

中文摘要 為確保環保署各業務單位原始數據資料都能妥善完整的被保存與應用,規劃建置「原始數據共享倉儲(RDSW)」,重新制訂專案計畫資料蒐集標準作業與原始數據分類、定義及範本,提供各業務單位有專用資料庫存放相關原始數據的依據與規範,以期達到本署環保原始數據達「共有+專用」的目標。 「原始數據共享倉儲(RDSW)」以網頁呈現及引導式操作體驗,強化原始數據蒐集的便利性,經由專案延續縱向關聯與原始數據橫向關聯,提升原始數據使用保存的完整性與正確性,使環保署同仁快速掌握與應用環保署原始數據。 「原始數據共享倉儲(RDSW)」除了原始數據蒐集之外,增加系統化資料檢核機制,提供即時監控原始數據交付及更新情形,有效落實原始數據蒐集防呆與原始數據交付摘要分析,強化原始數據品質;另外針對原始數據資料提供限閱與自主管理以達到原是數據保存與原始數據共享流通。
中文關鍵字 原始數據蒐集、資料治理


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-L103-02-A014 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6030 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 高崇凱
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 徐嘉欣 執行單位 精誠科技整合股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-107-L103-02-A014_P.pdf 5MB 107年度環保計畫原始資料蒐集管理計畫_公開版

Environmental Raw Data Share Service Warehousing

英文摘要 To ensure that the project raw data collected from every business unit of the EPA, Environmental Protection Administration, can be properly stored and applied, as well as to reach EPA’s goal that the raw data can be shared together and used dedicatedly, EPA has built up a new system (Raw Data Share Warehouse, RDSW) and re-formulated documents as below. 1. The system of RDSW, Raw Data Share Warehouse, has been built up. 2. The SOP, standard operating procedure, of project raw data collection has been re-formulated. 3. The classification, definition and template of the project raw data has been re-formulated. RDSW enhances the convenience for users to collect project raw data through operation-guided notes on webs. Through the connections between projects and the raw data, it increases the whole of raw data preservation and accuracy, so that the EPA staff can quickly learn to use it. In addition, RDSW provides with the function of raw-data checking and delivery systematically and instantly. It increases the quality of the raw data by fool-proofing, and analyzing the delivery summary. What’s more, RDSW restricts reading and provide with self-management function to achieve the goal mentioned ahead.
英文關鍵字 Raw Data, data governance