

中文摘要 本年度建置平臺八大項執行主要成果如下: (一)維護修正本計畫平臺功能 1.主系統 依使用者意見調修平臺友善度,重新調整與各業務單位資料彙整,透過平臺可快速檢視事業相關許可資料、申報資料及查處資料;配合EEMS頁面調修,同步變動主系統督察作業相關頁面;審核程序改採為自主式審核,由審核長官決定案件是否繼續陳核或決行;新增知識庫輔助資料,減少同仁至現場督察輸入時間;透過其他業務資料加值服務,利用視覺化軟體顯示案件異常點,以加強資訊顯示豐富度。 2.GIS系統 發展「圖查文」直覺式管理查詢介面,導入主系統「事業資料」,並已完成更新環保署監資處圖層資料116張及建置特定案件智慧化派遣督察車組功能,以利查詢同仁所在位。 3.子系統 依使用者意見調修平臺友善度,以頁簽方式及點選下拉方式減少同仁現場督察作業,並解構各污染別母法條文,環保法規共計12個,檢視法條數總計629條,解構條項目款共409項。 (二)依計畫需求更新介接相關系統資料 本計畫已完成蒐集13個系統資料,有批次匯入及介接匯入,共取得31張資料表及526個欄位。 (三)完成3個指標型案件污染樣態熱區邏輯 透過資深督察人員之專業知識、思維邏輯及多年經驗,並藉由電腦的進階分析,建立各種不同型態督察案件實績範例,以傳承現場督察經驗與提升督察效率,本計畫持續充實督察相關資料,建置事業異常資料分析平臺,以現有事業許可及申報資料為基礎建立分析模組,以利督察人員快速查找事業異常狀況並自動將分析結果導入子系統(APP)內,使其至現場時可依循異常項目進行督察。 (四)強化污染熱區機制 透過經驗彙整,盤點取得所需分析資料,人員逐一比對及找出資料間關係邏輯並建立模組及制定基本項目與進階項目分數、權重制定等;並彙製污染熱區發展概念圖,使同仁快速了解污染熱區建構機制。 (五)完成資訊揭示屏幕及手持平板設備購置維護工作 今年度已採購6臺揭示屏幕及採購ASUS ZenPad 3S 10 (Z500KL),相關配件包含觸碰筆、平板保護貼(霧面)、平板皮套、皮板包、指環扣及車充共10組。另與中華電信合作4G網路無通話功能。 (六)規劃施做污染熱區邏輯建構辦公區域 針對「污染熱區邏輯建構辦公區域」規劃完善辦公區的安全管控設施及辦公區設計,完成空間設計規劃需求確認、選材確認、工程施作期程規劃、驗收方式確認,符合「污染熱區邏輯建構辦公區域」所要求之獨立且保密空間辦公空間,以利辦公業務執行並符合機敏資料防護要求,並符合建築物室內裝修管理辦法規定。 施工作業期間為4週,於9月10日裝修開工,10月5日完成現場裝修作業,11月1日由總隊完成驗收作業,本辦公區域符合工作項目內容,完成建置污染熱區邏輯建構辦公區域,提升整體新辦公區域辦公及機密等功能性,提供總隊人員優質辦公空間。 (七)辦理平臺功能輔導服務與使用說明會 教育訓練主要內容以主系統及子系統使用說明。本案除依契約規定辦理3場次教育訓練及3場到點輔導服務,為了讓同仁快速熟悉多角度查詢功能,本計畫加開3場次到點輔導服務,總計進行了6場次(3+3)到點輔導服務,有效提升操作流暢度。 (八)機關交辦其他相關事項 配合環保署召開工作協調會共27場次及協助本署「環境品質感測物聯網發展布建及執法應用計畫」前瞻計畫分項計畫進度報告共12份資料等。 綜合以上所述,本年度的工作項目中包含開發平臺,平臺不斷地往精益求精方式進行並加入更多元的服務,使平臺更貼近使用者的業務需求,進而增加使用者意願。
中文關鍵字 督察、環保業務、資料取得、污染熱區


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-Z101-02-102 經費年度 107 計畫經費 14000 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 黃振峰
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 謝適鴻 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年督察工作管理平臺功能提升及維護案(定稿)-公開版.pdf 3MB 107年督察工作管理平臺功能提升及維護案-公開版

Function Improvement and Maintenance Project of 2018 Inspection Work Management Platform

英文摘要 The implementation of the eight major items in this year's platform establishment has realized the following major achievements: 1. Maintain and amend the functions of the project platform (1)Main system Improve the level of the friendliness of the platform based on users’ experience, re-adjust, and compile all information from all units. Through the platform, permitting information related to business, applications and reviews can be quickly browsed through. Complemented with EEMS interface adjustment, relevant presentations of inspection work are synced. The auditing procedure is turned to self-check system, and the chief auditor would determine whether the projects should be reviewed again or executed. Knowledge database is added to act as supplementary information in order to reduce the input time for the staff carrying out the inspection on site. Through the top-up service of other business information, project anomalies can be shown using visual software to strengthen the level of the abundance of information display. (2)GIS system “Texts by pictures” is developed to intuitively manage the searching interface, and “business information” of the main system is introduced. Furthermore, 116 pieces of layer data of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) are completely updated, and the smart assignment of inspection cars for specific projects are established to check the locations of the staff. (3)Sub-system Improve the level of the friendliness of the platform based on users’ experience, and reduce the workload of on-site inspection work by using tabs and drop-down menus. Deconstruct the articles of the enabling statute of each kind of pollution, with 12 laws related to environmental protection, 629 relevant articles, and 409 items in total. 2. Update relevant system data of interfaces upon project’s needs This project has collected 13 sets of system data which are imported in batches and by interfacing. In total of 31 data sheets and 526 columns are obtained. 3. Complete 3 logic projects of indicative pollution hot areas With an aid of senior inspectors’ expertise, thinking and years of experience as well as the advanced analysis done by computers, various types of examples of inspection cases can be established for the purpose of passing on the on-site inspection experience and enhancing inspection efficiency. This project keeps abounding in the inspection data and setting up an interpretation platform of anomalies. Moreover, on the basis of the existing business permits and application information, interpreting module is established so that inspectors can quickly check the abnormalities of businesses, and the module would automatically introduce the interpretation result to sub-system (APP). This enables the inspectors to locate the abnormal items on site. 4. Strengthen the system of pollution hot areas Through the integration of experiences, check the data required for analysis. Personnel compare it one by one and find out the relations and logics among data, establishing a module and working out the grades and weights between basic items and advanced items. What is more, a development overview of pollution hot areas is plotted for the staff to quickly understand the construction system of pollution hot areas. 5. Complete the purchase and maintenance work of information displays and pads This year, 6 displays and ASUS ZenPad 3S 10 (Z500KL) have been purchased. Related accessories include stylus, matte screen protector, leather cover, leather bag, iring and car charger, in total of 10 sets. Furthermore, the project works with Chunghwa Telecom for 4G data plan but no phone calls. 6. Plan the office for pollution hot areas constructions For the “office for pollution hot areas constructions”, the security control facilities and design of the office would be soundly planned. Then the arrangement of spatial design, confirmation of the demands, materials, work period and acceptance should also be made, following the request of an independent and confidential office for the “office for pollution hot areas constructions”. This allows the execution of office affairs and conforms to the protection requirements of sensitive information in accordance with “Regulations of Internal Renovation of Buildings”. The work period is 4 weeks, starting from 10th September to 5th October. On 1st November, the general team has completed the acceptance work. This office is functional for work items. Upon the completion of the office for pollution hot areas construction, project execution and confidentiality can be enhanced to provide the general team with a high-quality office. 7. Hold a meeting to illustrate the platform functions and use method The training mainly includes the use instruction of the main system and sub-system. This project has held 3 trainings and 3 sessions of door-to-door assistance in accordance with the contract. Apart from this, in order for the staff to be acquainted with the searching function in multi-angles faster, this project has added 3 more sessions of door-to-door assistance. Thus, in total of 6 (3+3) sessions of door-to-door assistance effectively increase the fluency of operation. 8. Other matters requested by the authority concerned Respond to 27 work coordination meetings held by Environmental Protection Administration and assist the administration to report the progress of the forward-looking project “Development, Deployment and Execution Plan of Environment Quality Sensing Internet of Things”, in total of 12 sets of materials. In overview, the work items this year include developing the platform which would be upgraded for the best and added more diverse services. In this way, the platform is much more suitable for the users’ business needs and can further increase the use.
英文關鍵字 Inspection, Eco-friendly Business, Data acquisition, Pollution Hot Areas