中文摘要 | 1.屏東縣畜牧業概況 養豬戶主要分布於九如鄉、萬丹鄉、鹽埔鄉、內埔鄉及竹田鄉;養牛戶主要分布於萬丹鄉,鹽埔鄉、里港鄉、屏東市及九如鄉;屏東縣轄內養豬規模1,000頭以上之畜牧戶為266家,核准飼養總頭數約632,314頭,而養牛規模100頭以上之畜牧戶為49家,核准飼養總頭數約7,771頭,皆已完成定位。 2.關鍵測站總量削減措施計畫 東港溪、高屏溪之關鍵測站擬定總量削減措施計畫已於107年11月協助提送本年度考核成果報告。 3.重點對象稽查採樣 優先針對飼養豬隻1,000頭以上畜牧場且無意願申請沼液沼渣作為肥分使用者為重點稽查對象,共計稽查採樣60站次。 4.沼液沼渣肥分利用宣導及推廣 邀請專家進行宣導會,共計辦理11場,出席人數614人,另辦理1場縣外觀摩會,1場成果發表會,另配合各階段沼液沼渣肥分利用推廣成果進行宣傳,已協助提供7篇新聞稿。 5.沼液沼渣肥分利用計畫書輔導及提送 已完成輔導179家畜牧場,協助提送計畫名單共計35場,11場已通過,其餘刻正於農業處進行審查,申請沼液施灌量共186,504公噸/年,申請施灌農地面積共計108.807452公頃。 6.水肥車沼液沼渣示範性澆灌 已協助載運1,344噸沼液沼渣提供農民進行施灌,目前農戶多反應使用成效良好且無負面影響。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 沼液沼渣肥分利用、關鍵測站削減措施計畫 |
專案計畫編號 | 10612006 | 經費年度 | 107 | 計畫經費 | 10016 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2018/02/07 | 專案結束日期 | 2018/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 許盈志 |
主辦單位 | 屏東縣政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 孔乃玉、郭俊興 | 執行單位 | 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 107年屏東縣沼液沼渣農地肥分利用推動及關鍵測站總量削減計畫期末成果報告-.pdf | 17MB |
Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer and Execution Plan of Rivers Water Pollution Remediation and Reducing Total Maximum Daily Load Strategy in PingTung County, 2018
英文摘要 | 1.Overview of animal husbandry in Pingtung County Pig farming mainly distributed in Jiuru Township, Wandan Township, Yanpu Township, Neipu Township and Zhutian Township; Cattle farming mainly distributed in Wandan Township, Yanpu Township, Ligang Township, Pingtung City and Jiuru Township; The amount of pig livestock farms, whose number of pigs is greater than 1,000, is 266 and the number of pigs which is approved is 632,314. The amount of cattle livestock farms, whose number of cattle is greater than 100, is 49 and the number of cattle which is approved is 7,771. All of these has been located. 2.The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy in Pingtung County, 2018 has been submitted in November 2018. 3.Important object inspection Priority to inspect the pig livestock farms whose number of pigs is greater than 1,000 and there is no intention to participatesubmit the “Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy". There has been completed 60 times. 4.The promotion of “Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy" Inviting experts to conduct the publicity conference. A total of publicity conferences is 11 times and 614 people attended. And also held 1 field visit, 1 result presentation conference. In the other hand, for promoting the “Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy", which has provided 7 press releases. 5.The tutorship of “Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy" The 179 livestock farms tutorship have been completed. Assisted to submit 35 cases of Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer Policy, including 11 cases approved. The amount of Piggery Waste and Digestate use is 186,504 ton/year, and the area of farm field is 108.807452 ha. 6. Exemplary Piggery Waste and Digestate watering We have assisted to transport 1,344 ton of Piggery Waste and Digestate for farmers in Pingtung county. Most of them said Piggery Waste and Digestate is good for crops and no other bad effecort so far. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Piggery Waste and Digestate as Farmland Fertilizer , The execution plan of rivers rater pollution remediation and reducing total maximum daily load strategy |