdoor inspection service operations to enhance The inspection rate, at the same time, for the second notice of the unreviewed vehicles and the follow-up operations, continue to handle the second-cycle locomotives and redemption subsidies, handle various propaganda activities, check and coach the locomotive exhaust inspection stations in the jurisdiction, and through TV broadcasts, media campaigns and other means to promote the people to eliminate the second-stroke locomotive, thereby reducing the pollution of vehicle emissions, the implementation of the project from February 9, 107, actively implement the contract content business And in line with the contract specifications, the statistics will be as of December 31, 2018, and the summary of the implementation results of each work is as follows: This year, the license plate recognition system has a total of 178,984 vehicles. The number of unreviewed vehicles with the number of unidentified vehicles is 96,110, and the average undetected rate is 19.85% [undetermined number of inspections/(determined number of inspections + undetermined number of inspections)], For the unsettled vehicles in the county, all the documents were sent to the official inspection notice. The statistics were as of December, 2007, and the return rate of the returning car was 68.83%. The periodic inspection notices provided by the Environmental Protection Department on time are not sent to the checklist for screening, and the unreviewed documents are sent to the inspection list. A total of 22,968 unscheduled notices are sent and sent, and the unpaid cases are dealt with. The case was transferred to the administrative department of the Ministry of Justice. As of December 31, 2018, a total of 100 pieces were transferred. The company has carried out regular check operations, and has completed the regular check operation of the 311 station locomotive exhaust gas inspection station, and checked the number of missing stations for a total of 32 stations. In the case of the check and verification, there are "the inspection area is not clearly marked", which accounts for 17.54% of all missing items; "consumables waste does not remain for three months", accounting for 7.01% of all missing; "computer image archiving and inspection data do not match (car number mis-planted)" The lack of 29.82%, "the license plate image record is not fully uploaded (photo size does not match)" accounted for 43.86% of all missing; "inspector certificate is suspended" accounted for 1.75% of all missing, standard gas 1 to 5 check results are unqualified 5 stations, after manual correction, re-inspection has passed. A total of 283 cases were filed by the people, including 264 cases in the first instance and 210 cases in the review. The CO reduction of qualified pollutants was 4.44 metric tons and the reduction of HC was 1.23 metric tons. The number of applications for the second-round application was 3,813. A total of 5,737,500 yuan was issued, and a total of 517 applications for electric two-wheeled vehicles were added. Completed the setting up of the mobile machine and exhaust gas inspection station, providing suitable locations such as remote areas, official units, publicity activities or machine-intensive traffic, and conducting 20 outdoor inspections of outdoor machine exhausts, with a total of 1,069 service inspections. The three-time "small locomotive inspection, low-pollution vehicle promotion" small-scale publicity activities, one-time "environmental eco-friendly life, fresh environment, good Nantou" environmental carnival and results exhibition large-scale publicity activities, the number of activities exceeded 1,500
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution source inspection control plan