

中文摘要 「107年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」,主要為辦理南投縣轄內土壤及地下水污染重要防治工作,今年度工作目標包括本縣地下儲槽系統申報審查及現場查核缺失輔導;對於高污染潛勢工廠進行訪談及查證;針對轄內地下水監測井巡查維護與地下水質定期監測,以維護監測井功能以確實掌握轄內地下水質現況及污染濃度變化;對於遭列管場址進行定期巡查執行相關管制措施與監督污染改善執行情形,並配合辦理廠址污染改善完成驗證作業已確認改善成效;協助環保局針對公告事業、地下儲槽系統業者及專業機構加強宣導土壤及地下水相關法令宣導說明與教育訓練;並且在今年將環境教育落實至國中小,透過辦理校園宣導活動推廣土壤及地下水環境保護重要性,已達成南投縣土壤及地下水資源永續利用之目標。 爰此,南投縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於107年委託亞太環境科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱亞太公司)執行「107年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫執行期間為契約起始日(107年1月1日)起至107年12月20日止,計畫工作數量及工作進度均符合合約規定,部分經費因今年度加油站現場查核及測漏管檢測並無發現具高污染潛勢未進場辦理土壤及地下水查證工作,未執行工作項目執行經費依契約規定繳回,以利辦理本計畫結案工作。 本計畫主要工作內容可分為六大項目,包括地下儲槽系統相關作業及8、9條查證工作、高污染潛勢土壤及地下水調查、地下水質監測及監測井維護作業、土壤及地下水污染場址驗證作業、專業會議、教育訓練及行政配合事項與民眾陳情或緊急應變工作等重點工作,以下摘要今年度各工作項目執行成果。 一、 地下儲槽系統相關作業 依據契約工作內容,本計畫已於期中報告提送前,針對去年度查核缺失加油站辦理現場輔導查核作業,已於107年5月31日前完成14站缺失複查加油站現場輔導查核工作,現場複查結果均已全數完成改善,去年度缺失改善率達100 %。 今年度現場查核輔導作業,均在提送期末報告前完成現場查核及缺失改善輔導工作,針對營運中94站進行現場查核作業,其中有21次有不符合地下儲槽管理辦法發現有缺失,缺失項目包含土壤氣體監測井標示不清有13站次、加油機底部防止滲漏設施內有油漬5站次、未每月自行進行土壤氣體監測或檢測項目不足有2站次及油槍總數與申報資料不符有2站次。 今年度發現有缺失項目加油站,各站缺失複查輔導本計畫已於107年10月完成21站次缺失複查輔導作業,僅1家未完成改善。 加油站測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測作業,今年度共計完成14站次測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,包含今年度執行數量分別為依據過去現場查核以及歷年申報資料篩選可能有污染潛勢者共執行6站次、106年度執行判定污染潛勢為B1級別(全國緯勝)需追蹤查核四次;去年已完成兩次故今年度延續追蹤共執行2次、環保署線上稽核通報申報有異常情形追蹤1站次(新南投交流道);環保局通報污染潛勢為B2級別(中興加油站)每季一次需追蹤四次,共執行4次,以及107年9月測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測發現異常埔里統一精工二站;判定污染潛勢為B1級別(每二個月查核一次)今年第一次追蹤已於107年11月16日完成,相關工作均依契約規定完成。 二、 高污染潛勢土壤及地下水調查 依據南崗工業區歷年地下水監測結果顯示,南崗工業區區域地下水主要有重金屬鉻及含氯有機物污染情形,另外目前工業區內列管污染場址類型;主要以重金屬污染類別場址為主。 本計畫高污染潛勢土壤及地下水調查依工業區內污染潛勢,針對南崗工業區最多廠商之業別金屬製品製造業及金屬表面處理業,作為今年度高污染潛勢土壤及地下水調查現場訪談作業篩選名單,篩選條件為距離有檢出污染物之監測井周圍500公尺內之工廠、過去經工業區廢水檢測有違規情形之工廠、使用關切污染物質,並剃除過去三年已進行現場訪談之工廠。 今年本計畫第一階段篩選出15家次進行現場訪談;第二階段篩選出4家家進行現場訪談,今年度共完成19家次現場訪談作業。經過現場訪談發現判定3家具有高污染潛勢、5家具有中度污染潛勢及11家低污染潛勢或不具污染潛勢。 其中3家具高污染潛勢工廠擇定上銓鑫業股份有限公司進場執行土壤污染查證作業,上銓鑫股份有限公司由於在105年度查核發現具高度污染潛勢且進行缺失改善,今年度再次現場查核作業仍發現有製程區鋪面有破損及廢水處理區域有廢污水漫流情形,故安排土壤污染查證作業。經查證作業結果發現場內有2點次土壤重金屬鎳超過土壤污染管制標準。 三、地下水質監測及監測井維護作業 (一) 監測井定期檢測 監測井定期監測作業本計畫完成豐枯水期17口次採樣檢測作業,監測區域為南崗工業區下游預警網以及NK07重金屬鉻污染場址(M00165)。 監測井檢測結果一般項目僅南崗工業區污水處理廠(M00068)及預警網#5(M00114)於豐枯水期均檢出氨氮超過監測標準。重金屬項目則在NK07重金屬鉻污染場址(M00165)分別於豐枯水期均檢出超過監測標準情形,該井從民國97年至101年間檢出超過管制標準,從103年至今重金屬鉻濃度已降至超過監測標準未達管制標準之間。另外NK07重金屬鉻污染場址下游監測井預警網#10(M00118)雖未超過監測標準但持續有檢出污染濃度,顯示NK07重金屬鉻污染場址,重金屬鉻污染情形有向下游擴散情形。揮發性有機物項目於今年度檢測結果均無檢出。 (二) 高風險途徑民井檢測 針對南崗工業區幾處地下水污染區域包括安順場址、NK07場址下游、昱佑加油站下游及有郁實業等具高污染風險途徑場址周圍進行民井地下水調查作業,今年度分別於豐枯水期進行8口次民井地下水採樣檢測工作,檢測項目依照不同場址污染特性進行檢測,安順場址檢測揮發性有機物;NK07場址下游檢測重金屬;昱佑加油站檢測總石油碳氫化合物;有郁實業檢測揮發性有機物,檢測結果僅在NK07下游區域民井在豐枯水期均檢出重金屬鉻污染濃度超過飲用水水源水質標準,其餘三處場址檢測項目均未檢出。 (三) 監測井巡查維護 監測井巡查維護作業,截至期末報告提送日期107年11月15日前已完成107年度第一季(49口)、第二季(49口)、第三季(48口)及第四季(49)其中監測井M00094於107度7月完成廢井故第三季共執行48口,第四季巡查作業將新設井一併列入巡查故執行48口次,本計畫未列入巡查監測井由本縣自籌研究計畫辦理巡查及維護作業;並完成13口次監測井井體攝影及微水試驗作業,另外完成經巡查紀錄挑選出井況較為不佳監測井進行6口井體外觀維護與3口井體設施修復工作,巡查紀錄均依規定上傳SGM系統。 (四) 廢井作業 今年度完成2口次監測井廢井作業,分別為監測井M00094(成功三路與自強一路交叉口)該井於去年度巡查發現遭工程破壞;今年度經與環保局討論後認為該井以無監測必要故辦理廢井。監測井M00138(明潭加油站)當初設置為調查該站當初發現土壤受總石油碳氫化合物污染;地下水是否有污染情形,該站經過污染改善後已解除列管,且近2年申報檢測紀錄並無異常故辦理辦該監測井廢井作業。 (五) 設井作業 今年度完成2口次監測井設置作業,分別為監測井M00212(大崗段106、107地號)該井為今年度緊急應變執行場址位調查地下水是否有受污染情形辦理設置。監測井M00213(NK07下游區域)依據今年度高污染潛勢民井調查結果;發現下游區域民井仍檢出重金屬鉻污染情形;為了解下游區域地下水重金屬鉻污染濃度及範圍故辦理監測井新設。 四、土壤及地下水污染場址驗證作業 對於列管場址本計畫今年度每個月至少巡查1次,如場址進行改善期間增加巡查頻率每兩週巡查一次,並於場址進行重要改善項目如排客土期間派員至現場監督確認改善作業與所提改善計畫相符,本計畫按照契約規定頻率進行場址巡查作業並將巡查紀錄及照片上傳至SGM系統。 今年度污染改善完成驗證工作共完成5處場址驗證作業,包括南投市林子段南崗小段270地號(以下簡稱力穎事業)、南投市牛運崛段32-6地號、牛運堀段37地號、盈銓興業股份有限公司(以下簡稱盈銓興)及南投市林子段南崗小段95地號(以下簡稱金桃化工)等。 力穎事業及金桃化工驗證成果均仍有部分區域土壤超過土壤污染管制標準;兩處場址均已要求改善單位重新進行污染改善以及重新提送污染控制計畫書。 另外三處場址驗證通過場址包括盈銓興股份有限公司驗證結果符合達改善目標已於107年8月23日解除列管,南投市牛運堀32-6及37地號驗證結果符合改善目標已於107年10月15日解除列管。 五、專業會議、教育訓練及行政配合事項 (一) 宣導會議 今年度分別於107年4月26日辦理1場「地下儲槽法規說明會」及9月25日辦理工業區列管事業「107年度南投縣土壤及地下水整治法法規宣導說明會」共兩場次法規宣導說明會議,兩場次參與人數為99人及75人合計參與人數174人,已符合契約規定兩場合計120人參加。 (二) 內部教育訓練會議 今年度分別於107年3月8日辦理完成「加油站線上申報審查系統操作與注意事項」及107年8月15日辦理完成「監測式自然衰減法於含氯污染場址之應用」,共完成辦理2場次。 (三) 校園宣導活動 今年度校園宣導活動於107年6月15日至6月28日期間分別於漳和國小、同富國小、魚池國小、南光國小、弓鞋國小、成城國小、炎峰國小、中原國小、竹山國小及永昌國小等共計辦理完成10場次,每一場次校園參與人數在60~155名總參與人數共計854名學童。校園宣導活動辦理透過話劇方式表演並讓學生一同參與外,更繪製全縣第一本土壤及地下水宣導電子繪本,讓學童透過QR-Code掃描即可隨時觀看,也讓枯燥的內容更加活潑令學童映象深刻。 (四) 繪本、文宣品及宣導影片 本計畫依契約規定完成完成相關繪本、文宣品以及宣導影片製作,並將繪本數位化完成本縣第一本數位電子土壤及地下水環境教育繪本,相關工作及數量均依契約數量規定完成。 六、民眾陳情或緊急應變工作 (一) 安順場址監測井採樣檢測 由於今年度監測井採樣檢測作業區域無規劃安順場址周圍監測井採樣檢測作業,經與環保局討論後同意動支緊急應變執行經費進行安順場址周圍4口監測井(M00041、M00098、M00169、M00178)採樣檢測作業,其檢測結果僅在安順場址內監測井M00041及M00178有檢出三氯乙烯超過監測標準情形,在下游監測井(M00098、M00169)並未檢出,顯示安順場址污染情形無擴散情形,且持續低於管制標準。 (二) 大崗段106、107地號緊急應變採樣檢測 本次緊急應變採樣係為美上鎂科技股份有限公司於該處進行新建廠房工程,於進行擋土牆工程在場址內西南側,進行開挖作業發現有機溶劑氣味飄散,隨即於7月26日通報環保局及工業區管理服務中心至現場進行會勘作業,本計畫接獲通報後隨即配合辦理緊急應變採樣規劃,緊急應變採樣作業漁107年8月2日進行採樣檢測,檢測結果顯示場址土壤受揮發性有機物二甲苯超過土壤污染管制標準,並完成一口地下水監測井新設置作業,地下水檢測結果未檢出有污染情形。 今年度工作項目及完成數量如表一所示,各項工作項目及數量均依契約規定執行,未執行項目經費依契約規定辦理繳回。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7020 千元
專案開始日期 2018/12/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/20 專案主持人 顏瑞容
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 簡鳳儀 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度南投縣土壤及地下水調查及查證工作計畫-定稿.pdf 51MB 107年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫期末報告公開版

Survey and verification work plan for soil and groundwater pollution in Nantou County in 107

英文摘要 "The 107th Nantou County Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan" is mainly for the important prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution within the jurisdiction of Nantou County. This year's work objectives include the application review of the underground storage tank system in the county and on-site inspection and lack of counseling. Interview and verification of high-pollution potential factories; inspection and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells in the jurisdiction and periodic monitoring of groundwater quality to maintain monitoring well functions to ensure the current status of groundwater quality and pollution concentration changes; Conduct regular inspections and implementation of relevant control measures and supervise the implementation of pollution improvement, and complete the verification work to complete the verification of the site pollution improvement has confirmed the improvement effect; assist the Environmental Protection Agency to strengthen the promotion of soil and groundwater related to the announcement business, underground storage system operators and professional institutions The decree's propaganda instructions and education and training; and the implementation of environmental education to the national small and medium-sized this year, through the implementation of campus promotion activities to promote the importance of soil and groundwater environmental protection, has achieved the goal of sustainable use of soil and groundwater resources in Nantou County. In this regard, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Nantou County Government (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) entrusted Asia-Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Asia-Pacific Company) to implement the “107 Nantou County Soil and Water Resources” in 107 years. The groundwater pollution investigation and verification work plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan), the implementation period of the plan is from the start date of the contract (January 1, 107) to December 20, 2007, the number of planned work and The progress of the work is in line with the contract. Some of the funds have not been found to have high pollution potential due to on-site inspection and leak detection at this year's gas station. Soil and groundwater verification has not been carried out, and the implementation of unexecuted work items has been paid back according to the contract. In order to handle the settlement of the project. The main work of this project can be divided into six major projects, including underground storage tank system related operations and 8, 9 verification work, high pollution potential soil and groundwater investigation, groundwater quality monitoring and monitoring well maintenance operations, soil and groundwater pollution. Key work such as site verification operations, professional meetings, education and training, and administrative coordination matters, as well as public sentiment or emergency response work, the following summary of the implementation results of this year's work projects. First, the underground storage tank system related operations According to the contents of the contract work, the project has been on-site inspection and verification for the missing gas station in the previous year before the mid-term report is submitted. The site inspection and check-up work of the gas station was completed 14 days before May 31, 107. The results of the review have all been improved, and the annual improvement rate of missing is 100%. This year's on-site inspection and counseling operations were completed on-site check-up and lack of improvement counseling before the final report was submitted. On-site check operations were conducted for 94 stations in operation, 21 of which were inconsistent with the underground storage tank management method. The project includes soil gas monitoring wells with unclear 13 stations, oil tanker at the bottom of the tanker to prevent oil spills from 5 stops, no monthly soil gas monitoring or inspection projects, 2 stations and the total number of oil guns and declarations. There are 2 stops for the data. This year, we found that there are missing gas stations. The lack of review and counseling for each station has completed 21 stations in October 2007, and only one has not completed the improvement. Gas station leak test function test and oil and gas test operation, this year completed a total of 14 stations of leak test function test and oil and gas test, including the number of executions this year based on past site check and past year report data screening may have potential pollution potential A total of 6 stations were executed, and the 106-year implementation of the pollution potential was determined to be B1 level (National Weisheng). It needs to be tracked and checked four times. Last year, it has been completed twice, so this year's continuation tracking is performed twice, and the EPA's online audit notification is abnormal. The situation is tracked 1 stop (New Nantou Interchange); the EPA informs that the pollution potential is B2 (Zhongxing Gas Station) needs to be tracked four times a quarter, a total of 4 times, and the leak test function test in September 107 The oil and gas test found the abnormal Puli unified Seiko 2 station; the pollution potential was determined to be B1 level (checked every two months). The first tracking of this year was completed on November 16, 2007, and the relevant work was completed according to the contract. Second, high pollution potential soil and groundwater investigation According to the results of groundwater monitoring in Nangang Industrial Zone over the years, the groundwater in Nangang Industrial Zone mainly has heavy metal chromium and chlorine-containing organic pollutants. In addition, the types of pollution sites in the industrial area are currently listed; mainly the heavy metal pollution category sites. The high-pollution potential soil and groundwater survey of this project depends on the pollution potential in the industrial zone, and is aimed at the industry's most high-potential soil and groundwater investigation site for the most common metal products manufacturing industry and metal surface treatment industry in Nangang Industrial Zone. The screening list of interviews is based on the factory within 500 meters of the monitoring well with the detected pollutants, the factory that has been in violation of the industrial area wastewater detection in the past, the use of pollutants of concern, and the shaving has been carried out in the past three years. Factory for on-site interviews. This year, the first phase of the project selected 15 times for on-site interviews; the second phase selected 4 homes for on-site interviews, and completed 19 field interviews this year. After on-site interviews, it was found that three of them had high pollution potential, five had moderate pollution potential, and 11 had low pollution potential or no pollution potential. Among them, 3 furniture high-pollution potential factories selected Shangyu Xinye Co., Ltd. to enter the site to carry out soil pollution verification operations. Shangyuxin Co., Ltd. discovered that it has a high pollution potential and improved the lack of improvement in the year of 105. On-site inspection and inspection still found that there were damage to the pavement in the process area and the flow of waste water in the wastewater treatment area, so the soil pollution verification operation was arranged. According to the results of the verification work, there were 2 points of soil heavy metal nickel exceeding the soil pollution control standard. 3. Groundwater quality monitoring and monitoring well maintenance operations (1) Monitoring wells are regularly tested The monitoring well is regularly monitored. The project completed 17 sampling tests for the dry and dry season. The monitoring area is the downstream warning network of Nangang Industrial Zone and the NK07 heavy metal chromium pollution site (M00165). Monitoring well test results General project Only Nangang Industrial Zone Sewage Treatment Plant (M00068) and Early Warning Network #5 (M00114) detected ammonia nitrogen exceeding the monitoring standard during the abundance and dry season. The heavy metal project detected more than the monitoring standard in the NK07 heavy metal chromium pollution site (M00165) in the abundance and dry season. The well was detected from the Republic of China from 1997 to 101. The concentration of heavy metal chromium has been reduced since 103 years. Exceeding monitoring standards did not meet regulatory standards. In addition, the NK07 heavy metal chromium pollution site downstream monitoring well warning network #10 (M00118), although not exceeding the monitoring standard, continued to detect the pollution concentration, showing NK07 heavy metal chromium pollution site, heavy metal chromium pollution situation has a downstream diffusion situation. The volatile organic compounds project was not detected in this year's test results. (ii) High-risk approach to well testing In response to several groundwater pollution areas in Nangang Industrial Zone, including the Anshun site, the downstream of the NK07 site, the lower reaches of the Yuyou gas station, and the Yuye Industrial, there are high-pollution risk sites around the site for the investigation of the underground wells. This year is in the dry season. Carry out the sampling and testing of 8 underground wells, the test items are tested according to the pollution characteristics of different sites, the Anshun site detects volatile organic compounds; the downstream of NK07 site detects heavy metals; the Yuyou gas station detects total petroleum hydrocarbons; The industry detected volatile organic compounds. The test results only showed that the concentration of heavy metal chromium in the wells in the downstream area of ​​NK07 was higher than that in drinking water sources. The other three sites were not detected. (3) Monitoring well inspection and maintenance Monitoring well inspection and maintenance operations, as of the end of the reporting period, the delivery date of November, 107, before the completion of the first quarter of 107 (49), the second quarter (49), the third quarter (48) and the fourth quarter ( 49) Among them, the monitoring well M00094 completed 48 wells in the third quarter of 107 degrees in July. The fourth quarter inspection operation included the newly built wells in the inspection and performed 48 times. The plan was not included in the inspection. The well was inspected and maintained by the county's self-financing research project; and 13 well monitoring wells and micro-water test operations were completed, and the well records were selected through inspection records. The wells were poorly monitored and 6 wells were observed. Maintenance and repair of 3 wells facilities, inspection records are uploaded to the SGM system according to regulations. (iv) Waste well operations This year, two monitoring wells were completed, which were monitoring well M00094 (Successful Sanlu and Ziqiangyi Road intersection). The well was found to have been damaged by the inspection in the previous year. This year, after discussion with the Environmental Protection Agency, the well was considered Disposal of waste wells without monitoring. Monitoring well M00138 (Mingtan gas station) was originally set up to investigate the station when the soil was found to be contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons; whether the groundwater is contaminated, the station has been depleted after pollution improvement, and the test record has been declared for nearly 2 years. If there is no abnormality, the monitoring well waste operation should be handled. (5) Well-setting operations This year, two monitoring wells were set up, which were monitoring well M00212 (Dagang Section 106, 107). This well was used to investigate whether the groundwater was polluted for this year's emergency response site. The monitoring well M00213 (downstream area of ​​NK07) is based on the survey results of this year's high pollution potential wells; it is found that the heavy metal chromium pollution is still detected in the downstream areas; the monitoring wells are newly established to understand the concentration and range of heavy metal chromium pollution in the downstream area. 4. Soil and groundwater pollution site verification operations For the inventory site, this plan will be inspected at least once a month this year. If the site is improved during the improvement period, the inspection frequency will be inspected every two weeks, and important improvements will be made at the site, such as dispatching personnel to the site. The supervisor confirmed that the improvement work was in line with the proposed improvement plan. The project carried out site inspections according to the frequency specified in the contract and uploaded the inspection records and photos to the SGM system. This year's pollution improvement completed the verification work to complete a total of five site verification operations, including the Nangang section of No. 270, Linzi Section of Nantou City (hereinafter referred to as Li Ying Business), Nantou City, Niuyun Rising Section 32-6, No. 37 Land, Yingsheng Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yingyuxing) and Nangang Section of Linzi Section of Nantou City (hereinafter referred to as Jintao Chemical). Both the Li Ying business and the Jintao Chemical verification results still have soils in some areas exceeding the soil pollution control standards; both sites have requested improvements to the unit to re-improve pollution and re-submit the pollution control plan. The other three sites were verified through the site including Yingyingxing Co., Ltd. The verification results were in line with the improvement target, which was released on August 23, 2007. The verification results of No. 32-6 and No. 37 of Nantou City were consistent with the improvement. The target was released on October 15, 107. V. Professional meetings, education and training and administrative coordination matters (i) Advocacy meeting This year, on April 26, 2007, we handled one "Underground Storage Tank Regulations Meeting" and on September 25, we handled the industrial zone management business "The 107th Nantou County Soil and Groundwater Remediation Law Regulations Briefing Conference" During the meeting, the number of participants in the two meetings was 99 and 75, and the total number of participants was 174. 120 people participated in the two occasions. (ii) Internal Education and Training Conference This year, on March 8, 2007, the "Gas Station Online Filing System Operation and Precautions" was completed and the "Monitoring Natural Attenuation Method for Chlorine-Contaminated Sites" was completed on August 15, 2007. Complete 2 sessions. (3) Campus promotion activities This year's campus promotion activities were held between June 15 and June 28, 2007 in Yihe Guoxiao, Tongfuguoxiao, Yuchi Guoxiao, Nanguang Guoxiao, Gongshou Guoxiao, Chengcheng Guoxiao, Yanfeng. Guoxiao, Zhongyuan Elementary School, Zhushan Elementary School and Yongchang Elementary School have completed 10 times, and the total number of participants in the campus is 60-155. The total number of participants is 854. The campus promotion activities are conducted through the drama and let the students participate together. The first soil and groundwater conductive maps of the county are also drawn, so that the students can watch them at any time through the QR-Code scan, and make the boring content more lively. The schoolchildren are deeply imaged. (4) Picture books, propaganda materials and publicity videos The project completed the completion of the relevant picture books, texts and propaganda film production according to the contract, and digitally completed the first digital electronic soil and groundwater environment education picture book in the county. The relevant work and quantity were completed according to the contract quantity. Sixth, the people's feelings or emergency response work (I) Anshun site monitoring well sampling test Since this year's monitoring well sampling and testing operation area has no planned monitoring and sampling operations around the Anshun site, after discussions with the Environmental Protection Agency, it is agreed to implement the emergency response fund for the four monitoring wells around the Anshun site (M00041, M00098, M00169, M00178) Sampling and testing operation, the detection result only found that the monitoring wells M00041 and M00178 in the Anshun site have exceeded the monitoring standard, and the downstream monitoring wells (M00098, M00169) were not detected, indicating the pollution of Anshun site. The situation is non-proliferation and continues to be below regulatory standards. (2) Emergency strain sampling test of No. 106 and 107 in Dagang section The emergency strain sampling system was carried out by Meishang Magnesium Technology Co., Ltd. in the new plant project. The retaining wall project was carried out on the southwest side of the site. The excavation operation revealed that the organic solvent smell was scattered, and then on July 26 The company notified the Environmental Protection Bureau and the Industrial Zone Management Service Center to conduct on-site survey operations. After receiving the notification, the project immediately cooperated with the emergency strain sampling plan. The emergency strain sampling operation was carried out on August 2, 2007. The test results showed The soil in the site was exposed to the soil pollution control standard by volatile organic compounds xylene, and a new groundwater monitoring well was set up. The groundwater test results were not detected. The number of work items and the number of completions this year are shown in Table 1. The various work items and quantities are implemented in accordance with the contract, and the unexecuted project funds are processed and returned according to the contract.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater