

中文摘要 本研究係蒐集彙整先進國家日本、美國、德國等及國際組織,如聯合國、歐盟、OECD等組織,對毒物及化學物質災害防救機制及相關法令,之後與我國現行毒物及化學物質災害防救機制進行研析與比較,並參考相關學者專家意見,擬出我國毒化物質災害防救策略之短中長程規劃。本研究發現,我國的毒化災機制與日、美等國之預防與減災、整備、應變、復原重建等階段相似。惟我國在應變體系與主要應變能量方面,主要落在中央與與地方政府,尤其是地方政府消防隊及中央環保署應變組織。化學物質運作者,尤其是中小企業自救能力相對薄弱。而歐美國家及日本雖然政府有實際應變組織與能力,但是實際應變能量集中於運作者或業者組設之聯防組織,其具備有專業應變人員,對於事故發生具有緊急應變與處置能力,中央與地方政府機構協助資源與資訊整合協調,提供支援與協助。爰建議,(1)我國中央及地方災害防救模式應參考東京、紐約或臺北市,成立常設性災害應變組織,由政府首長擔任救災指揮官模式,達到人物力最大整合效率。(2)化災搶救人員訓練內容不同於一般火災搶救人員,應額外增加消防人力,並給予化學災害應變專業訓練及演習。(3)我國中小企業居多,政府在維持現行救災能量之餘,可仿日本MDPC、德國TUIS模式,採收費協助救災。
中文關鍵字 毒物與化學物質、災害防救、緊急應變運作


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-HC01-02-A040 經費年度 107 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2018/09/12 專案結束日期 2019/12/15 專案主持人 陳永仁
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 劉建良 執行單位 臺北市立大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TCSB-107-HC01-02-A040成果報告書(定稿本).pdf 10MB 成果報告書(定稿本)

The Integrated Plan for Toxic and Chemical Substances Disater Prevention and Response (Phase I)

英文摘要 This study collected the toxic chemical substances accident prevention and response mechanism and rules information from industrialized countries such as Japan, USA, Germany and other international organizations such as United Nations, European Union and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. After consulted with the experts and related industries, we propose the short and long term suggestions of toxic chemical accident prevention and response mechanism for Taiwan Government. We found that the toxic chemical accident prevention and response mechanism in Taiwan were similar to those industrialized countries in the work of prevention, preparation, response, and recovery. However, there were less manpower and experiences in the industries for chemical accident response in Taiwan. The major responsibilities for chemical accident response were on the government, especially in local fire department and Environmental Protection Administration. The self-rescue and emergency response capacities were week in most chemical industries in Taiwan compared with the industrialized countries. On the contrary, a chemical industry or their union in industrialized countries played major emergency response work, although the government owns fire department. In Japan and Germany there were chemical substances accident response team served by private organization and charge by different service levels basis. These played important role for chemical accident response in their country. The following are our suggestions. First, because a formal organization of emergency operation center (EOC )and the Mayor as the leader of EOC,that make New York City, Tokyo, and Taipei City easy to integrated manpower and all resources for emergency response. Second, since the household fire is different from that of chemical plant fire, the chemical accident firefighter need increase the number and special training and drill to protect themselves. Third, most of the chemical plants in Taiwan are small and medium enterprise (SME), besides of chemical firefighter in local fire department, Taiwan needs the similar MDPC in Japan and TUIS in Germany. They serve the SME and charge to keep operation.
英文關鍵字 Toxic and Chemical Substances, Disaster Prevention and Response, Emergency Response Operation