

中文摘要 本報告研究目的為 (1) 維護台灣酸雨監測網,進行長期監測與資料分析;(2) 持續進行大氣汞溼沉降及重金屬監測網,進行監測數據分析;(3) 應用區域大氣模式整合系統,模擬評估台灣環境受局部或區域大氣污染物輸送之衝擊,提供環保署進行空氣品質管理與進行國際跨境污染傳輸責任歸屬評估決策之參考;(4) 針對空氣品質異常事件,修正事故發生時之空氣品質統計數值; (5)評估酸雨及酸性雲霧對台灣生態環境系統營養循環影響;(6)更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網;(7)積極推動及參與區域大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流;(8)持續推動兩岸酸雨監測平台之建立與合作,並推動與東南亞國家合作。本年度研究重點成果如下: 1. 全國14座酸雨測站共採集到1196個樣本。pH值分布上,除北部中壢站pH值在5.0以下,其餘13站pH值皆在5.0以上,全國pH值平均為5.72,高於酸雨pH值之標準(pH < 5),顯示雨水酸化情況已見改善,唯南北兩地雨水酸化的程度差異仍然存在。 2. 全國12座汞溼沉降共採得459個雨水樣品進行總汞分析。各測站之雨水汞算術平均濃度介於8.3 – 26.2 ng L-1,成功站最低,彭佳嶼站最高;權重平均濃度則介於6.4 ng L-1與15.3 ng L-1,則是宜蘭站最低,台中站最高。目前我國雨水汞濃度並未高於與其他國家。 3. 更新台灣酸雨網頁(http://www.acidrain.org.tw),新增即時或近期之全球酸雨及環保相關議題之新聞等更多資訊。 4. 持續參與聯合國全球降水化學及沉降科學評估資料庫以及聯合國全球降水化學監測網品保中心全球比對。 5. 自2016年1月起,福州與馬祖已展開兩岸酸雨同步監測,2017-2018年兩站持續進行合作與資料交換並進行資料比對。出訪泰國清邁大學EANET酸雨站,初步已建立與雙方合作溝通管道,未來有機會與泰國清邁站展開合作。
中文關鍵字 長程輸送、酸雨、大氣汞


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA17-03-D025 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9054 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/31 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 呂世宗 榮譽教授
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FA17-03-D025(revised).pdf 25MB 期末報告定稿

National monitoring of acid rain and survey of component analysis (II)

英文摘要 The goals of this study are (1) to maintain acid deposition network for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (2) to maintain the integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals monitoring network and analyze the data, (3) to establish and maintain an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of air pollutants and local air pollutants in order to assess their impact to Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (4) to recalculate the AQI index when extreme air pollution events occur in order to highlight the contribution from local air pollutants and provide a reference for the EPA, (5) to investigate the impact of acid rain and fog acidity to the ecosystem’s nutrient cycling, (6) to update and maintain the web site of Taiwan’s acid rain, (7) to promote international, cross-strait and southeast Asia countries cooperation and technical exchanges on regional air pollutant transport issues. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: 1. 1196 samples were collected from 14 acid deposition stations all over Taiwan in 2018. The average pH for all the samples was 5.72. 2. The acid rain situation in Taiwan has slightly improved. The annual average pH values for most of the sites is greater than 5.0. Annual average pH values at Northern Taiwan sites are still lower than in southern Taiwan. 3. 459 samples were collected from 12 mercury wet deposition stations all over Taiwan in 2018. The average mercury concentration from each station was between 8.3 – 26.2 ng L-1, with the lowest average measured at Chenggong station and the highest at Pengjia islet station. The weighted mean mercury concentration was between 6.4 – 15.3 ng L-1, with the lowest at Yilan station and the highest at Taichung station. This range of mercury concentration in Taiwan is now lower than the vast majority of countries worldwide. 4. The web site (http://acidrain.epa.gov.tw) for Taiwan’s acid rain studies has been updated with more information. 5. We have continued to promote and participated in international collaborations and technical exchanges, for example with Quality Assurance Science Activity Center of UN, and the World Meteorological Organization Global Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition Science Assessment. 6. Since January 2016, the cross-strait stations, Fuzhou and Matsu have been established to cooperate in acid deposition monitoring and data exchange. Moreover, after Prof. Lin visited Chiang-Mai University in Thailand this year, we have great chances to cooperate in acid deposition monitoring with Chiang-Mai station of EANET in the future.
英文關鍵字 long-range transport, acid rain, atmospheric mercury