

中文摘要 本計畫旨在調查新興污染物(ECs)發生的高潛勢污染場域,含屬高科技類、民生類、藥劑類及化工類等12場(廠)域,關切的ECs種類有奈米物質、藥品及個人保健用品、內分泌干擾物、及持久性有機物污染物,計畫藉由現場訪視及ECs特性來評估ECs在各場(廠)域之(廢)水、廢棄物處理等設施,經由環境介質,如空氣、(廢)水、灰渣、污泥、底泥、土壤及地下水等而釋放到環境中的潛勢,本計畫也蒐集與篩選國內外重要的相關ECs清單,包含彙整其環境宿命、生態毒理、檢測方法、風險評估方法等資訊,依據現場訪視來做規劃環境調查作業。計畫本年度是以規劃為主,未來可依據環境調查作業之執行成果,以各場域環境調查作業所檢出之環境濃度(MEC)藉由風險商數(RQ)或風險評估比率(RCR)進行生態風險評估,確立環境暴露濃度較高及風險高的ECs項目後,建議風險後續管理策略。 本次報告已完成期末報告前之所有工作項目並涵蓋了在民國108年6月11日辦理「高潛勢污染場域新興污染物風險管理與溝通」研討會且邀請環保署署長張子敬先生致詞並發表專題演講,化學局局長謝燕儒先生蒞臨指導,以下為本計畫成果之概述: 本計畫依相關部會及環境保護許可管理資訊系統EMS和化學雲蒐集相關資料後並篩選廠家執行現場訪視共60場次,橫跨4大類12場(廠)域,依據各場次訪視報告與交流成果選出36個目標做為規劃採樣之場域,場次篩選的原則為較大運作規模、南北地理位置平衡、有運作篩選ECs物質、有釋放ECs的環境介質等,其中考量環管處已有在執行相關計畫,為了避免相關數據有重複疑慮,因此最終在環境調查作業規劃部分中將淨水廠排除,僅納入33個目標場域。 在EC物質篩選方面,本計畫從相關部會及環保資訊系統,如環境保護許可管理資訊系統EMS和化學雲及國內外文獻,共蒐集彙整4大類12場(廠)域相關的83,682筆ECs資訊,經過整理、篩選及排序後,先列出用量較大的物質清單,計461項。在考量環境宿命和生態毒性等特性後,目前建議68種ECs做為討論及優先納入環境調查作業規劃,其中包括工業化學品20項、20項人類藥品及抗生素、3項全氟化物、5項奈米物質、10項農藥與環境用藥及10項動物用藥。ECs物質篩選考量用量大、毒性、環境宿命及反應性、國內數據及報告較少等。 在規劃採樣分析與期程上,本計畫參考了現場訪視結果與各場域篩選出之ECs,將12場域共計68項ECs規劃四年期程每年兩季共396個樣本之採樣分析,預估經費總計為新臺幣6,374萬6,000元,該經費包含採樣及方法開發,是以每個EC在篩選需偵測界質中的分析(含前處理)皆需要開發新方法來估算,實際上有可能同一個分析方法和/或前處裡方法可以應用於幾個性質較相近的EC,未來若開發之新分析及前處裡方法步驟可適用於多個EC,在預估經費部分則會降低。 在政策研擬方面,本報告彙整研析歐美先進國家在新興污染物風險管理措施法規架構,著重在本計畫關注的物質種類,國內在奈米物質及工業化學品管理上與歐美國家一致,採用化學物質登錄的源頭管理做法,在藥品及抗生素方面,歐美有進行上市前的環境風險評估措施,國內可以參考,也可思考納入現行化學物質登錄的法規架構中。
中文關鍵字 新興污染物、環境風險評估、環境調查


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-CP01-02-A035 經費年度 107 計畫經費 2550 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/30 專案結束日期 2019/10/29 專案主持人 侯文哲
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 黃佑榮 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 高潛勢污染場域新興污染物風險管理及溝通先期計畫-期末報告.pdf 4MB

Conference on the Risk Management and Communication of Emerging Contaminants in Sites of High-Potential Occurrence

英文摘要 The project aims to thoroughly investigate sites of high potential occurrence of emerging contaminants (ECs), including 12 types of sites across 4 major categories related to high-tech manufacturing, utilities (i.e., water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, municipal incinerators, landfilling sites), chemical manusfturing, pharceuticals. This project concerns about 4 major types of ECs including engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), persistent organic contaminants (POPs), pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and their transport in related environmental media (i.e., wastewater, ash, sludge, sediment, soil and groundwater, biota) in these sites. We collected and analyzed data related ECs’ annual production and usage, environmental fate, ecotoxicity, analytical methods, and environmental risk information. The priority ECs were selected based on the collected information and recommended for further environmental sampling and analysis. This project is a preliminary planning work that does not involve actual sampling and chemical analysis. The major outcomes of this projects are summaried as follows. The project collects relevant data from government departments and Environmental Protection Permit Management Information System (EMS) as well as the Chemical Cloud database from which we screened sites to conduct field visits. Totally, 60 sites were selected and visisted, covering 12 types in 4 major categories. Among them, 36 sites are selected based on their larger operation scales (large ones preferred), usage of selected ECs, geographic location balance, fate of ECs within the sites, etc. for planning of sampling and analyses. Finally, the water treatment plants will be excluded from the environmental investigation, and only 33 target fields will be included. In terms of EC material screening, this project collects 83,682 ECs data. After sorting, and screening, an initial list of 461 EC substances is created. After consideration of their environmental fate, ecological toxicity, and annual usage, 68 ECs that include 20 industrial chemicals, 20 human drugs and antibiotics, 3 perfluorinated substances (PFAS), 5 nanomaterials, 10 pesticides and biocides, and 10 animal drugs, are prioritized and recommended to be included in the environmental sampling and analysis planning. For sampling and analysis planning, a four-year project is recommended with a total of 396 sample collection and budget of $63,746,000 NTD including personnel, transportation, and consumerables. It is noted the budget is estimated assuming that all chemical analyses use different methods that will be developed. In terms of policy development, this report summarizes the current regulatory framework, guidance and inter-ministerial cooperation on source and end-point control in advanced countries for reference by relevant domestic agencies.
英文關鍵字 Emerging contaminants, Environmental risk assessment, Environmental survey