

中文摘要 統計至107年12月31日,本計畫執行總進度達100%,相關作業成果摘要簡述如下: 一、107年度空氣污染管制成效 (一)空氣品質維護與改善成果 107年本市空氣品質善成果彙整統計成果顯示,相較於基準年(104-106年平均值)改善率:臭氧(小時平均)為0.4%、臭氧(8小時平均)為0.7%、PM10(年平均)為2.7%、PM10(日平均)為2.1%、PM2.5(手動年平均)為4.7%、PM2.5(24小時平均)為4.5%、SO2(年平均)為8.0%、SO2(小時平均)為9.4%、SO2(日平均)為7.6%、NO2(年平均)為4.4%、NO2(小時平均)為5.7%、CO(小時平均)為5.8%、CO(8小時平均)為6.5%,僅PM2.5項目未達改善目標外,其餘均達成(一)績效展現年濃度改善率≧5%或(二)績效展現年濃度符合空氣品質標準之目標值。 於空氣品質指標AQI平均值為63,AQI≦50(良好)共計有136站日數(37.9%),AQI>100(不良)共計有38站日數(10.6%);本年度2~4月份受季節性空氣品質不良(氣候擴散條件不佳因素)影響,良好站日數比例皆未達15%情況;9月份時受到東北季風帶來境外污染物影響,良好比例下滑至23~25%。 (二)空氣污染物濃度變化 1.懸浮微粒(PM10) 今年度為35.6 μg/m3相較於106年下降0.6 μg/m3。 2.細懸浮微粒(PM2.5) 今年度手動測值為17.9 μg/m3相較於106年上升1.2 μg/m3。 3.二氧化硫(SO2) 今年度統計SO2平均濃度為2.01 ppb為歷年最低,相較於106年下降0.33 ppb。 4.二氧化氮(NO2) 今年度統計NO2平均濃度為13.25 ppb,較於106年下降0.47 ppb。 5.臭氧(O3) 今年度統計O3平均濃度29.21 ppb,較於106年下降1.55 ppb。 6.一氧化碳(CO) 今年度統計CO平均濃度為0.37 ppm,與106年相同。 7.非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC) 今年度統計NMHC平均濃度為0.11 ppm為歷年最低,較於106年下降0.03 ppb。 (三)空氣品質改善污防書目標值達成情況 107年本市空氣品質善成果彙整統計成果顯示,AQI>100站日數比率為10.6%、AQI<50站日數比率為37.9%、PM2.5年手動平均值為17.9 μg/m3未符合空氣品質改善目標值外,其餘均達本年度設定之目標值。 (四)清淨空氣行動計畫目標值達成情況 107年考評辦法所訂定之目標值執行成果顯示,空氣品質維護與改善結果中為PM2.5改善率及濃度值未達目標;地方問題管理績效中為移動源二行程機車汰除、一二期柴油車汰除及、三期柴油車濾煙器安裝及固定源鍋爐改善未達目標;配合本署政策之管理作為中創新作為未達可為全國楷模之目標。 (五)空氣污染物削減量達成情況 107年合計總削減量達658.74公噸,以污染物而言,以PM10削減量達236.64公噸為最多,其次NOx為削減量達189.28公噸,再其次為NMHC為削減量達156.79公噸,PM2.5減量達68.07公噸,SOx為最少僅7.97公噸。 二、環境現況分析 (一)環境負荷現況 新竹市人口數量最新統計顯示有444,775人;商業登記現有家數共計有19,510家,以批發及零售業9,408家(48%)為最多。 (二)污染源特性分析 1.固定污染源 目前新竹市轄內固定污染源列管公私場所共計有270家,在科學工業園區外列管共計有193家。粒狀污染物總排放量為每年191.71公噸,硫氧化物總排放量為每363.76公噸,氮氧化物總排放量為每年1,107.11公噸,揮發性有機物總排放量為每年203.69公噸。 2.移動污染源 燃油機車總數為259,970輛(不含電動機車),其中二行程機車為9,117輛,四行程機車約為250,853輛。計算機車排放量結果顯示,CO排放量合計排放量為1,221.12公噸;HC排放量合計排放量為624.66公噸。 機動車輛已達419,111輛,其中按燃料別區分為大客車1,092輛、大貨車2,161輛、小客車140,046輛、小貨車11,592輛、特種車1,333輛及機器腳踏車262,887輛。今年度汰舊柴油車計149輛,NOx削減39.56噸/年及PM2.5削減2.20噸/年;淘汰二行程機車及老舊四行程機車,NOx削減8.75噸/年、PM2.5削減2.12噸/年及NMHC31.26噸/年。 3.逸散污染源 計有1,654處工程施工,平均每平方公里約有15.9處工程,近三年來工程發展情形,仍是以其他類工程為主,其增加幅度比例最高,其次為道路工程及建築(RC)工程。就本市排放總量來看,今年市府持續推動掀綠計畫活化閒置國有土地,針對頭前溪左岸辦理頭前溪二十張犁環境改善工程、棒球運動公園新建暨周邊景觀優化工程、柯子湖人工溼地引水改善工程等,同時進行南寮運動公園、防風林綠化、親子沙灘等打造新竹市水岸藍帶,並活化南寮漁港觀光休憩區域工程,相較於106年符合度上升2%達87%,納管率上升12%達90%,削減率上升1%達56%。 三、空污防制計畫管理作業 (一)管理成果 各計畫所獲得分數均達95分以上,但仍需請各計畫加強計畫執行之空氣污染物削減成效,以利達成本年度空氣品質改善之目標。 (二)專家/學者現勘作業 已於4月及10月依序完作業辦理,針對轄內公私場所之『揮發性有機物集氣效率』及應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第二批公告場所辦理現勘作業,並已請權責計畫持續追蹤相關建議後續辦理情況。 (三)工作檢討會議 計辦理12場次工作檢討會(含成效檢討會議1場次),討論的主題共計有:本年度亮點工作制定、106年度考評成績檢討改善、107年度考評作業辦理、新聞議題及空氣污染防制作業執行成果等。 (四)環境污染防制基金委員會議 於107年5月及10月辦理2場次「新竹市環境污染防制基金委員會」,會議內容包括:空污管制、水污防治及環境保護等計畫執行情況與基金現況說明及提案討論等。 五、空氣品質淨化區推動作業 設置完成之空氣品質淨化區計有6處,其中千甲空氣品質淨化區已於107年3月1日完工啟用。 (一)維護評量 完成6次現場查核,整體維護良好,為部分因季節性因素造成植栽有枯萎或雜亂情況,均經維護單位完成改善;另針對千甲空氣品質淨化區為新設置啟用,增加查核頻率並針對缺失部分請承包廠商進行修繕及環境維護作業。 (二)認養推動 透過鄰里與企業聯合機制,媒合在地企業現階段已完成6處空氣品質淨化區之認養作業,並獲輔導認養單位優良認養單位-企業團體類「優勝」殊榮。 (三)宣導與清淨活動 完成辦理7場次空品淨化區宣導(含1場清掃活動)。 (四)碳匯調查作業 完成2處空氣品質淨化區合計調查500株樹木,其中千甲空品淨化區整體含碳量約為1.68公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量6.16公噸;湳雅公園空品淨化區整體含碳量約為71.73公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量262.99公噸。 六、其他空氣品質管理相關事項 (一)道路分級普查作業 無C級道路,多為因車流量狀況而成為B級道路,每月平均僅9條路段達A級。 (二)掃街車作業 執行掃街作業車輛共計有4輛,洗街作業車計有1輛,合計執行36,218公里掃街作業,重點路段加強掃街共計9,038公里,推估掃街作業所削減之TSP達499.8公噸,PM10達94.1公噸,PM2.5達21.9公噸。 (三)竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫 完成參與二次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫會議,及主辦第三次會議。 (四)跨局處會議 本年度針對轄內科學工業園區產業空氣污染排放現況與科學園區管理局辦理2場次研商會議及1場次本市跨局處空氣污染減量小組會議。 (五)空氣污染防制網頁維護 定期維護更新本計畫網頁,並請各管制計畫更新網頁內容,包含年度變更、每月須定期上傳執行成果及相關資料。 (六)空氣盒子感測器(Airbox)佈建 目前華碩集團之空氣盒子已完成營建工地點位階段性測試任務,另針對無訊號或機器故障之點位已拆除;空氣品質感測器布建之合辦計畫完成150點次之佈建作業。 (七)宣導品購置 採由環保局統一購置,本計畫配合相關辦理方式及繳款期程,完成107年度宣導品購置作業。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3155 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 劉瑋廷
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 吳金蓉 執行單位 承晏環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB

107 Hsinchu City Air Quality Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 As of December 31, 2018, the overall progress of the implementation of this project reached 100%. The summary of relevant work results is as follows: I. Results of air pollution control in 2018 (1) Air quality maintenance and improvement results In 2018, the city's air quality and good results statistics show that compared with the base year (2015-2017 average) improvement rate: ozone (hourly average) is 0.4%, ozone (8-hour average) is 0.7%, PM10 ( Annual average) is 2.7%, PM10 (daily average) is 2.1%, PM2.5 (manual annual average) is 4.7%, PM2.5 (24-hour average) is 4.5%, SO2 (annual average) is 8.0%, SO2 (hourly average) is 9.4%, SO2 (daily average) is 7.6%, NO2 (annual average) is 4.4%, NO2 (hourly average) is 5.7%, CO (hourly average) is 5.8%, CO (8 hour average) At 6.5%, only the PM2.5 project did not achieve the improvement goal, and the rest reached (1) the performance showed an annual concentration improvement rate of 5% or (2) the performance showed that the annual concentration met the target value of the air quality standard. The average AQI for air quality indicators is 63, AQI≦50 (good) has a total of 136 stations (37.9%), and AQI>100 (bad) has a total of 38 stations (10.6%); in this year, from February to April due to the poor seasonal air quality (poor climate diffusion conditions), the proportion of good station days was less than 15%; in September, the northeast monsoon caused the impact of foreign pollutants, and the good proportion fell to 23~25%. (2) Changes in air pollutant concentration 1. Suspended particles (PM10) In this year, degree of 35.6 μg/m3 is 0.6 μg/m3 lower than that in 2017. 2. Fine aerosol (PM2.5) In this year, manual measurement of 17.9 μg/m3 was 1.2 μg/m3 higher than that in 2017. 3. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) In this year, statistical average of SO2 concentration is 2.01 ppb, which is the lowest in the calendar year, which is 0.33 ppb lower than that in 2017. 4. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) In this year, statistical average of NO2 concentration was 13.25 ppb, a decrease of 0.47 ppb in 2017. 5. Ozone (O3) In this year, statistical average of O3 concentration was 29.21 ppb, which was 1.55 ppb lower than that in 2017. 6. Carbon monoxide (CO) In this year, statistical average of CO concentration was 0.37 ppm, the same as that in 2017. 7. Non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) In this year, statistical average of NMHC concentration of 0.11 ppm was the lowest in the calendar year, it lower 0.03 ppb than that in 2017 . (3) Air quality improvement, pollution prevention target value achievement In 2018, the city's air quality and good results statistics show that the AQI>100 station daily ratio is 10.6%, the AQI<50 station day ratio is 37.9%, and the PM2.5 annual manual average is 17.9 μg/m3. Except for the target value of quality improvement, the rest will reach the target value set this year. (4) The achievement of the target value of the clean air action plan The implementation results of the target value set evaluation method show that the PM2.5 improvement rate and concentration value are not up to the target of the air quality maintenance and improvement results in 2018; the local problem management performance is the removal of the mobile source two-stroke locomotive, phase one or two The elimination of diesel vehicles and the installation of third-phase diesel fuel filters and the improvement of fixed-source boilers have not met the target. The management of the policy of the Department as a medium-sized innovation is not a target for the whole country. (5) The achievement of air pollutant reduction In 2018, the total reduction was 658.74 metric tons. In terms of pollutants, the reduction of PM10 was 236.64 metric tons, followed by NOx reduction of 189.28 metric tons, followed by NMHC reduction of 156.79 metric tons, and PM2.5 reduction. Up to 68.07 metric tons, SOx is at least 7.97 metric tons. Second, the analysis of the current situation of the environment (1) Current status of environmental load The latest statistics on the population of Hsinchu City show 444,775 people; the total number of commercial registrations is 19,510, with 9,408 (48%) of the wholesale and retail trades being the most. (II) Analysis of pollution source characteristics Fixed source of pollution At present, there are a total of 270 public and private places in the jurisdiction of Hsinchu City, and there are a total of 193 outside the Science and Technology Park. The total discharge of particulate pollutants is 191.71 metric tons per year, the total emission of sulfur oxides is 363.76 metric tons, the total emission of nitrogen oxides is 1,107.11 metric tons per year, and the total emission of volatile organic compounds is 203.69 metric tons per year. 2. Mobile pollution sources The total number of fuel locomotives was 259,970 (excluding electric motor vehicles), of which 9,117 were for two-stroke locomotives and approximately 250,853 for four-stroke locomotives. The results of computer vehicle emissions show that the total emissions of CO emissions are 1,221.12 metric tons; the total emissions of HC emissions are 624.66 metric tons. There are 419,111 motor vehicles, of which 1,092 are large buses, 2,161 are large trucks, 140,046 are small buses, 11,592 are small trucks, 1,333 are special vehicles and 262,887 are bicycles. This year, 149 old diesel vehicles were eliminated, NOx reduction of 39.56 tons/year and PM2.5 reduction of 2.20 tons/year; elimination of two-stroke locomotives and old four-stroke locomotives, NOx reduction of 8.75 tons/year and PM2.5 reduction of 2.12 tons / year and NMHC 31.26 tons / year. 3. Evacuation source There are 1,654 constructions, with an average of 15.9 projects per square kilometer. The development of the project in the past three years is still dominated by other types of projects, with the highest proportion of increase, followed by road engineering and construction (RC) projects. In terms of the total amount of emissions in this city, this year, the municipal government continued to promote the green plan to activate idle state-owned land, and to tackle the environmental improvement project of the first Qianxi 20 plough for the left bank of the Qianqian River, the new construction of the baseball sports park and the surrounding landscape optimization project. The Kezi Lake Constructed Wetland Water Diversion Improvement Project, etc., at the same time, the Nanxun Sports Park, the windbreak forest greening, the parent-child beach, etc., created the Hsinchu City Waterfront Blue Ribbon, and activated the Nanxun Fishing Port Tourism Rest Area project, which is more consistent than the 106 years. 2% reached 87%, the management rate increased by 12% to 90%, and the reduction rate increased by 1% to 56%. Third, the air pollution prevention plan management operations (1) Management results Each program has scored more than 95 points, but it is still necessary to plan to enhance the effectiveness of air pollutants reductions in the implementation of the plan to achieve the goal of improving air quality this year. (2) Experts/scholars are surveying their homework In April and October, the operations were completed in order, and the current collection operations were carried out for the “Volatile Organics Gas Collection Efficiency” of public and private places within the jurisdiction and the second batch of announcement sites that should comply with the Indoor Air Quality Management Law. Responsible for the follow-up of the relevant recommendations. (3) Work Review Meeting The 12-time work review meeting (including one performance review meeting) was held. The topics discussed were: the development of the highlights of the year, the improvement of the review of the 2017 evaluation results, the handling of the 2018 assessments, the news issues and the results of the air pollution prevention operations. Wait. (4) Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund Committee In May and October of 2018, the "Hsinchu City Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund Committee" was held twice. The meeting included: implementation of plans for air pollution control, water pollution prevention and environmental protection, and description of the current status of the fund and discussion of proposals. 5. Air quality purification area promotes operation There are 6 air quality purification zones in the completed setting, and the Thousand Air Air Quality Purification Zone was completed on March 1, 2018. (1) Maintenance assessment After 6 on-site inspections, the overall maintenance was good. Some of the plants were withered or messy due to seasonal factors, and all of them were improved by the maintenance unit. The other ones were activated for the new setting of the Jiajia Air Quality Purification Zone, increasing the frequency of checking and targeting For the missing part, please contract the manufacturer for repair and environmental maintenance. (2) Adoption promotion Through the joint mechanism of the neighbourhood and the enterprise, the media-incorporated enterprises have completed the approval of the six air quality purification areas at the present stage, and have been awarded the “winning” award by the well-adopted units of the counseling and adoption units. (3) Advocacy and clean-up activities Completed the 7-time air purification area promotion (including 1 cleaning activity). (4) Carbon sink investigation A total of 500 trees were completed in two air quality purification areas. The total carbon content of the Qianjia Air Purification Zone was about 1.68 metric tons, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity was 6.16 metric tons. The overall carbon content of the Yuya Park empty purification zone was about It is 71.73 metric tons and the carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity is 262.99 metric tons. Sixth, other air quality management related matters (1) Road classification and census operations There are no Class C roads, and most of them are Class B roads due to traffic flow conditions. On average, only 9 road sections reach Grade A per month. (2) Street sweeping operation There are 4 vehicles for street sweeping operations and 1 vehicle for street washing. A total of 36,218 kilometers of street sweeping operations are carried out. The total number of roads is 9,038 kilometers. The estimated TSP of the street sweeping operations is 499.8 metric tons. PM10 It reached 94.1 metric tons and PM2.5 reached 21.9 metric tons. (3) Air quality maintenance plan for bamboo and bamboo seedlings empty area Completed the participation in the second bamboo bamboo seedlings empty area air quality maintenance planning meeting, and hosted the third meeting. (4) Inter-office meetings This year, in response to the current situation of industrial air pollution emissions in the scientific industrial parks within the jurisdiction, the Science Park Administration handled two seminars and one meeting of the city's inter-office air pollution reduction group meeting. (5) Air pollution prevention and control webpage maintenance Regularly maintain and update the program webpage, and ask each control plan to update the content of the webpage, including annual changes, monthly uploading of execution results and related materials. (6) Air Box Sensor (Airbox) Construction At present, the air box of ASUS Group has completed the stage test task of the construction site, and the position of no signal or machine failure has been dismantled; the joint plan of air quality sensor installation completed 150 points of construction work. . (7) Promotion of the promotion of the product Purchased by the Environmental Protection Agency, the project will be completed in conjunction with the relevant processing methods and payment schedules.
英文關鍵字 air quality