

中文摘要 本計畫目標設定之工作內容分類為「建立固定源行政管理制度審議程序」、「建議民俗祭祀用香支與紙錢成分標準」、「開發固定污染源資訊公開平台」等三大類工作項目。針對各項工作項目內容摘要說明如下: 一、建立固定源行政管理制度審議程序 近年來各界殷切期盼空氣污染物能夠大幅度的改善,對於相關行政管制制度多欲表達應資訊公開並由利害關係者參與審議,於此次修訂之空氣污染防制法於第24條固定污染源許可證審查、第28條燃料使用許可、第98條固定污染源復工,均納入主管機關作成行政決定前,應將資訊公開並讓民眾參與審議並表示意見,因此,本計畫參考及比較國內外許可證審查之審議程序規範及近年地方審查與管理制度之爭議案件,依據空污法97條及東南水泥、中油新三輕等近年來復工試車爭議案件及相關資訊,擬定修改固定污染源試車及評鑑規則及固定污染源行政管制制度審議作業要點;另因應空污法修訂,要求落實資訊公開,達到全民監督的目的,本計畫蒐集彙整國內外污染排放許可證相關資訊公開、參考政府資訊公開法、營業秘密法、個人資料保護法及軍事機密與國防秘密種類範圍等級劃分準則之規定,完成擬定固定污染源管理資訊公開及工商機密審查辦法草案。 二、建議民俗祭祀用香支與紙錢成分標準 為能夠兼顧信仰需求與環保期待,從香支、紙錢之有害成分減量進行考量,由少香、少金更進一步鼓勵燒好香、好金之政策,藉以維護區域空氣品質及民眾健康,目前國內市售之香品及金銀紙錢多能符合CNS標準,惟產品成分含量限值與國外相同產品比較而言,其標準相對寬鬆,以民眾健康、區域空氣品質改善而言,應針對CNS標準之加嚴進行研議,故本計畫蒐集國內外香支、紙錢成分分析、成分標準與相關管制規範,並彙整相關研究文獻建議新增檢測之項目內容,針對金紙、香支進行市售產品成分抽測香支、紙錢各30份樣本送交化驗機構進行檢驗,分析檢驗結果顯示臺灣品質標準相較於中國品質標準明顯過於寬鬆,本計畫彙整建議CNS標準修訂值後,依國家標準編修程序提出CNS成分標準修訂建議修訂既有檢測標準。 三、開發固定污染源資訊公開平台 配合空污法第35條公開資訊要求,盤點應公開項目並規劃二年二階段公開期程,本年度先行開發公開固定污染源管理資訊系統既有資料、開發申請復工試車計畫、主管單位審查及民眾討論公開功能。開發公開項目包括固定污染源許可證資訊、燃料使用許可資訊及申報量、專責人員、技師及檢測機構證號資料、申報4種污染物排放量、試車檢測及定期檢測申報、自動連續監測1小時平均值、公私場所處分資料及高屏地區排放量認可資料,其他資料則規劃於108年度公開;公開資訊平台資料主要來源為固定污染源管理資訊系統、環境資源交換平台及專責人員設置動態系統;系統功能包括一般民眾查詢公開資料、參與復工試車申請討論、查看工廠所在位置、資料篩選及下載功能,目前已完成公開平台開發。
中文關鍵字 資訊公開、審議規範、復工試車


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA12-03-A238 經費年度 107 計畫經費 8204 千元
專案開始日期 2018/08/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 江勝偉 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107FA1203A238.pdf 8MB

Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources, open data and formulating a composition standards traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense stick

英文摘要 The program is divided into 3 parts : “Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources”, “Proposing a composition standards of traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense sticks and joss paper”, and “Developing a open data platform for stationary sources”. The contents of each part is described as follows: 1. Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources In recent years, all sectors have looked forward to dramatically improving air pollutants, and considered that command-and-control policy’s information should be published and stakeholder participated in deliberation. Air Pollution Control Act was amended on Aug. 1, 2018. In Article 24.(stationary sources permit review), Article 28.(fuel use permit), and Article 98.(stationary sources resume work or business), those articles mentioned that before competent authorities making administrative decisions shall post the information on a public website and provide opportunities to public to participate in deliberation, and give opinions. Therefore, the program referred and compared the review procedure for reviewing permit between domestic and international, and the controversial cases of structure in review and management in recent years. According to Air Pollution Control Act Article 97., the controversial cases of Southeast Cement Corporation, Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taiwan's (CPC) of the new third naphtha cracking plant and related information, the program formulated and modified “Rule of trial operation and evaluation from Stationary Sources”, and ”The Review Procedure of Administrative Management for Stationary Sources”. In addition, in order to address the revision of Air Pollution Control Act, those articles have required to implement open data to achieve the goal of supervision by public. The program collected and summarized the open data of pollutant emission permits at home and abroad, and referred to “The Freedom of Government Information Law”, “Trade Secrets Act”, “Personal Information Protection Act”, and “The Guideline for Categories, Scopes and Levels of Military Secrets and Defense Secrets”. The program accomplished “Management Regulations for Stationary Pollution Source of Opening Data and Reviewing Trade Secrets (Draft)”. 2. Proposing a composition standards of traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense sticks and joss paper In order to balance the needs of faith and environmental expectations, we will consider reducing the harmful components of incense sticks and joss paper. For the purpose of maintaining air quality and health status of populations in an area, the policy that encourage people burning less incense sticks and joss paper turn to encourage people burning high quality incense sticks and joss paper. Most of the incense sticks and joss paper conform to Chinese National Standards on the current market. However, compared with the standard for the limit of components, domestic products were laxer than foreign products. To improve health status of populations and air quality, we should tighten standards for Chinese National Standards. The program collected component analysis, component standards, control specification of incense sticks and joss paper, and review the literature. Collect 30 packs of incense sticks and joss paper on the market, and send them to inspection body for testing. The result shows that Taiwan's Chinese National Standards is laxer than Chinese GuoBiao Standards. After the program compiling standard value, EPA will follow the process of national standards edition to propose modification of Chinese National Standards. 3. Developing a open data platform for stationary sources As requested by Air Pollution Control Act Article 35., inventoried contents that should be published and planned publicity period of two-year-two-stage. The function of publicly will be developed in this year which are existing information of the stationary sources management information system, submitting a trial operation plan of resuming work or business, reviewing of the competent authority, and providing opinions of the public. Development of public contents which are the information of stationary sources permit, fuel use permit, reporting of fuel, license numbers and information of environmental engineering technicians, dedicated air pollution control personnel and environmental inspection and testing institutions, reporting pollutant emissions of four types, reporting trial operation and regular test, average hourly of automated monitoring facilities, public or private premises punishment, and emissions authorization of Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. The rest of the information will be published in 2019. The mainly resources of the open data platform are stationary sources management information system, Central Data eXchange (CDX), and dynamic system of dedicated personnel establishment. The system of the open data platform providing public to review, giving opinions to trial operation of resuming work or business, viewing the location of the factory, screening and downloading data. The open data platform development has accomplished.
英文關鍵字 open data、deliberation regulations、trial operation