

中文摘要 為防治土壤及地下水污染,地方主管機關須針對轄區內土壤及地下水品質進行定期檢測、污染調查與民眾陳情案件查證工作,因此,宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)持續進行轄內土壤地下水潛在污染區域定期監測及調查,包含龍德工業區、利澤工業區、梅洲地區及地下儲槽等,另針對污染列管場址進行驗證、查證及管制措施。環保局經公開評選後委託艾奕康工程股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「107年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-宜蘭縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫相關工作皆已完成,各項工作皆符合預定執行進度,並經環保局審查後提送期末報告(定稿本)。 本年度針對過去土壤調查超過監測標準之9處場址進行追蹤,調查結果施用禽畜糞肥農地及壯圍鄉功勞段農地分別有2及2坵塊檢出重金屬測值超過食用作物農地監測標準。另本年度於壯圍鄉功勞段農地調查同時,亦針對農地入水口處及其上游底泥、地下湧泉水進行調查,調查結果底泥均檢出超過砷測值均超過底泥品質指標上限值情形,研判因與長期引灌含砷之地下水有關。 本年度針對幸福水泥周圍屬於敏感受體之東澳國小、東澳北溪沿線露營區(八福原地)、東澳北溪沿線農地及住宅區周圍裸地進行採樣,另於幸福水泥落塵影響區域外佈設1採樣點作為背景值,進行土壤重金屬及戴奧辛分析,檢測結果均無檢出重金屬超過污染監測標準情形;而戴奧辛部分,檢出最高測值為2.76 ng I-TEQ/kg,為土壤污染監測標準之0.00276倍,無檢出超過監測標準情形。本團隊進一步比對幸福水泥周圍土壤戴奧辛測值,發現位於幸福水泥落塵影響區域內之土壤有較落塵影響區域外高的情況,不排除可能受到幸福水泥落塵的影響。 本年度於高速公路雨水排放口底泥沉積物調查中,主要針對污染程度可能較高及次高之頭城-宜蘭段、宜蘭-羅東段分別進行3點及2點採樣,調查結果於重金屬部分雖有檢出汞、銅、鎳、鋅及砷超過底泥品質指標下限值(鋅有超過上限值)情況,但經比對水利會灌溉渠道底泥備查資料後,除鋅以外並無發現明顯有高於背景值的情況。 本年度已依合約規定完成區域性及場置性監測井2季(次)之巡查維護工作,13口次井況評估作業。並依據巡查及井況評估結果,進行5口次井中異物排除及6口次再完作業。另本年度30口場置性監測井地下水採樣工作已於107年5月完成,檢測結果並無監測井檢出測項達地下水污染管制標準;有12口監測井檢出測項達地下水污染監測標準,主要達監測標準項目以氨氮及總有機碳為主。 本年度掩埋場監測工作,地下水部分均無檢出超過地下水污染管制標準情況。各掩埋場以檢出氨氮超過監測標準情況較為普遍,包含五結掩埋場、蘇澳掩埋場、三星掩埋場、礁溪掩埋場、宜蘭市建蘭段掩埋場、冬山掩埋場及員山鄉區域性衛生掩埋場;而五結掩埋場、蘇澳掩埋場及冬山掩埋場則尚有總硬度、氯鹽及總溶解固體物超過監測標準。原水部分,五結、蘇澳及三星掩埋場均有檢出氨氮超過放流水標準情形;三星掩埋場有檢出懸浮固體超過放流水標準情形;蘇澳掩埋場則另有檢出pH、懸浮固體、化學需氧量超過放流水標準情形。 每月針對轄內列管場址至少進行巡檢1次,並更新場址進度,而對於改善完成之場址進行驗證工作。現階段已完成10場次列管場址改善後驗證工作,其中有5處已於今年度解除列管。分別為冬山鄉義成四段1197地號(前斯達工業有限公司)、南澳鄉東岳段743-1地號(幸福水泥東澳廠)、宜蘭市凱旋段1049地號(上德加油站)、頭城鎮拔雅林二段549地號、宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮南安段10地號(大晉造船廠)。 本年度針對宜蘭縣污染潛勢工廠周邊渠道底泥進行調查,共計進行25間工廠現勘及10間工廠周邊底泥採樣檢測,檢測結果初步評估4間工廠污染潛勢較高,分別鉅豐工程行、順發木材有限公司、農禾企業五結廠及宜冠實業社,後續建議環保局可針對此些工廠進行現勘及後續調查。 本年度依據106年度「具污染潛勢工廠周邊底泥調查」結果,挑選宜蘭縣轄內7間工廠進行現勘訪談,依照現勘訪談結果挑選得協企業股份有限公司宜蘭廠及誠友重機械企業社進行土壤污染查證作業。依據檢測結果,得協企業社土壤TPH及重金屬鋅測值超過土壤污染管制標準情形。 本年度針對近年度3處具環保違規記錄之公告事業進行土壤及地下水污染查證,並挑選美麗微半導體股份有限公司宜蘭廠、台灣半導體股份有限公司利澤廠及燿華科技股份有限公司宜蘭廠進行現勘訪談及調查,檢測結果,3間工廠土壤及地下水均無檢出超過監測標準情形。 本年度針對7處玄龍公司曾用於堆放羅東鋼鐵產出之爐碴之地號進行土壤污染查證作業,檢測結果,蘇澳鎮隘城段831地號、冬山鄉北富段2011地號、蘇澳鎮湖口段690地號有檢出重金屬超過管制標準情形。 本團隊已協助環保局完成106年第3次(申報區間為106年9~12月)、107年第1次(申報區間為107年1~4月)及107年第2次(申報區間為107年5~9月),申報審查率皆為100 %。彙整歷次申報常見問題,業者執行上面臨較多疑慮之關鍵問題主要為「土壤氣體監測項目申報」及「網路申報系統操作及其他問題」,本年度已於107年5月7日「地下儲槽事業土壤及地下水污染預防宣導法規說明會」中加強宣導。 本年度目前共計進行12車次(107年3~11月)土石方入境管理抽樣工作,透過XRF篩測,均無檢出土壤有超過食用作物農地監測標準情況。另亦依環保局要求,於107年3月22日協同環保局及南澳鄉公所人員至澳花公墓營建剩餘土石回填處進行現場勘查工作,經現場與環保局討論後,於現勘當日以人工方式直接採集6點土壤進行重金屬XRF篩測,篩測結果皆遠低於土壤污染監測標準。 本年度已完成(1) 3場次土壤及地下水污染防治宣導說明會,共計306員參加;(2) 6小時環保局業務人員之土壤及地下水污染整治技術與相關法令教育課程或訓練及(3) 5場次環境教育繪本說故事宣導活動,共計335員參加。另本年度亦協助環保署及環保局規劃及舉辦全國土水業務交流會,會議已於107年9月11、12日完成辦理。 針對考評績效指標辦理部分,已協助環保局針對補助計畫管理、污染場址管理及行政配合宣導方面提出107年績效考評得分關鍵要點及具體作為,藉以突顯環保局在污染查證及整治之決心及作為,同時亦展現土壤及地下水執行成效。此外,本團隊亦協助環保局設定考評相關權重,針對完成把握度較高之項目給予較高權重,以在確實掌握基本分數之原則外,爭取最高得分,截至107年12月27日止,現階段環保局考評績效指標分數為89.57分。
中文關鍵字 土壤;地下水;監測井;應變;調查;驗證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7890 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 鄭翰鈞
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 康芸熙 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 107期末上傳資料.pdf 0MB

The project on Investigation and Verificationof Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Yilan County, 2018

英文摘要 In order to prevent soil and groundwater from contamination, the local competent authority must regularly investigate and exam the quality of soil and groundwater in its own jurisdiction and deal with the petitions. Therefore, Yilan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) has been continuously monitoring the potential sites of contaminated soil and groundwater in the region, including industrial complex and communities in Longde, Lize, and Meizhou, as well as other underground storage tanks (UST). Additionally, the inspection, verification and control measures has been implemented over restricted contaminated area. The Yilan EPB has commissioned Taiwan AECOM Co., Ltd (the “team”) to be the chief executive of the “2016 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan County” project (the “project”). All scopes of work in the project has been accomplished and every assignment was flawlessly on schedule. Hereby the final report is submitted to the EPB following its inspection over the work. This year, a total of 9 sites, where the contamination in soil exceeds the control standard, were investigated. The result shows that the concentration of heavy metals were found to exceed monitoring standards of food crops in some of the lands fertilized using animal manure and lands in Gonglao Section of Zhuangwei. In addition, when crop lands in Gonglao Section of Zhuangwei were investigated, the sediment of water inlet and upstream, as well as the underground water were also investigated. Results showed that the arsenic in the sediment all exceeded the “Sediment Upper Limit”, and it is possibly due to long-time irrigation using arsenic-containing underground water. For sensitive receptors near Lucky Cement Co., including Dongao elementary school, camp sites and farmlands along the Dongaobei River, as well as bare lands around the residential area, sampling work was performed. Also, one sample point was set outside the dust-affected area of Lucky Cement Co. as a background reference for soil heavy metals and dioxin analysis. No heavy metal was detected or exceed the soil monitoring standards; the highest of dioxin was 2.76 ng I-TEQ/kg, 0.00276 times of that of the monitoring standards, not exceeding the standard as well. The team further compare the dioxin concentration near Lucky Cement Co., and it was found that the dust from the operation of Lucky Cement Co. may affect the surroundings. In the survey of sediments of rainwater discharge outlets of the highways, it mainly focused on the sections that may be the most highly contaminated, the Toucheng-Yilan section and the Yilan-Luodong section, sampling 3 and 2 points respectively. The results showed that although heavy metals such as mercury, copper, nickel, zinc and arsenic were detected to exceed the lower limit of the sediment quality index of the sediment, with zinc also exceeding the upper limit, after comparing the results of sediment of the irrigation channel from the Irrigation Association, it was found that the survey results are similar to the background except for zinc. The team had completed, as contracted, a total of 2 times of quarterly work of the checks and maintenance of regional and on-site monitoring wells for the condition assessment on 13 monitoring wells; according to the results, 5 of them went through the maintenance after the assessment, and 6 of them went through the well development again followed by camera shooting inside the well to assure of tidiness. Sampling work of all 30 wells has been done in May, 2018, and no results exceeded the control standards, and 12 of them reached the monitoring standards, mainly ammonia and TOC. As for the monitoring of the landfill site, no groundwater exceed the control standards. It is common that all landfills detected ammonia nitrogen, exceeding monitoring standards, including Wujie Landfill, Suao Landfill, Samsung Landfill, Jiaoxi Landfill, Yilan City Jianlan Section, Dongshan Landfill and Yuanshan Regional Landfill. The Wujie Landfill, Su-Ao Landfill, Dongshan Landfill and Sanxing Landfill all exceeded the monitoring standards in total hardness, chloride salts and total dissolved solids. For raw water, Wujie, Su-Ao and Samxing Landfill all detected ammonia nitrogen, exceeding the discharge water standard. Suspended solids of Sanxing Landfill exceedied the discharge water standard as well. In addition, Su-Ao Landfill is also high in pH, suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, exceeding the discharge water standard. The team has carried out the monthly inspection over restrained sites for the progress of improvement and the latest condition in hand and evaluate the predicted effects for the site where the remediation plan has been accomplished. Currnently, there are totally 10 sites that has completed post-improvement verification, and 5 of them (Land No.1197 of Yicheng 4th section in Dongshan, Land No.734-1 of dongyue section in Nanao, Land, No.1049 of Kaisuan section in Yilan, Land No.549 of Bayalin 2nd section in Toucheng, and Land No.10 of Nanan section in Suao have been removed from the control list. A survey was conducted on the sediments around the potentially-contaminated factories; a total of 25 factories were surveyed and sediment of 10 of these factories were sampled. The test results preliminary evaluated that there were 4 factories that are relatively with high contamination, including Shunfa Timber Co., Ltd., Nonghe Enterprise-Wujie Factory and Yiguan Industrial Co., Ltd. It is suggested that the EPB can focus on the mentioned factories for on-site checks and follow-up investigations. According to the results of the “Determination of Sediment around the Potentially-Contaminated Factories” in 2017, 7 factories in Yilan County were selected for on-site interviews. Based on the results of the on-site interview, the De-hsieh and Cheng-you company were selected for soil contamination verification. The results showed that TPH and zinc concentration of De-hsieh Company have exceeded the control standards. The team has conducted soil and groundwater contamination verification for 3 announced firms that are with environmental violation records, and the Meliwei Semiconductor Co., Ltd Yilan Factory. Leze Plant of Taiwan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and Yaohua Technology Co., Ltd. were selected for on-site investigation and the interview. The results showed for soil and groundwater, none of these 3 factories exceeded the monitoring standards. This year, the team has conducted verifications of soil contamination at 7 points where the Xuanlong Company used to pile up the output of Luodong Iron and Steel Company. The results showed that the heavy metals in Land No.831 of Aicheng Section in Suao, Land No.2011 of Beifu Secion in Dongshan, and Land No.690 of Hukou Section in Suao exceed the control standards. Currently, the team has been associate with EPB to complete the UST reports of Q3 in 2017 (from Sep to Dec), Q1 in 2018 (from Jan to Apr) and Q2 in 2018 (from May to Aug), with 100% of inspection. Organizing the issues coming up frequently, the main issues include “declaration of soil and air monitoring items” and “operation of online system and others”. Brief sessions for Precautions and Regulation of Soil and Underground Water Contamination for UST has been held on May 7th, 2018 for such issue. There had been 12 Lorries going through the examining work of soil-rock importing management from March to November 2018. Amid the use of XRF screening, the selected samples were analyzed for heavy metal content and the results indicated zero sample exceeding the monitoring standards of crop soil. Additionally, on March 3rd, with the EPB and staff from Nanou Town Office, the team has executed the on-site check at the construction produced soil backfill point in Aohua Cemetry, and 6 soil samples were collected to undergo XRF screening; the results was much lower than the regulatory standards. The examining work of soil-rock importing management has been implementing for 2 years and most of the business owners or stack-holders have been precautious for those soil from unknown sources since their awareness of the EPB’s examination. Thus, with efficiently managing the investigating resources and funds, it is recommended that the EPB can particularly rely on XRF screening for determination in which the sample should be transferred to laboratory for standard analysis and further tracking if there was 1 element exceeding the monitoring standard. In this there have been 3 open conferences for interpreting relevant Acts of prevention of soil and groundwater contamination (total audience number: 306), 5 educational sessions (total audience number: 335) and 6-hour training courses for EPB’s staff. The team has also assisted the EPA and EPB for the 2018 National Soil and Water Seminar on September 11 and 12, 2018. For the evaluation of performance indicators, the team has assisted the EPB in proposing key points and measures of the 2018 evaluation for program management, contaminated site management and administrative works, highlighting the determination of the EPB in contamination verification and remediation and showing the effectiveness of soil and underground water implementation. In addition, the team also assists the EPB in setting relevant weights for assessments, giving higher weights to projects with higher levels of confidence, in order to achieve the highest scores in addition to the principle of mastering the basic scores, as of December 27, 2018, the score of EPB's performance was 89.57.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater Pollution