

中文摘要 為呼應聯合國於2015年通過之2030永續發展目標,我國於2017年提出國家自願審查報告(Voluntary National Review, VNR),盤點現行政策與17項永續發展目標間的呼應程度,並著手研擬臺灣永續發展目標,引領各部會具體行動。目前於臺灣永續發展目標研擬上,已提出18項目標以及240項以上的具體目標,分就2020年與2030年兩期程提出品質改善目標與行政績效目標。唯為使臺灣永續發展目標具有促進體制改革,達到永續發展主流化之目標,應闡述永續發展目標對臺灣的當前挑戰以及未來願景之貢獻,提出整體性的論述。故本計畫旨在提出2030臺灣永續發展目標的整體論述以及聚焦領域,以強化民眾對於永續發展目標之支持與認同,與藉由盤點國際研究、國內社經情勢與潛在風險,藉此鑑別關鍵具體目標,提出實踐目標值之政策建議。最後完成總論之章節為:(一)前言;(二)鉅變挑戰與國際永續發展議程;(三)臺灣鉅變挑戰、系統風險與永續發展目標;(四)臺灣永續發展目標鴻溝辨識與轉型契機;(五)聚焦領域;(六)實踐永續發展目標之政策工具;(七)掌握臺灣永續轉型機會之窗。
中文關鍵字 永續發展、風險分析、轉型


專案計畫編號 EPA- 經費年度 107 計畫經費 305 千元
專案開始日期 2018/09/14 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 周桂田
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 楊峻維 執行單位 台灣風險分析學會


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期末報告 EPA-107-SDG.pdf 1MB

A study of proposing general mark for Taiwan sustainable development goals

英文摘要 In response to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations in 2015, Taiwan submitted a Voluntary National Review (VNR) in 2017 to check the correlation between current policy and 17 sustainable development goals. Recently, different ministries get together to develop Taiwan's own sustainable development goals including 18 main goals and 240 targets by 2020 and 2030 respectively. In order to imply deep structural changes and profound reforms of institutions toward sustainable development, we should identify barriers and measures to achieve these goals. Therefore, we proposed six transformation and main challenges in this general remark to attain sustainable development goals by 2030. In this study, risk assessment and paper review were conduct to scan potential systematic risk on socioeconomic status by a holistic approach. To present overall policy recommendations and strengthen the support, recognition from people, we design seven chapters in our remark as following: (1) Preface;(2) Great Challenges and International Sustainable Development Agenda; (3) Taiwan's Great Change Challenge, Systemic Risk and Sustainable Development goals; (4) Identification barriers toward Sustainable Development Goal In Taiwan And the opportunity for transformation; (5) Six transformations (6) Policy tools for sustainable development goals; (7) Windows of opportunity for transformation in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Sustainable Development, Risk Assessment, Transformation