

中文摘要 107年度為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制度,並務實檢討各項管理制度與規範,本計畫除配合空氣污染防制法修正檢討相關許可管理制度外,同時依空氣污染防制行動方案研擬各項固定源管制規範,故依據計畫目標訂定4大項工作類別分別為「配合空氣污染防制法修正檢討相關許可管理制度與規範」、「配合空氣污染防制行動方案推動各項污染管制策略及措施」、「督導地方落實制度,提升管制成效」及「更新擴充固定污染源管理資訊系統功能,提升管制資料品質」,各項展開工作項目迄至12月底,已完成100%的工作內容,以下分別針對各項工作項目內容摘要說明如下: 本計畫107年度配合空氣污染防制行動方案,延續106年度鍋爐行政管制及經濟誘因管制措施推動作業,以民國105年空污費繳費資料統計更新固定污染源蒸氣鍋爐燃料使用量及污染源數量,目前全國鍋爐中燃油鍋爐占比最高(53%),氣體次之(41%),燃煤僅占3%,而以廢棄物為燃料之鍋爐則約有390座(含廢氣及廢液);因此,為鼓勵公私場所使用燃料轉型並強化污染排放管制,遂於民國106年4月13日發布「汰換旅宿業、醫院及大學燃油鍋爐補助辦法」,推動163座燃油鍋爐改善汰換,而為擴增鍋爐汰換對象,提升經濟誘因效力,本計畫研析全面擴大補助對象,將非工業、電力業、國營事業之鍋爐對象,共173家、294座鍋爐皆納入鍋爐補助辦法,並於民國107年5月4日發布修正為「改造或汰換鍋爐補助辦法」,預估若鍋爐全數汰換為燃氣鍋爐,則每年可減少約18噸粒狀物、75噸硫氧化物及29噸氮氧化物排放;另外在管末污染排放強化管制方面,本計畫分析國內蒸氣鍋爐之燃料使用現況與遭遇問題,且依據歷年空氣污染物檢測結果進行累積分布統計,同時比較美國、日本、及中國大陸等國外排放標準規範,經地方主管機關與公私場所研商公聽後,於民國107年9月19日發布「鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準」,以硫氧化物50ppm、氮氧化物100ppm及粒狀污染物30mg/Nm3作為管末排放標準,該標準實施後預期在天然氣提供量足夠時,以重油為燃料之鍋爐將全數轉為氣體鍋爐,估計硫氧化物將減量7,048公噸、氮氧化物減量2,620公噸、粒狀污染物減量1,807公噸。 在固定污染源許可管理制度方面,107年度計畫配合空氣污染防制法修正,除協助相關說帖與說明會議簡報製作外,同時檢討固定污染源許可管理制度,並著手修正固定污染源許可證管理辦法、訂定一致性許可證審查原則、修訂許可證展延規範、編撰固定污染源設置與操作許可證審查指引及研擬三級防制區既存固定污染源減量執行準則等工作內容;本計畫將空氣污染防制法相關修正內容如操作許可證需技師簽證、申請文件與核定內容資料須公開等項目,納入許可管理辦法修正,同時檢討過去各縣市常見問題與解釋函釋意內容,作為相關法規修正參考,並將常見問題製做為案例說明納入審查指引與流程說明。 對於擬訂燃料成分限值與混燒比例及燃料使用許可證管理辦法與易致空氣污染物質使用許可證管理辦法等2項作業,本計畫統計民國105年各項燃燒污染源之燃料使用量,並同時檢討國內燃料使用現況,以生煤為例有成分品質不一問題,另針對廢棄物燃料則有成分不易掌握及混燒等情形;因此,本計畫參考美國、歐盟、香港、日本等國有關燃料管制文獻,配合空氣污染防制法第28條修正,研擬固定污染源燃料成分限值及混燒比例標準,並將燃料使用許可管制納入操作許可證核定。另外在易致空氣污染物之物質管理方面,考量屏除現行公告屬於燃料之易致空氣污染物質外,其餘公告物種大多屬於國際公約禁用或限制使用之物種,而國外採行有害空氣污染物管理與易致空氣污染物之物質管理相似,故本計畫優先以具掌握充分資訊之空污費13項個別物種進行評析,發現我國使用13項揮發性有機物個別物種之工廠有575家,共731個製程,考量易致空氣污染物質管制應優先以致癌性及可替代性為篩選原則下,建議以三氯乙烯及四氯乙烯為優先公告物種。 空氣清淨行動計畫歷經多次滾動式修正調整內容後,已於民國106年12月改為「空氣污染防制行動方案」,其中本計畫執行餐飲業空氣污染管制、農廢露天燃燒及民俗活動等行動方案等3項工作;在餐飲業空氣污染管制方面,配合行動方案跨部會分工作業,針對餐飲業空氣污染物管制須結合各部會管制方式,爰參考營建署及食藥署對於餐飲業之管制,訂定餐飲業空氣污染物防制設施管理辦法,選定以10萬資本額或營業面積100 m2做為門檻,預計納管家數為41,389家;在稻草露天燃燒方面,露天燃燒減量行動方案藉由跨部會資料整合並依源頭管理及宣導方式,由農政單位宣導補助及環保單位協助並加強稽查管制,共同推廣農民減少稻草露天燃燒,降低收割期露天燃燒污染情形並提升空污法禁燒之稽查管制成效;在民俗活動方面,民國107年1至12月之集中燃燒數量約為16,796公噸,已達107年度縣市成果目標。 為使各項固定污染源管制規範落實推動,藉由地方主管機關績效考評制度強化管理制度與管制規範落實,107年度地方主管機關與受委託機關許可證現場查核作業共執行150件次,主要針對高污染特性鍋爐、應執行空品惡化緊急應變作業對象及久未查核對象,發現主要問題以紀錄項目未落實、許可活動強度核定或使用超量或排放量計算有誤為主。 固定污染源許可管理制度有賴於許可證管制、排放量申報、定期檢測及清查列管資訊等許可管制大數據資料庫的更新與運轉,在各項管制策略的研擬與規劃均能提供完整管制資訊,而為強化固定污染源資訊管理,107年度已完成固定污染源系統權限管理調整、提供環檢所定檢資料介接作業、技師線上確認功能開發及資料庫檢核與資安掃描等工作;另在資料品質提升工作項目,共計列管21,116家工廠,超過7千多家許可納管公私場所,為維護系統及資料品質,本年度持續執行資料檢核作業,至12月31日已執行12次檢核,資料平均符合比率為86.0%。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、管制策略、許可、資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA 經費年度 107 計畫經費 17720 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/27 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 江勝偉 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FA12-03-A135.pdf 13MB

Project for Reviewing Stationary Source Permit System and Controlling the People's Livelihood Issues of Concern

英文摘要 The goals of this project are to strengthen and put the management of stationary sources into practice through pragmatic review of related management systems and rules, as well as be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan. Thus, this project divided into 4 major parts including 1) reviewed amended permit management system to be in concert with the recent amendment of Air Pollution Control Act, 2) promoted strategy and practice that based on Clean Air Action Plan, 3) supervised local organization to effectively implement permit management of stationary sources and improve review quality of review authorities, 4) added and expand information system management of stationary source and enhance controlled data quality. So far December, about 100% of this project was completed. The summaries of each part were as follows. To be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan, this project continued to promote operations of boiler administrative control and economic incentives form last year (2017). This project analyzed the fuel use and numbers of boilers based on the data of air pollution fee at 2016. The boiler used fuel types was oil in 53%, gas in 41%, coal only in 3%,liquid , gas waste and solid waste boilers were 390, liquid and gas waste boilers were 128. To promote public or private places to change used fuel type as well as enhance pollution emission control, this project helped EPA make Regulation Governing Subsidies for Modification or Replacement of Oil-Fired Boiler in Hotel Industries, Medical Care Institutions, Social Welfare Institutions and Schools 2017/4/13 as well as make Emission Standards of Air Pollutant from Boiler at 2018/9/19. The Regulation Governing Subsidies for Modification or Replacement of Oil-Fired Boiler in Hotel Industries, Medical Care Institutions, Social Welfare Institutions and Schools promoted 163 old oil boilers to be modified or replaced to cleaner heating equipment. To expand subsidized objects for improving the effectiveness of economic incentives, this project helped EPA amend Regulation Governing Subsidies for Modification or Replacement of Oil-Fired Boiler in Hotel Industries, Medical Care Institutions, Social Welfare Institutions and Schools to Regulation Governing Subsidies for Modification or Replacement of Boiler at 2018/5/4. The amendment expanded subsidized objects to the all non-industrial boilers. 173 public or private places (total 294 boilers) become subsidized objects. The emission reduction by the boiler governing subsidies regulation was estimated 75 tons/year in sulfur dioxide, 29 tons/year in nitrogen oxides and 18 tons/year in particulate matter. This project estimated that if the new subsidized boiler is completely replaced by a gas boiler, it can reduce about 18 tons/year in particulate matter, 75 tons/year in sulfur dioxide and 29 tons/year in nitrogen oxides. In addition, in the term of pollution control and emission control, the project analyzes the current status and problems of every fuel boilers in Taiwan, and based on the results of air pollutants test of boiler over the years to make cumulative distribution function. At same time, this project also compared foreign emissions standards from the United States, Japan, and China. After discussing with local authorities and public or private places, EPA released Emission Standards of Air Pollutant from Boiler at 2018/9/19. The Emission Standards enhance emission control by limiting sulfur dioxide less than 50 ppm, nitrogen oxides less than 100 ppm and particulate matter fewer than 30 mg/Nm3. This project expected when natural gas is enough, all oil-fired boilers would be transformed to gas-fired boiler. So that, the emission reduction by the boiler emission standards was estimated 7,048 tons/year in sulfur dioxide, 2,620 tons/year in nitrogen oxides and 1,807 tons/year in particulate matter. In terms of permit management system, to be in concert with the amendment of Air Pollution Control Act, this project assisted in the production of related posts and explanations, reviewed the permit management system, amended the rule of permit management, make consistent permit review guideline, amended the rule of permit extension, wrote stationary sources construction and operation permit review guide as well as developed the guideline of reduction of stationary sources in class 3 control regions. This project amended permit management regulation according to the amendments to the Air Pollution Control Act, such as the technician certification of operation permit, open data about permit application documents and approved content. This project also review the past issues from local authorities and explanations of common problems as references for amending relevant regulations as well as make common questions into case descriptions included in review guidelines and process descriptions. In the terms of making law about fuel content limit standards and co-firing ratio as well as fuel permit management regulation; this project analyzes the fuel use of stationary source in 2016 and also review situation of fuel use in Taiwan. This project discovered that the problem of coal use was inconsistent quality of coal and the problems of waste fuel use were uncertainty of content and co-firing. Thus, this project researched the fuel management system in United States, European Union, Hong Kong and Japan as well as made content limit standards of fuel used in stationary source and co-firing ratio to be concert with the amendment of article 28 of Air Pollution Control Act. This project also planned to integrate fuel permit and stationary source permit. About substances that easy to product air pollutants, this project discovered that substances that easy to product air pollutants almost were prohibited by international conventions as well as the managements of hazardous air pollutants in foreign countries are similar to the management of substances that easy to product air pollutants. Therefore, the project analyzed 13 hazardous air pollutants that be taxed for air pollution fee. It is found that there are 575 factories (total 731 processes) using 13 hazardous air pollutants. If substances that easy to product air pollutants were managed by permit system, the increment of permit work would be largest in Taoyuan City (18.2 permits/reviewer) and second largest in Tainan City (17.8 permits/reviewer). To be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan, this project implements three air pollution control activities including air pollution control in the catering industry, open burning of agricultural waste and folk activities. In terms of air pollution control in the catering industry, because air pollution control of catering industry should be tie in with the inter-departmental work, this project referred the catering industry management by Food and Drug Administration and Construction and Planning Agency to make regulation of air pollution control of catering industry. The regulation regulated 100,000 capital or business area of 100 m2 as a threshold, and was expected to manage 41,389 restaurants. In terms of open burning of agricultural waste, the reduction action plan of open burning was planned to reduce open burning through cross-departmental data integration, source management and advocacy with agricultural administration. Agricultural administration publicized and subsidize as well as environmental protection administration strengthened inspection control. Two administrations jointly promoted farmers to reduce the open burning of straw, reduced the pollution of open burning during the harvest period and improved the effectiveness of the inspection control of Air Pollution Control Act. In terms of folk activities, this project promotes centralized burning of joss paper. The number of joss paper centralized burning were about 16,796 tons that were over 100% of aim for this year. In order to promote the implementation of various stationary source control regulations, the project evaluates the local authorities through performance evaluation, thereby strengthening the management system and the implementation of regulatory system. This project executed 150 times performance evaluation to local authorities and authorized offices. The performance evaluation targeted boiler which used high pollutant-exhausted fuel, stationary sources which were regulated by air quality deterioration emergency response operation regulation and stationary sources which were not checked for a long time. This project found that the main problem was the unimplemented of record work, the actual usage over permit usage and the wrong count of air pollutants emissions. The sustainability of stationary pollution sources system depended on the renewal and running of big database from permit management, emission amount report, periodic testing and stationary pollution sources inventory. The database could offer complete information for researching and planning in every control strategies. To enforce stationary pollution source information management, this project adjusted the authority management of stationary pollution sources systems, provided regular detection data to environmental analysis laboratory for interfacing, the development of the technician online confirmation function, check of database and the security scan. From the aspect of information quality improvement work, the permit information system has a total of 21,118 factories, and more than 7,000 permits; In order to maintain the system and data quality, the data inspection operation this year has already been executed for twelve times with 84.6% average compliance rate until the end of 2018.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources, control strategy, permit, database