

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署進行環境友善祭祀環境教育推展,工作內容包括:(1) 蒐集並彙整國內外環境友善祭祀之相關資料及推動情形,作為國內環境友善祭祀之環境教育策略參考;(2) 調查並分析目前不同世代、城鄉之民眾對於環境友善祭祀之知識、態度及行為現況,以作為國內環境友善祭祀之環境教育策略參考,及推動效益之指標;(3) 編修環境友善祭祀環境教育教材及教案,並培訓種子教師;(4) 建構環境友善祭祀認同連署平臺,並調查事業單位於各大節日採用之環境友善祭祀行為;(5) 規劃辦理多元環境友善祭祀之環境教育宣傳及推廣活動。計畫成果包括: (一) 完成蒐集並彙整國內外環境友善祭祀之相關資料及推動情形,包括蒐集國內及香港、中國、新加坡、馬來西亞、越南、泰國、南韓、印尼、印度、英國、美國、加拿大及3個跨國組織文化背景與環境友善祭祀相關政策,協助建立交流管道,並將案例納入環境教育教材。 (二) 本計畫召開3場次專家諮詢會議並經2次試測,完成環境友善祭祀之知識、態度、行為之研究設計,於6月完成1,254份全臺施測,並辦理2場次專家諮詢會議,依研究分析結果及前述資料蒐集結果,修訂環保署短、中、長期環境友善祭祀環境教育推動策略及指標,以提供環保署未來相關政策推動之參考。 (三) 編修環境友善祭祀為主題之環境教育教材及教案,召開2場次專家審查會議,依據專家建議完成教材與教案之修訂。課程架構包含:祭祀文化;祭祀活動產生的環境、健康、安全層面影響;以及環境友善祭祀行動策略等三層面。課程目標為希望透過課程,使民眾意識到祭祀行為可能對於環境、健康與安全產生的風險,並能提出如何在尊重宗教文化意涵下,以更加友善環境的方式從事祭祀行為。 (四) 本計畫辦理「環境友善祭祀環境教育推廣活動種子教師培訓工作坊」3場次基礎班、3場次進階班課程,共培訓137名種子教師,參與之學員以環境教育人員為多數(基礎班37%、進階班40%),其次為環保團體相關人員/志工,宗教場所相關人員/志工的部分在基礎班佔18%、進階班21%,由種子教師培訓之過程,能幫助參與學員提升環境友善祭祀之知能及環境教育課程規劃之能力。 (五) 完成調查事業單位於各大節日採用之環境友善祭祀行為之現況調查分析,於8 月完成221份問卷施測,得知受訪對象在有執行過的環境友善祭祀行為,以「集中焚燒」、「減少紙錢用量」及「減少香枝用量」的比例較高;而願意執行環境友善祭祀的程度上,以「減少使用量」的分數較高,其次則依序為「集中焚燒、「以糧代金」、「以功代金」。完成建構環境友善祭祀認同連署平臺,推動事業單位連署響應推廣,連署數達112個單位。結果發現以「少用量(少香少炮少金)」為最多事業單位願意響應之環境友善祭祀方式,超過6成(75家)的事業單位響應,替代拜則為5類環境友善祭祀方式中較少事業單位選擇響應方式。 (六) 規劃辦理多元環境友善祭祀之環境教育宣傳及推廣活動,包含:運用本計畫所編撰之教材與培訓種子教師進行8場次社區民眾環境友善祭祀推廣活動、8場次環境友善祭祀環境教育宣導活動,共397人出席。舉辦1場次中元節環境友善祭祀推廣活動,邀請5類普渡類型代表一同響應採用「中元普渡5用心」環境友善祭祀方式,媒體曝光42則。另辦理1場次環境友善祭祀國際論壇,邀請新加坡及南韓之環境友善祭祀專家學者與會,促使環境友善祭祀能從環境教育、環境品質、宗教場所與地方政府的推行經驗等不同面向進行交流,也借鏡國外經驗作為未來環境友善祭祀推動策略之參考。
中文關鍵字 環境友善祭祀、環境教育、紙錢焚燒


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-EA03-03-A106 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6457 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/05 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 蘇金鳳
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 謝佰芳 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107環境友善祭祀正式報告定稿本-壓縮.pdf 32MB 正式報告

Project to Improve Environmental Education relating to Eco-friendly Worship in 2018

英文摘要 This project aims to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to improve environmental education relating to eco-friendly worship. Completed tasks include: (1) Studying eco-friendly worship policies and success stories in Taiwan and foreign countries for reference to develop strategies of eco-friendly worship. (2) Investigating and analyzing knowledge, attitudes, and current behaviors between different generations, urban and rural areas, towards eco-friendly worship and establish as a strategy reference for national eco-friendly worship education and promotion strategies and indicators. (3) Editing of environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans relating to eco-friendly, and seed training program. (4) Constructing an EPA-certified eco-friendly worship institutions platform, and survey the practices of eco-friendly worship conducted by these institutions during major Taiwanese holidays. (5) Planning of diversified eco-friendly educational promotion and activities. The project results are as follows: 1. EPA has completed research into eco-friendly worship policies and success stories, as well as successful cases in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, India, United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. 2. EPA held three expert consultation meetings to develop research method of Eco-friendly worship, and completed 1,254 tests in June 2018. Based on the aforementioned study results, 2 consultation meetings were conducted to revise short, medium, and long-term promotion strategies of environmental education relating to eco-friendly worship. 3. EPA has compiled environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans relating to eco-friendly worship. EPA has held two expert consultation meetings, and, based on the expert advice, amended environmental education teaching materials and teaching plans for eco-friendly worship. The course structure includes: (1) The meaning of folk culture; (2) The impact of worship on environment, health and safety; (3) How to conduct eco-friendly worship. This course helps students understand the implications of worship; and the potential risks to environment, health and safety. Then they can come up with action plans balancing religious culture and environmental and health concerns. 4. EPA has held “Environmental education seed teachers training workshops”, with 137 participants. The majority of participants were environmental educators (37-40%) and the training helped participants enhance their knowledge and skills relating to eco-friendly teaching. 5. EPA has completed the analysis of current eco-friendly worship practices by worship institutions during major Taiwanese holidays, and conducted 221 surveys by August. Based on the results of the survey, the practice of collective burning, reduction of joss paper and incense ranked the highest in the survey. Established an EPA-certified eco-friendly worship institutions platform, with 112 institution members. EPA has learned that more than 60% of the institutions are willing to practice “reduction (reduced incense, firework, and joss paper” as a major eco-friend worship practice. However, “substitute worship” is the least choice of eco-friendly worship. 6. EPA has helped organize diverse activities promoting eco-friendly worship, which included: (1) Held 8 community eco-friendly worship promotional activities, and 8 environmental education conferences relating to eco-friendly worship; (2) Organizeed a Zhongyuan Festival eco-worship promotion event; (3) Held Eco-friendly worship international conference and invited experts from Singapore and South Korea to share their experiences in eco-friendly worship.
英文關鍵字 Eco-friendly Worship, Environmental Education, Joss Paper Burning