

中文摘要 (一) 空氣品質現況 1. 臺南市依據空氣品質指標(AQI)分析近四年(104年~107年11月15日止)空氣品質指標AQI>100比率,整體來看,AQI>100比例由北往南遞增,中部以北縣市空氣品質指標呈逐年改善趨勢,南二都則對所有族群不健康等級(150-200)有大幅改善,顯示污染物高值有逐年下降趨勢,106年對所有族群不健康等級以高雄市(6.5%)較高,臺北市(0.7%)較低,107年統計至11月15日對所有族群不健康等級以高雄市(5.19%)較高,台北市及桃園市(0.7%)較低。對敏感族群不健康(101-150)等級,新北市、臺北市、桃園市及臺中市皆呈逐年下降趨勢,臺南市及高雄市則於106年較105年上升,107年統計至11月15日對敏感族群不健康等級以高雄市(25.1%)較高,臺北市(4.2%)較低;非常不健康(201-300)等級佔比較少,106年以高雄市(0.3%)較高,其次為桃園市(0.14%)、臺北市(0.06%)及新北市(0.03%),臺中市及臺南市則無非常不健康比例,107年統計至11月15日非常不健康等級只發生在高雄市(0.3%),其他五都皆無非常不健康等級發生。 2. 空氣品質指標AQI>100指標污染物,以細懸浮微粒為主,臭氧亦佔不小比例,且主要以臭氧八小時為主,而新北市、桃園市及高雄市有小比例為二氧化硫。 3. 本市104年~107年9月底空氣品質指標(AQI>100)站日數逐月變化,以104年之AQI>100不良站日數447站日最高,105年及106年分別為443站日及414站日,較104年下降約33站日,107年統計至11月15日止為306站日為歷年同期最佳。 4. 各項空氣污染物濃度近十年大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10年平均值及日平均值已連續三年(104~106年)低於法規標準值。分析97~106年之監測資料,懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均值改善率為26%,日平均值改善率為30%;細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)雖尚未符合空氣品質標準,但仍呈現改善趨勢,在手動測站部分,年平均值102年為31.1μg/m3,改善至106年23.8μg/m3,改善23.5%,統計至107年10月底止為21.7μg/m3;24小時平均值102年為80.7μg/m3,改善至106年 61.3μg/m3,改善24%,統計至107年10月底止為57.5μg/m3;在自動測站部份:106年年平均值較97年改善40%,24小時平均值則改善34%;臭氧(O3)小時平均值已連續9年低於空氣品質標準,並在102年公告為二級防制區,從長期變化趨勢來看,顯示近年臺南市施政方向正確且空氣品質改善策略已有初步成效。 (二) 檢討修正惡化防制措施 1. 擴增防制指揮中心機關組成並修正各權責單位應變任務:防制指揮中心機關代表建議從原先11局處擴增至16局處,將地政局、文化局、觀光局、工務局、勞工局等納入,並增加應變任務。 2. 檢討轄內配合實施防制措施之公私場所名單:重新檢視各公私場所之污染物排放量達一定規模之名單共計60家公私場所及自主提送污防書共計1家公私場所。 3. 完成維護管理臺南市空氣品質惡化防制通訊群組。 4. 調整成立防制指揮中心時機,預報或二站達一級預警成立LINE群組跨局處協調應變管制事宜;預報或任一測站達三級嚴重惡化以上由環保局召開應變專案會議;預報或任一測站達一級嚴重惡化召開跨局處會議並進駐災害應變中心。 5. 於107年11月12日完成臺南市空氣品質惡化應變檢討暨模擬演練會議。 (三) 空氣品質惡化應變作業 1. 完成研擬空氣品質惡化時本市之應變流程,包含協助判斷防制指揮中心開設時機與發布、空氣品質趨勢與氣象資訊掌握、污染源巡查作業及應變效益分析與成果提報等。 2. 協助本市空氣品質惡化應變查核作業,工地查核78次、工廠查核29次。 3. 彙整並提報本市空氣品質惡化應變成果至環保署緊急防制辦法作業通報平台,共81計次。 4. 自107年10月起每日提供天氣概況與空氣品質預估分析。 (四) 重大污染源稽查檢測作業 1. 完成PSN檢測25根次,7根次粒狀污染物超過排放標準,已提報環保局進行後續告發處分作業。 2. 完成3,000點次設備元件稽查檢測,1點次超過超標,已提報環保局進行後續告發處分作業。 3. 完成6點次紅外線攝影機輔助偵測,兩點次設備元件檢測搭配紅外線攝影機輔助偵測,其中四點次作為輔助設備元件稽查檢測,協助台南市共計48處加油站測漏情形,主要偵測加油孔油氣回收、真空壓力閥、卸油槽等區域油品是否洩漏之偵測作業,偵測結果發現48處中有22處真空壓力閥洩漏、5處卸油區洩漏、加油島加油期間共46處發生油品洩漏情事,已將偵測結果提供環保局,進行後續發文要求改善作業。 4. 完成6點次防制設備效率驗證,分別為聯合再生能源股份有限公司台南廠、堤維西交通工業股份有限公司科工廠及宏遠興業股份有限公司。 5. 完成於太乙工業區光學雷達環境監測共計7天,監測結果縮小太乙工業區污染範圍可先行針對維新塑膠、台麗塑膠、台南紡織及銘曄附近進行更詳細之週界空氣品質測量、稽查和裝設連續監測系統,以利了解污染分佈狀況。柳營環保科技園區監測點位儀器架設,共2點位共計21天。 (五) 工業區污染源追蹤及判定 本計畫針對萊芊寮工業區進行現地進行VOC 分析儀連續自動監測,已於107年10月25至11月18日於工業區東南方北門農工進行監測。固定式測站與移動監測所處位置皆是在多數異味好發下風位置,根據相關業者物料與製程VOCs背景資料,並整合兩種監測方式之氣象資料(包括風速與風向),監測結果已掌握佳里工業區VOCs相對高值易發生在週間的午後至傍晚,並且建立佳里工業區特徵VOCs資料,兩項監測方式皆顯示工業區揮發性有機物以含氧VOCs為主,此外則為甲苯,皆為來自西北風傳輸的污染,而丙酮與甲苯的污染來向相較於丁酮與乙酸乙酯多。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、重大污染源、空品檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4900 千元
專案開始日期 2018/08/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾綉丹 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 應變期末報告-摘要.pdf 0MB 期末報告-摘要

The main pollution source inspection control and poor air quality improvement process project in Tainan.

英文摘要 Status analysis of air quality (1) According to the Air Quality Index (AQI), analyzed the AQI>100 ratio in the past four years (2015~2018.11.15). Overall, the AQI>100 ratio increased from north to southern cities. The AQI is improved year by year, while Kaohsiung and Tainan city were largely improved in unhealthy for all groups level (AQI:150~200). In 2017, the unhealthy grades for all groups level in Kaohsiung City (6.5 %) is the highest, Taipei City (0.7%) is the lowest, and in 2018, the level in unhealthy for all groups in Kaohsiung City (5.19%) is the highest, and Taipei City and Taoyuan City (0.7%) are the lowest. For the unhealthy (101-150) for sensitive groups level that New Taipei City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, and Taichung City were downward trend year by year. Tainan City and Kaohsiung City were increased since 2016, and Unhealthy grades for sensitive groups level is highest in Kaohsiung City (25.1%) in 2018, Taipei City (4.2%) is the lowest; in 2018 there was no very unhealthy (201-300) level ratio, Kaohsiung City (0.3%) in 2017 was the highest, followed by Taoyuan City (0.14%), Taipei City (0.06%) and New Taipei City (0.03%), Taichung City and Tainan City have no very unhealthy ratio, in 2018, the very unhealthy level only occurred in Kaohsiung City (0.3 %), none of the other five cities have a very unhealthy level. (2) The main pollutants in AQI over 100 is fine particle matter and ozone. Ozone for eight hours average was in a certain proportion, while New North City, Taoyuan City and Kaohsiung City have some proportion of sulfur dioxide. (3) The number of air quality indicators over 100 in Tainan city at the end of September of 2018 was 306 times that was the minimal times since 2015 (447 times in 2015 years; 443 times and 414 times in 2016 and 2017, respectively). Which declined 33 times from 2015 to November 15 of 2018. (4) The concentration of various air pollutants was declined annually in the past ten years. The annual average and daily average of PM10 have been lower than the standards for three years average (2015~2017). Analysis of the data from 2008 to 2017, the annual average concentration was improved 26% in particle matters (PM10), and the daily average concentration was improved 30%. Although fine particle matter (PM2.5) did not meet the air quality standards, the concentration still presented an improvement trend. In the manual operation monitoring station, the annual average in 2013 was 31.1 μg/m3, improved to 23.8 μg/m3 in 2017, improved rate was 23.5%, and the concentration was 21.7 μg/m3 in end of October 2018; 24-hour average in 2013 was 80.7 μg/m3, decreased to 61.3 μg/m3 in 2017 the improved rate was 24%, and 57.5 μg/m3 in the end of October 2018. For the automatic station that the annual average concentration in 2017 was improved from 2008, the ratio is 40%; the 24-hour average was improved 34%; the hourly average of ozone (O3) was lower than the air quality standard for 9 consecutive years and was declared as the secondary control zone in 2013. From the long-term trend, the policy of Tainan City direction is accurately, and results indicated the air quality improvement strategy has achieved the target. Reviewing the revised deterioration prevention measures (1) Expand and controlling the bureau of the command center and correcting the tasks of each authority: The representative of the defense command center proposed to expand from the original 11 bureaus to 16 bureaus; and the Lands Bureau, Cultural Bureau, Tourism Bureau, and Labor Bureau are involved in the command center and the task of response is increased. (2) Reviewing the list of industrial in Tainan: Re-examine the list of pollution in the certain among emission of 60 industrials which for self-control of pollution and prevention strategy book. (3) Maintenance and management of the Tainan City air quality deterioration prevention communication group. (4) Adjusting the timing of the establishment of the prevention and control command center, forecasting or two stations establishing the first-level warning that establish the LINE group inter-office coordination and control; the forecast or any station that has reached the third serious deterioration level is convened meeting by the Environmental Protection Bureau; the forecast or any station reach the serious deterioration level and hold an inter-office meeting in the Emergency Response Center. (5) Completed the Tainan City air quality deterioration review and simulation exercise meeting on November 12, 2018. Air quality deterioration emergency response measures (1) Complete the air quality deterioration prevention process. Including determining the timing to set up the control command center, air quality trends and meteorological information, pollution source inspection and analysis the benefit of strain and reporting the results. (2) Assisting check the pollution sources when air quality deterioration. In this project check 78 times of construction site and 29 times of factory. (3) Reporting the results when air quality deterioration to the website which provides by EPA, 81 times in total. (4) Daily weather and air quality prediction analysis since October 2018. Inspection of major pollution sources (1) Completed the PSN detection, 25 times in total. And 7 chimney pipes pollutants exceeded the standard which had been reported to EPA. (2) Completed 3,000 points of equipment component inspection and 1 point of equipment component exceed the standard which had been reported to EPA. (3) Complete 6-point infrared camera auxiliary detection. Two points of equipment component detection and infrared camera auxiliary detection. The other four points of infrared camera detection were used in the leak detection situations in Tainan City of 48 gas station. Mainly detecting oil hole recovery situation, vacuum pressure valve, oil discharge tank and other areas of the oil hole is leaking or not. The results show that there are 22 vacuum pressure valve leaks, 5 places of oil discharge areas and fueling island were leaked. Total of 46 oil spills occurred, and the results of the inspection were provided to EPA for improvement. (4) Completion of the effective verification of the 6 points equipment, namely, United Renewable Energy Co., Ltd., TYC BROTHER INDUSTRIAL CO., Ltd., and Everest Textile Co., Ltd. (5) Completed the optical radar environmental monitoring in Taiyi Industrial area for 7 days in total. The results of the monitoring indicate that should size down the pollution scope of Taiyi Industrial area. For more detailed of air quality that can monitor in the vicinity of Weixin Plastic, Taili Plastic, Tainan Textile, and Minghao. Optical radar environmental monitoring in Liuying was set up at 2 sites for 21 days in total to understand the distribution of pollution sources. Tracking and judging pollution sources in industrial areas This project implements on-site automatic analysis VOC monitoring in Laiwu Industrial area. The monitory site was set up in national Pei-man senior agricultural and industrial vocational school from October 25 to November 18, 2018. The fixed station and mobile monitoring station were in the downwind position of sources. According to the background that indicated materials and process of industrials which produce VOCs, and integrating the meteorological data (including wind speed and direction), the monitoring results have been analysis the relatively high value of VOCs in the area usually occur in the afternoon to evening in the weekdays, and establish the characteristics of the VOCs in this area. Both monitoring methods show that the volatile organic compounds in the industrial zone are mainly composed of oxygenated VOCs and toluene. They are from the northwest wind transport, while acetone and toluene are contaminated more than methyl ethyl ketone and ethyl acetate.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, Main pollution source