

中文摘要 「土壤及地下水相關計畫檢測數據品質提升計畫(Ⅰ)-檢測作業品保監督查核計畫」係執行行政院環境保護署與各縣市政府環境保護局土壤及地下水相關除污或驗證計畫之查核計畫。此查核計畫為2年期計畫,每年分7步驟實施:1.查核專家共識會議,建立查核一致性。2.品保規劃書與標準作業程序審查。3.現場採樣及檢驗室無預警查核。4.績效樣品測試。5.查核專家檢討座談會。6.檢測機構查核說明會。7.邀請檢測機構試寫新版品保規劃書。以確保與提升土壤及地下水相關計畫檢測作業之品質。執行結果說明如下: 1.107年與108年各辦理查核專家共識會議1場次,以建立現場查核起始作業之標準與共識。 2.107年完成審查品保規劃書49案73件次,108年39案52件次。審查之土水計畫案以A級品保分類為主,審查期間將品保規劃書歷年來撰寫常見之審查意見與案例彙整表列,並適用各級品保規劃書,以提供審查委員及品保規劃書撰寫單位來年撰寫時參用;另品保規劃書一審審查通過比例已逐年提高,至108年已達61.5%,顯見在多年的執行要求下,品保規劃書撰寫單位已逐步依品保規劃書16要項及主管單位的要求撰寫品保規劃書。 3.107年執行現場採樣查核23場次、檢驗室查核26場次,108年執行現場採樣查核21場次、檢驗室查核19場次。查核對象涵括各參與土水計畫檢測作業之環保署許可檢測機構檢驗室及環檢所指定查核對象,可有效發揮無預警查核之效益,監督採樣與檢測單位依品保規劃書內容與相關品質系統規範執行。查核所見缺失已列表彙整,並提出常見查核缺失與查核原則,可提供查核專家、執行土水計畫採樣與檢驗之相關單位參用。 4.107年執行盲樣測試14家143項次,測試合格率100%;108年16家173項次,測試合格率97.7%;另107 ~ 108年均由盲樣測試對象中選擇5家檢驗室實施跟稽查核,跟稽查核之結果,基本上分析操作過程無重大缺失情形,檢測技術與流程也頗熟練,顯現在檢測機構管理制度下,針對檢測人員均有落實訓練、監督與考核。 5.107年與108年各舉辦查核專家之檢討座談會1場次,藉由查核專家之互相交流、經驗分享與建言,檢討品保規劃書審查、現場查核之重點及查核一致性,提昇查核成效。 6.107年舉辦查核說明會1場次,向各土水計畫參與單位說明本計畫執行方式與重點;108年舉辦查核檢討座談會1場次,對採樣工作及檢驗室檢測作業之品質系統查核結果,進行採樣及檢測作業之品保規定及查核缺失檢討。 7.為精進品保規劃書之內容,本計畫以「環保署委託計畫品保規劃書撰寫指引(草案)」24要項,試行撰寫品保規劃書3家次/年,會議所得結論已於本計畫中提出可行性探討與建議。 本計畫依品保規劃書內容執行現場採樣與檢驗室品質系統查核作業,查核缺失均通報執行單位落實檢討與改善,以提昇檢測技術及數據品質,未來將持續依此方向持續進行,以確保本計畫之核心目標。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、品保監督計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-1601-02-05 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4880 千元
專案開始日期 2018/07/04 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳正修
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 李如訓 執行單位 鑫聯網國際認證股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00.107-108年土水查核計畫期末報告定稿-登錄上網.pdf 8MB 土壤及地下水相關計畫檢測數據品質提升計畫(Ⅰ)-檢測作業品保監督查核計畫期末報告

FY 2018 Supervision and Inspection Plan for the Quality Assurance of Projects Relevant to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation

英文摘要 The 2018 “Supervision and Inspection for the Quality Assurance of Projects Plan Relevant to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation (SISG/QAPP)”is a two years project which targeted on supervising and inspecting the soil and groundwater protection/remediation projects conducted by the City or County Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of China. The SISG/QAPP executes 1. Launch a consensus assessors workshop for harmonizing assessor standard. 2. Review of the original project Quality Assurance Plan per the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) framework. 3. Audit the on-site sampling and laboratory activities. 4. Proficiency Test using CRM. 5. Annual Assessors Workshops. 6. Annual Environmental Testing Laboratories QAPP Workshop. 7. Trial run for the new drafted QAPP framework. All SISG/QAPP project objectives have been achieved, included: 1. Annual assessors consensus workshop. 2. Review and approve QAPP 49 cases in 2018 (per 73reviews) and 39 cases in 2019 (per 52 reviews). 3. 23 on-site impromptus samplings inspections, 26 impromptus laboratories inspection were conducted in 2018. 21 on-site impromptus samplings inspections, 19 impromptus laboratories inspection were conducted in 2019. 4. The PT tests for 14 laboratories on soils, groundwater and sledges with total 143 test items in 2018 were conducted with 100% passed. The PT tests for 16 laboratories on soils, groundwater and sledges with total 173 test items in 2019 were conducted with 97.7% passed. Five laboratories were selected and audited followed by the delivery of the PT samples annually. With zero non conformity found, the environmental testing laboratories have demonstrated their proficiency in executing their QAPP project. 5. Annual assessors review workshop. 6. Annual Environmental Testing Laboratories QAPP Workshop. 7. Three testing laboratories trial run for the new drafted QAPP framework annually. All laboratories and county city EPA were informed by the non-compliance findings officially with the corresponding correction activities to improve the laboratories testing skill and data quality. The future project will be aiming at the same direction to fortify the core objectives of this SISG/QAPP.
英文關鍵字 Soil, groundwater, Quality Assurance Project Plans(QAPP)