

中文摘要 空氣品質統計至107年 12月底,臺東站AQI<50「良好」日數比例94.0%;本計畫持續檢討本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,並於3月公告修訂;滾動修正本縣「空氣品質嚴重惡化及緊急應變措施標準作業」,透過2次演練及1場次減量行動小組會議跨局處討論,定期更新權責單位通聯資料,並於3/2、10/3及10/30進行空氣品質惡化通報啟動緊急應變作業,彙整應變作為上傳環保署。 分析103~107年1-12月同期各項污染物逐時濃度趨勢,PM10午後至晚間濃度較高,臺東站107年濃度略為上升;O3於臺東關山兩站皆有逐年改善趨勢;PM2.5臺東站107年濃度相較103年有明顯改善; SO2臺東站濃度呈逐年改善趨勢,關山站濃度因測站自107年1月4日起施作防漏工程舖設柏油,監測站值異常;NO2呈雙尖峰現象,與上下班車流量有關,臺東站107年下班尖峰時段濃度明顯下降;臺東站CO平均濃度以107年最低。同步檢視臺東縣排放量以及近五年事件日,完成107年空氣品質成因探討。 透過高斯模式模擬,池上關山一期稻作露燃全年排放量占該地區點線面源全年排放量分別約PM2.5三成,SO2八成,NOx三成,因該地區一期稻作露燃集中於單月排放,模擬其對關山測站空氣品質之貢獻占比,PM2.5之24hr最大值為58%,SO2之hr最大值為59%,NOx之hr最大值為80%。關山測站附近山水軒飯店重油鍋爐,在特定風速風向擴散不良條件下,會造成關山測站SO2小時濃度高值。 在空氣品質維護或改善計畫績效管理方面,每月針對各項考評指標、空氣污染防制計畫書項目進行進度及繳交資料品質查核,彙整各計畫提交結果,於每月工檢會請各子計畫提出改善方案追蹤落實,並於月報季報提交環保署,完成專家教育訓練四場次提升各計畫執行能量。 依據環保署室內空氣品質考評,納入親子館、公辦民營托嬰中心、觀光工廠等3類型非列管場所,並擴大巡檢輔導之對象,已完成55家巡檢輔導作業,經統計後CO2平均濃度全數正常,進一步以CO2最大濃度統計,共計有6家CO2最大濃度>1000 ppm,分別為醫療機構3家、公辦民營托嬰中心2家及觀光工廠1家,已篩選其中5家完成全項檢測作業,僅臺北榮民總醫院臺東分院二氧化碳及細菌超標,並已於10月3日邀請專家學者進行現地輔導。針對列管公告場所查核追蹤,環保署公告之臺東縣第一、二批公告場所計有18家,107年臺東縣第一、二批18家列管場所均已於期限內完成定期檢測及環保署系統申報等事項,法規符合度100%,相關檢測數據均建置於臺東縣室內空品資料庫,並於每月提交環保署,另已辦理2場次室內空氣品質講習會以及1場次跨局處聯繫會議。 本計畫自106年新增空氣品質淨化區維護管理查核工項,今年已完成本縣22處空品淨化區查評作業,將統計考評結果及執行建議提交環保局並定期登錄至網路平臺資料。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳姵名 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年臺東縣空品管理計畫期末定稿(全)pdf.pdf 53MB 期末報告

The air quality management plan in Taitung County in 2018

英文摘要 According to the air quality data assessment of Taitung in 2018, 94% of numbers of days the air quality index(AQI) were less than 50. The project continuously reviewed Taitung air pollution prevention and control plan, and announced the revised version in March, 2018; constantly modified the Air Quality Serious Deterioration and Emergency Control Measure Standard, through helding 2 times of prevention drills and 1 cross-bureaus conference of air pollution reduction, regularly renewed the contact information of the authorized agencies, and uploaded the documents of emergency measures when the air quality reach the quiteria of serious deterioration level. This project analyzed the trend of each pollutant during 2014-2018, the concentration of PM10 rised from afternoon until evening in general , and slightly increased in average this year at Taitung air quality monitoring station; About O3, both Taitung and Guanshan air quality monitoring stations revealed the improvement annually; PM2.5 concentration data showed a great decrease in 2018 compare to 2014 at Taitung air quality monitoring station; for SO2, the material of waterproof work influenced the monitoring data of Guanshan since January of 2018, while the Taitung air quality monitoring station appeared the decreasing trend annually; at Taitung monitoring site, NO2 concentration related to the traffic, data showed the level significantly drop during the rush hour in 2018; besides, CO data achieved the lowest average concentration this year. Base on the Gaussian model simulation, the air pollution caused by open burning during phase one farming cultivation period in Chishang and Guanshan contributed 30% to PM2.5, 80% to SO2 and 30% to NOx respectively of annual emissions. Further, this event usually occurred within one month, and the modeling results show that this month contribute 58% to PM2.5 24hrs maximum concentration, 59% and 80% to SO2, NOx hourly maximum concentration separately for Guanshan air quality monitoring stations. In the aspect of air quality maintenance the and performance management, this project collected and summarized the results of each sub-projects every month as the information for improve the strategy of the pollution reduction plan, and submitted the monthly and quauterly reports to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Executive Yuan. According to the indoor air quality evaluation requirements of the central competent authority, expanded the survey type and 55 CO2 detection have been completed, data showed the average concentration level were normal, besides, selected 5 higher CO2 concentration premises for inspecting and measuring of standard approaches deisignated by the central competent authority. There are 18 premises been designated and officially announced by EPA in Taitung for the first batch and second batch, and they all completed the regular inspection and complied with the regulations of Indoor Air Quality Act.
英文關鍵字 air quality management