

中文摘要 107年度臺東縣部落節電推廣專案計畫,辦理2場次的節電診斷師教育訓練、結合NGO團體透過辦理部落公民會議及培訓之節電診斷師,以綠建築為主題,結合低碳旅遊,協助至少10處次(含)以上之社區或機關或學校、辦理2場次種子人員教育訓練活動、辦理2場次氣候變遷、溫室氣體減量等議題之培力工作坊。並透過各式媒體宣導,藉以行銷本計畫推廣活動及宣導主題。  計畫工作項目包含節電診斷師教育訓練、種子人員教育訓練、培力工作坊之活動辦理,其中節電診斷師教育訓練分別於1025、1026辦理完成,2天分別有24、22人參與,並且現場也有進行會後測試,後續也有學員提供針對部落內公有建築診斷結果作為相關成果;種子人員教育訓練於1110、1111辦理完成,參與人數分別有32、33人參與,當天結合荒野保護協會針對部落小朋友進行教學,課程除帶領小朋友動手做房子(結合隔熱手法),也透過一系列的氣候變遷小遊戲,來教導小朋友,透過手作與遊戲的方式,來達到學習的目的;培力工作坊於1030、1031辦理完成,2天分別有30、31人,課程內容結合荒野保護協會進行,同時也邀請關山工商陳玉霖老師,現場帶領民眾直接動作做屋頂隔熱,透過現場實作,讓民眾了解其實節電手法沒有想像中困難,進而達到潛移默化的效果,公民咖啡館與節電示範點已於1119-1210之間辦理完畢,其中參與人數達538人次,並完成10處部落示範點的建置,其中建置內容包含了屋頂隔熱改善、綠籬外牆等房屋隔熱作為,透過部落公有建築的改善,來達到讓整個部落民眾體驗有感的目的,以有效推展建築物隔熱之目的,總預計可節省約3,702.96度電,詳細成果與節電效益將於報告展現。
中文關鍵字 節電、節能減碳、部落


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5880 千元
專案開始日期 2018/07/26 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 李連堯
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 林威志 執行單位 方輿環境工程技師事務所


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期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 12MB 期末報告定稿

2018 Taitung County Tribe Festival Electricity Saving Promotion Project

英文摘要 For 2018 Taitung County Tribe Festival Electricity Saving Promotion Project, two sections of Electricity Saving Diagnosis Educational Training Program were held. The Project, in combination with NGOs, has helped at least 10 (included) communities, facilities, or schools to integrate low-carbon tours under the theme of green architecture through tribal civil meetings and electricity saving diagnosis training. It has held two sections of seed member educational trainings, two sections of cultivation studios concerning issues such as climatic changes, reduction of green house gas, etc., and promote the campaigns and advocated issues of the Project through all kinds of media. All the plans of the Project have been completed, including holding electricity saving diagnosis educational training and cultivation studios. Among them, the electricity saving diagnosis educational training took place on October 25 and 26. During these two days, 24 and 22 people participated the event respectively. On the site, we had post-meeting tests. Subsequently, some trainees provided the diagnosis results of the public buildings in their tribes. The seed member educational training took place on November 10 and 11. 32 and 33 people participated the event respectively. On that day, the Society of Wilderness provided courses for children in the tribes. Besides teaching children how to build a house in person (in thermal insulation method), the course familiarized them with the issue through a series of games regarding climatic changes. The cultivation studio took place on October 30 and 31. On these two days, 30 and 31 people respectively participated the studio. Teacher Chen Yu-lin of National Guan-shan Vocational Senior High School was invited to the studio to teach the participants how to make rooftop insulation directly. Through the practice on the site, the participants can then understand that in fact, electricity saving is not as difficult as they had imagined. The studio gave the participant subtle and unconscious influence through these activities. Civilian Cafe and electricity saving demonstration spots have been completed during November 19 and December 10. Among these days, the number of participants was up to 538 people. 10 tribe demonstration spots were built. These constructions included house insulation such as improvement of rooftop insulation and green walls, etc. Through the improvement of public buildings in the tribes, the people in the whole tribe would really experience the idea of electricity saving. The Project effectively promotes building insulation. It is estimated that the total of about 3,702.96 kWh was saved. The detailed information regarding the results and electricity saving effects will be presented in the report.
英文關鍵字 Energy savings, Reduction strategies for Greenhouse gases