

中文摘要 本計畫藉由「專業領導」、「增能學習」、「科技支援」、「研究評估」與「夥伴推廣」等執行方式,廣納不同領域之專業組織為夥伴,結合高雄市、屏東縣與澎湖縣等縣市轄內的產、官、學界及非政府組織等社群資源,搭配共同議題與在地議題分析探討,分析區域環境問題與特色,其議題包括:菸灰菸蒂不落地、空氣污染、永續社區等。針對相關議題設計將規劃環境教育推廣方案,舉辦焦點團體座談會議、增能學習工作坊與相關課程開設等,建立跨領域之環境教育社群網絡與管道,有效完備環境教育區域中心之功能,達成擔任區域內推展環境教育的樞紐之目標。 本年度持續以國立高雄科技大學擔任區域中心主要執行機構,憑藉過去四年執行南區與高屏區環境教育區域中心之經驗,持續服務高雄、屏東及澎湖等地區之環境教育推動工作,連結其他大專院校共同執行,藉其環境學術專業、永續經營管理及研究發展的能力提昇區域的環境教育推廣面向。
中文關鍵字 環境教育區域中心、專業領導、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估、夥伴推廣


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-EA13-03-D041 經費年度 107 計畫經費 2824 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/10 專案結束日期 2018/12/15 專案主持人 賴俊吉
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 紀禹圻 執行單位 高屏區環境教育區域中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-EA13-03-D041期末報告(正式版).pdf 39MB EPA-107-EA13-03-D041期末報告(正式版)

The Work plan of Kao-Ping Environmental Education Regional Center

英文摘要 "Environmental education (EE) capacity" is used as the operational framework in this project. Three cities and counties are covered in this project: Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Penghu. The tasks including leadership academy, capacity building, technological support, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnership are planned according to the five programs of a US EE capacity project. This year, we integrated the environmental education resources and manpower of local universities, communities, industries, governments, academic institutes, and NGOs in Kao-Ping region to form partner networks, developed professional learning communities, summarized the features of local environmental resources to effectively promote environmental education, analyzed the current status of environmental education in terms of agencies, venues, and personnel to propose feasible measures. We also adopted industrialization as a theme for development and devised a tentative program to assess subsequent developmental possibilities.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Regional Center, Leadership Academy, Building Environmental Education Capacity, Technology to Support the Field, Research and Evaluation, Dissemination Partnerships