

中文摘要 以我國空氣品質標準而言,各空品區PM10年平均值在四年內已降低至 60 μg/m3以下。109年PM10年平均值為(30.2±8.1) μg/m3,PM2.5為(15.1±3.7) μg/m3,對應空氣品質標準已接近達到標準的階段,為能進一步確保數據品質,以準確計算污染物濃度,儀器性能評估是一關鍵要素。 美國環保署針對PM2.5自動監測儀器建議執行六年為一週期的性能評估計畫,PM10則無執行建議。空氣品質監測網目前在PM2.5自動監測儀器部分已針對31個一般測站執行三天一次之查核,其他測站則採不定期抽查。為確保儀器汰換更新後之性能維持,本計畫第一工作要項為建立監測儀器平行比對機制(collocation comparison)、工作流程與查核準則,以查核粒狀物質量濃度監測的數據品質,相關工作於110年6月完成。第二項重要工作為協助PM2.5自動監測儀器汰換驗收,已於108年6月完成。儀器分發至各測站進行安裝測試,參數調整,及新舊機數據銜接性分析後,即於108年底轉換上線執行監測任務。 由上述工作完成後,本計畫進一步進行新購自動監測儀(BAM 1020)性能之本土適用性評估,整體而言,有如下發現:(1)儀器的零點測試與調整需因地制宜,中部以北可一年執行一次,中部以南建議依季節特性加強測試與調整頻率,影響零點變異的可能原因為環境露點的變化;(2)採樣管之加熱可避免管路水氣冷凝,調整原則以控制管路相對濕度在30至35%為佳。
中文關鍵字 懸浮微粒、細懸浮微粒、性能等似性比對


專案計畫編號 107A237 經費年度 107 計畫經費 15550 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/22 專案結束日期 2021/06/30 專案主持人 林采吟
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 徐宏博 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 監測儀器性能比對作業及數據分析專案計畫 計畫編號107A237 行政院環境保護署委託研究 期末報告.pdf 17MB 期末報告

Performance Evaluation Program of PM10 & PM2.5 Monitors

英文摘要 Compared to Taiwan air quality standards, the annual PM10 concentration has been reduced to below 60 μg/m3 within four years. In 2020, the annual average of PM10 was (30.2±8.1) μg/m3, lower thanair quality standard. PM2.5 was (15.1±3.7) μg/m3, still slightly higher than air quality standard (15 μg/m3). It mean strategy should be adopted to reduce pollutant emission, as well as to improve the monitor performance. U.S. EPA recommends to implement performance evaluation program of PM2.5 moniors and all monitors should be audited in a period of 6 year. The performance evaluation of PM2.5 and PM10 contined monitors are not yet implemented for all monitoring stations in the air quality monitoring network in Taiwan. In this project, our first task focus on set up a collocation comparison mechanism, procedure, and maxnium permissible tolerance for performance evaluation of continued automatic PM10 and PM2.5 monitors, including new purchased monitors implemented by 2019. The task has been completed by the end of June, 2021. Second task is to assist government on replacement of PM2.5 monitors and the work has been done by June of 2019. All new purchased monitors are installed in different stations and take over the mission of air quality monitoring since the end of 2019. During the replacing period of instruments, works have been done with installitation, testing, parameter setting and adjustment, as well as data analysis between new and old monitors. After all new purchased PM2.5 monitors are all installed in stations, we also do some performance evaluation experiments. As a preliminary results, we have three findings: (1) the zero point filter background tests of monitors need to be adapted based on local environemntal conditions. In Nothern Taiwan, the frequency of testing and adjustment could be once per year. Then, it is recommended to strengthen and increase the frequency in South. Ambient humidity might be the key factor affecting the shift of zero point; (2) the heating of the sampling pipe can avoid the condensation of water in the pipe. The adjustment principle is to control the inner air relative humidity of the pipe between 30 to 35 degrees.
英文關鍵字 suspended particulate matter (PM10), fine suspended particulate matter (PM2.5), performance equivalence comparison