

中文摘要   本計畫目的在支援環保署審查環境影響評估河川水質模式,主要工作項目包括(1)整合提供地面水體水質評估模式技術所須背景輸入及參數資料並製作簡易操作手冊;(2)支援機關審查開發行為環境影響評估個案之地面水體水質模式模擬結果;(3)應用河川水質模式模擬重金屬及研擬削減策略及(4)辦理諮詢及技術交流會議。計畫執行期間已經支援環保署審查個案共20件,其中使用質量平衡公式有7件、QUAL2K水質模式1件及12件其他。本年度環評案件追蹤審查案件已有2案件,建置3條河川水質評估模式參數及製作頭前溪(HSPF/BASINS)、大漢溪與大安溪(QUAL2K)、烏溪與濁水溪(WASP)、及大埔美排水(SWMM)等6條河川水質模式簡易操作手冊,並蒐集1件新環評案件,以QUAL2K應用在濁水溪,背景輸入及參數資料。本計畫以南崁溪流域作為示範重金屬總量管制規劃研擬之河段,模擬污染削減策略下水質改善效果。後續建議應持續辦理支援環保署審查河川水質模式模擬結果、持續追蹤審查案件、納入河川水質模擬評估於範疇界定會議項目、辦理經驗交流會、河川水質模式輸入與集水區特性應持續收集及整合,以提供水質模擬所需之背景資料,降低評估單位資料蒐集負荷及增進環評案件評估效益。
中文關鍵字 河川水質模式、環境影響評估、技術規範


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-EA13-02-A132 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3223 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/19 專案結束日期 2018/12/15 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 簡吟純 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


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期末報告 EPA-107-EA13-02-A132.pdf 12MB

A project of the technical support on environmental impact assessment for surface water quality modeling

英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to assist Taiwan Environmantal Protection Administration (EPA) in reviewing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports regarding the water quality modeling. Four main tasks are conducted to provide technological support in examining the results of water quality modeling which was used in the assessment of surface water quality. The tasks include: (a) summarizing the results of modeling application of the four models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, and QUAL2K) which were applied in the EIA cases, and a model user manual is prepared based on EIA cases, (b) reviewing at least 20 EIA reports, (c) developing a heavy metal TMDL, and (d) hosting workshops to discuss the water quality models. Twenty EIA cases were evaluated during this study. One of the EIA cases were assessed by the QUAL2K, seven by the simple dilution model, but twelve were not assessed by any models. Two EIA cases were followed up, and comments on the EIA cases were provided during the scoping meeting. The WASP was applied to develop a heavy metal TMDL. The results showed that the Copper (Cu) has to be reduced to meet the critical water quality under Q75 and Q50 low flow condition. The scenarios of Cu loading reductions were presented for the Cu TMDL developments in Nankan River. Besides, the parameters of the water quality models are summarized for future application. During this study, the parameters of the four models were collected based on the EIA cases. For the HSPF/BASINS, the parameters of Toucian Creek were collected. For the QUAL2K, Dahan Creek and Da-an river was collected. For the WASP, Wu Creek and Juoshuei River was collected. For the SWMM, Da Pu Mei drainage was collected. Finally, several suggestions for further investigation are provided. This study recommends that government agencies should work with institute to revise the modeling guidelines or model implementation for applications in EIA cases. Moreover, the co-working institute can play a critical role in archiving models and data, maintaining and upgrading them for future applications. The modeling workshops should take place frequently to emphasize on modeler education.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Model, Environmental Impact Assessment, Technical Guideline