

中文摘要 環保署自83年推動「天網計畫」完善監測系統。空污法(88.1.20修正發布)納入三級防制區之管理。二級防制區為符合空氣品質標準區域,三級防制區則為未符合空氣品質標準區域。88年起公告防制區劃定結果,並每兩年檢討。西部16縣市中(以五都改制計),懸浮微粒(PM10)三級防制區由88年之10縣市改善至107年(草案)3縣市。臭氧(O3)三級防制區由88年7縣市改善至107年(草案)1縣市,管制成效顯著。另隨著空氣品質標準( 101.5.14修正發布)納入細懸浮微粒(PM2.5),105年新增公告西部16縣市皆為PM2.5三級防制區,為近期管制重點。早期環保署以污染物標準指標(Pollutant Standards Index, PSI),提供民眾及政府單位於發生嚴重空氣污染時能有所因應。於105.12.1起修改為空氣品質指標(Air Quality Index, AQI),並納入PM2.5日平均值、O3八小時等項目。在傳統PM10及O3小時值改善基礎下,進一步朝PM2.5、O3八小時值改善而努力。 本計畫為延續性計畫,以過去中部及雲嘉南地區管制經驗(最早為石化業),推廣擴大至其他地區,以達成空氣品質為目標,包含三大工作項目:跨區空污防制經驗交流、石化業管制、固定源PM2.5減量管制等作業。並以排放量、空氣品質時序趨勢等指標,來評估管制成效。依據基準年(99年)排放清冊,環保署模擬達成空品標準,對應之涵容量,PSNV(PM、SOx、NOx及VOCs)須分別減量33%、41%、47%及14%。其中因SOx及NOx排放量以監檢測數據估算較為準確,故以空污費資料為基礎進行減量及盤點。PM及VOCs以排放係數估算,為製程別平均值,無法凸顯各廠差異,故以空氣品質分析,研擬改善對策。此外,石化業VOCs管制重點已由臭氧前驅物轉為健康影響。綜上,本計畫依據污染物排放特性,充分利用清單及模擬結果、空品分析、有害空氣污染物(HAPs)風險管理,研擬改善策略及評估減量成果。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空污減量、六輕離島工業區、固定污染源、排放標準


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA12-03-A131 經費年度 107 計畫經費 12386 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 郭子豪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-107-FA12-03-A131期末報告.pdf 14MB 期末報告內文

The Implementaion Plan to Improve Air Quality in the air basin

英文摘要 The amendment of Clean Air Act in 1999 has adapted the graded Control Region system, from which each city and county is classified according to the average concentration of air pollutants and air pollution standards. Class 1 control regions include areas national parks and natural protected areas; Class 2 control regions means areas that meet air quality standards; whereas, Class 3 control regions means areas that do not meet air quality standards. In 2016, all cities and counties south of Yunlin County were rated as Class 3 for PM10, while Kaohsiung and Pingtung were rated as C ass 3 for O3. As for PM2.5 all cities/counties other than Taitung County were rated as Class 3, indicating that the control of PM2.5 will be our future objective. On the other hand, the 8-hour average of O3 has taken into the calculation of the AQI, therefore, the focus of O3 control has shifted to the decrease of the number of red-alert days. This project has been continuous for many years and has three main tasks: I. Sharing of air pollution control strategies The Clean Air Action Plant of 2015 has indicated the emission of PM, SOx, NOx, and VOCs (collectively as PSNV) should be reduced by 33%, 41%, 47%, and 14% respectively, with 2010 as the base year, to achieve Air Quality Standards. According to the Stationary Emission Database, until 2016 SOx and NOx have decreased by 35% and 19% respectively, indicating more reduction measures should be made. PM and VOCs are estimated by the emission coefficient, which is the average value of the proces. Therefore, the air quality analysis is used to improve the countermeasures. II. Control of petrochemical industry emissions This year the control of petrochemical industry emissions focuses on 1. Further control of flare towers after the discovery of ozone increase due to the emission of ethylene and propylene; 2. The compilation of pollution map with FTIR monitoring in petrochemical industrial zones after the Chaoliu Incidence; 3. Tracing and reduction of HAPs emission after the promulgation of stationary HAPs standards and make suggestions to the adjustment of VOCs Standards accordingly. III. Control of Stationary PM2.5 emission This year the measures to control PM2.5 emission includes 1. Control of major firepower plants; 2. Control of small boilers; and 3. Tracing of compliances after the promulgation of Power Generation Facilities Emission Standards in 2014.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Air Pollution Reduction, The No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore Island Industrail Zone, Stationary Source, Emission Standard