

中文摘要 臺東縣稻草露天燃燒好發時期為6月中旬及11-12月左右,稻作燃燒造成空氣品質惡化,因露天燃燒有時間短、規模小、污染量大以及地點分散等問題,過去農民認為將稻草就地燃燒後其基質可肥沃土壤,燃燒農地又可防治病蟲害,若需將稻草載至他處需花費額外運輸成本,目前稻草經濟價值較過去低,常以露天燃燒方式來處理農業廢棄物,造成嚴重之空氣污染。而縣轄內有商業登記之餐飲業數量為1,829 家(不含攤販業者),大多集中於臺東市區約1,063家,佔全縣58%,其烹飪所排放之油煙若未經妥善處理,易導致鄰近居民不良感受。另外轄內廟宇數量共有219間,以市區為多共計89家。每焚燒一公噸紙錢產生123.8公斤空氣污染物,包含10公斤的粒狀污染物、2.3公斤的硫氧化物、2.5公斤的氮氧化物以及109公斤的一氧化碳。燃燒金銀紙錢不僅對空氣產生污染,亦對人體呼吸道、肺組織、眼睛、皮膚、血液、中樞神經等器官產生危害。若在山區或墓旁燃燒,尚有引發火災的可能,釀出公共危險的意外。藉由「107年度臺東縣民生議題管制計畫」,有效控管減少稻草露天燃燒,推動益菌肥加速稻桿腐化翻耕作業,掌握臺東縣稻草流向資訊、建構稻草再利用平台,配合轄境內陳情案件及各期稻作露天燃燒加強稽巡查管制、製作熱點地圖及宣導改善等作業,落實改善縣境內稻草露天燃燒污染情形,加強管制餐飲業者裝設污染防制設備,落實操作維護,並透過宣導寺廟一爐一香、紙錢減量、鞭炮減量,降低民眾陳情案件數量,有效維護本縣空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6700 千元
專案開始日期 2018/06/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 馮志銘 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 民生案期末報告定稿.pdf 22MB

107 Taitung County People's Livelihood Issues Control Plan

英文摘要 The open-air burning period of Taitung County straw is about mid-June and around November-December. The air quality is deteriorated due to the burning of rice. Because of the short time, small scale, large amount of pollution and scattered location, the open-air burning has been considered by farmers in the past. After the straw is burned in situ, the substrate can fertilize the soil, and the burning of the agricultural land can prevent pests and diseases. If it is necessary to carry the straw to other places, it will cost extra transportation costs. At present, the economic value of the straw is lower than in the past, and the open burning method is often used to treat agricultural waste. Things, causing serious air pollution. The number of catering businesses with commercial registration in the county is 1,829 (excluding vendors), most of which are concentrated in about 1,063 in Taitung City, accounting for 58% of the county. If the cooking fumes are not properly disposed of, It is easy to cause bad feelings of neighboring residents. In addition, there are 219 temples in the jurisdiction, with a total of 89 in the urban area.Each ton of paper money burned produced 123.8 kilograms of air pollutants, containing 10 kilograms of granules, 2.3 kilograms of sulphur oxides, 2.5 kilograms of nitrogen oxides and 109 kilograms of carbon monoxide. Burning gold and silver paper money not only pollutes the air, but also harms the human respiratory tract, lung tissue, eyes, skin, blood, central nervous system and other organs. If it is burned in the mountains or at the tomb, there is still the possibility of causing a fire and causing public hazards. With the "107 Taitung County People's Livelihood Issues Control Plan", effective control will reduce the open burning of straw, promote the beneficial bacteria fertilizer to accelerate the rice stem rotten and plowing operations, and master the information on straw flow in Taitung County and construct a straw reuse platform. Jurisdiction cases in the jurisdiction and various stages of rice-based open-air burning to strengthen the inspection and control of the inspection, production of hot maps and promotion and improvement operations, implementation of improved open-air burning pollution in the county, strengthen the control of food and beverage industry installation of pollution prevention equipment, implementation of operation and maintenance And by promoting the temple's scent, paper money reduction, firecracker reduction, reducing the number of people's love cases, and effectively maintaining the county's air quality.
英文關鍵字 open burning