

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合貴局之要求,於107年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業至107年12月31日止,營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計49處(年度新增30處)。在道路認養方面,目前累計49處(年度新增30處),47,806公里,營建工程巡查及稽查共完成4,617處次,空污費徵收及稽催(徵收/稽催件數)共徵收2,823件,稽催件數達513件,其餘各項工作1至12月執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 107年度工地污染管制巡查共完成4,617處次,各月份巡查處次與本計畫執行初期所定之巡查目標相較,累計達成率已達100%。其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市1,387件及吉安鄉865件最多,其次依序為新城鄉(395件)及秀林鄉(322件)。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程2,672件與建築(RC)工程804件,為主要巡查重點。 就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查276處次,以其他工程佔最多,其次為建築(RC)工程。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市及吉安鄉為主要稽查重點區。 執行營建工地噪音管制至12月底為止建築工程進行113次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,執行迄今共7處工地於施工期間有音量超標情形,其噪音來源分別為地面破碎及建物拆除時所產生,後續與業者溝通改善並於改善期限內再次複查,已無超標情形。統計該113處營建工地噪音量測結果,Leq量測範圍在54.3~90.0dB(A)之間,Lmax量測範圍在67.7~96.3dB(A)之間。Lmax值較高之工程大多集中在開挖及佈樁作業。 (二)一、二級工程管制率及法規符合度 107年度列管工地共計3,921處,屬於一級工程有1,018處,佔總數之26%;二級工程有1,728處佔總數44%;三級工程1,175處佔總數之30%,而針對工程巡查狀況107年度共計巡查2,976處工地,其中第一級工程共現勘巡查849處,納管率為83%,第二級工程巡查1,388處,納管率為80%,整體花蓮縣營建工程納管率為76%。 而在法規符合度上,一級法規符合度由107年1月89%提升至12月95%,二級法規符合度由107年1月90%提升至12月91%,後續仍將持續加強管制相關工作。 (三)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 107年本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收4,645萬9,798元,其中以其它類別工程1,570萬5,156元最多,次之疏濬工程類別繳費1,318萬8,239元,以徵收金額來看統計至107年,以104年秀林鄉徵收金額26,346,452元最高,主要為當月申報「台9線蘇花公路中仁隧道接續工程(隧道、橋梁、道路、建築)」,空污費共計2,392萬7,785元,佔當月徵收金額84.35%。新增「疏濬工程」類別後,以徵收金額來看,以106年7月申報之「立霧溪第五期AB段疏濬工程」及106年10月申報之「106年度花蓮溪水系花蓮溪與支流壽豐溪匯流處附近河段疏濬工程」等11件疏濬工程次之,空污費共計2,021萬5,066元,107年3月申報之「106年度花蓮溪與萬里溪匯流口疏濬兼供土石採售分離(支出)」徵收營建工程空氣污染防制費為1,060萬8,000元則排名第三。 營建工程會因工程種類異動、工期縮短、施工面積減少、合約經費減少、或是停工異動而申請退補費,107年1月至12月期間,縣境內因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數最多,合計共有346件,共退費71萬2,134元;其次為因工期縮短申請退費有218件,共退費65萬858元。 (四)營建工程空污費稽催作業 統計107年度由營建工程資料庫系統統計營建空污費申報未依期限繳納者共計有48處工地,分別為其他類工程35件、建築工程8件、道路工程3件、管線工程及橋樑工程各有1件,經人員進行催繳作業後已完成100%到繳。平均各月份營建空污費主動到繳率為99%及次月進行催繳作業之達成率則為100%,僅有少數案件因遺忘而遲延繳納情形。 (五)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 期間已執行39場次之機動車輛攔檢(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢(查) 294輛次,檢測作業相關記錄皆彙整後提送至環保局執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象。另外並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢之行政程序及現場檢測作業,已執行通知到檢作業共計27輛汽機車,其中14輛為路邊攔查檢及校園稽巡查部份,噪音車陳情網站部份為4輛,外縣市移入則有9輛。 本年度應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達50點次以上,計畫期間迄今已完成58點次。 (六)事業廢棄物流向管制 統計107年度,針對縣轄內營建廢棄物清除及處理機構共巡(稽)查214件,本縣轄內GPS列管車輛巡(稽)查每月10車次共查核170車次皆符合操作規定,行政院環境保護署事業廢棄物清運機具即時監控系統勾稽每週一次,共計勾稽52次1,960件。廢棄物列管工廠(場)事業及營建工地共巡(稽)查1,303件。廢棄物清理計畫書營建工程部份請空污費櫃檯每週提送當週新申報營建工地名單,共提送51次2,720件,新增列管107件。 (七)創新作法-粒狀污染物直讀式儀器運用輔助 為加強對於營建工程施工之污染掌握,近年來各縣市地方環保局陸續導入多項創新性監控作法,針對不同工程類型及情境需求之營建工程進行監控、盯梢及管制,包括大型營建工程即時監視系統、觸發式監控機制輔助監控工地污染及縮時攝影機針對短期機動性施工行為加以連續監控等,以促進稽巡查管制效率,紓解人力管制負荷。然而,此類工具均屬於末端污染行為及現象之監控,一旦發現異常時,污染已成事實,雖有助於減輕污染衝擊,但對環境品質之傷害也已形成。因此,站在預警的角度而言,如可透過連續性監測的數據蒐集,對於營建工程施工過程中所在位置空氣品質加以掌握,當有助於即時介入採行應變措施。因此,本年度擬於稽(巡)查作業時運用直讀式懸浮微粒偵測器,即時監測小尺度區域之PM2.5濃度,在既有之空氣品質惡化應變機制之下,提升主動性預警能力。 1.大型營建工程目標鎖定掌握 工程高污染階段週期皆來自於疏濬工程出土、建築工程與道路工程等開挖與刨除作業為最大污染排放來源,為預防空氣品質惡化,針對疏濬、建築及道路等大型營建工程(當年度申報大型建築工程、施作面積達5,000平方公尺疏濬及道路工程)進行PM10、PM2.5質量濃度即時性監測掌握,目前依環保署A2010營建工程污染管制及收費管理資訊系統挑選出10處大型工程來進行今年度即時性質量濃度監測管制對象。 2.直讀式懸浮微粒偵測器檢測作業規劃 針對PM10及PM2.5進行質量濃度分析,檢測範圍為0.001 to 400 mg/m3,設定每10秒一筆濃度平均值,檢測時間為1小時,並記錄風向風速儀現場氣象條件,於上、下風處各進行不同污染物一點次檢測,檢測完後人員在針對當日監測結果進行最大值、最小值及小時平均值統計。 3.花蓮測站值濃度值資料比較分析 當日執行進行濃度監測前,先行至環保署花蓮監測站進行同步監測比較,以確認機器小時平均值濃度差異,並依花蓮測站與偵測器同步檢測數據相除後平均差倍數值做為當日量測濃度量測值,藉以此方式驗證測值,並當作量測過程中之精確度及準確度的參考值,減少比對值過大情形產生,當比對值在±10%以內將採用數據使用分析,超過則重新量測及校正,以確保量測結果不會超過±10%。 4.濃度預警結合空拍加強防制掌握 依據監測結果掌握工地污染變化情形,提前預警加強防制,協調現場加強車行便道、裸露地表等加強灑水、並增加出入口洗掃頻率、土方及物料加強覆網等防制作業,另外透過空中拍攝方式,掌握容易揚塵所在位置及區域,加強區域或路段防制工作作為。 5.今年度已完成量測10處營建工地進行監測:張勖儀店舖住宅.辦公廳拆除工程、0206震災舊遠東百貨拆除工程、106年度花蓮溪水系花蓮溪與支流壽豐溪匯流處附近河段疏濬工程、周宏濤違建拆除工程、花蓮相二文創旅館新建工程、縣193線17k+300~19k+840 (南濱至南海四街段)路段拓寬工程(道路拓寬含排水工程)、花蓮縣青年安心成家住宅新建工程(第一期)統包工程案(建築工程)、106年度花蓮溪與萬里溪匯流口疏濬兼供土石採售分離(支出) 、美崙山公園及曼波園區0206震災復建工程、花蓮縣吉安鄉南埔八街、仁里一街、三街雨水下水道工程等10處工程。為了能瞭解有關直讀式儀器與花蓮測站同步比對目前採樣差異性,採樣前會前往花蓮測站執行一小時平均值比較,同步採樣結果直讀式儀器小時平均值PM10及PM2.5分別為0.019 mg/m3 0.003 mg/m3,花蓮測站同時間小時平均值PM10及 PM2.5為35 ug/m3及2 ug/m3,直讀式儀器採樣結果換算成ug/m3,PM10為 19ug/m3而PM2.5為3 ug/m3,PM10及PM2.5差異各為46%及50%,但因設備調度使用問題花蓮測站比對樣本數不夠,在採樣值呈現上仍有很大的誤差,目前僅能做為現場污染的參考指標,統計出花蓮測站與直讀式儀器差異平均數,在以平均數做為削減的參考值,以瞭解工地實際污染排放與管制後的排放量的差異。經完成檢測上述10處工地,比對管制前後統計結果PM10為 451 ug/m3 削減 58 µg/m3 削減達13%、PM2.5為 146 ug/m3 削減 21µg/m3 削減達15%。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射、營建廢棄物流向管制


專案計畫編號 107-02-05 經費年度 107 計畫經費 12560 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃筱潔 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度花蓮營建-期末報告定稿(上傳)1.pdf 9MB

107 Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Inspection Control Plan

英文摘要 According to the contract standard work items and contents, in accordance with the requirements of your office, complete the prescribed work items and report the work results in the year of 107, and submit the results of the previous month's implementation results at the beginning of each month, and each operation will be completed on December 31, 107. At the end of the construction site, the construction site completed a total of 49 consents for the independent management of the construction site (30 new in the year). In terms of road adoption, there are currently 49 (30 new additions), 47,806 km, 4,617 inspections and inspections of construction projects, and 2,823 levies on air pollution charges and collections (extraction/requests) The number of reminders reached 513. The implementation results of the other work from January to December are as follows: (1) Inspection and control operations The 107 site site pollution control inspections completed a total of 4,617 visits. The monthly inspections were compared with the inspection targets set at the beginning of the project, and the cumulative achievement rate reached 100%. Among them, the number of inspections in townships and cities was 1,387 in Hualien City and 865 in Ji'an Township, the largest in pollution load, followed by Xincheng Township (395 pieces) and Xiulin Township (322 pieces). In terms of engineering categories, 2,672 other projects and 804 construction (RC) projects were used as the main inspection focus. As for the number of inspections, there are currently 276 inspections, with the majority of other projects, followed by construction (RC) projects. According to the statistics of the inspections of various towns and towns, Hualien City and Ji'an Township are the main inspection key areas. Execution of noise control at the construction site until the end of December. 113 construction sites were surveyed for active noise surveys. Noise measurements were carried out based on the main construction equipment at the site. There were strange noise sources such as strangers, cranes, crushers and pre-mixed vehicles. According to the regulations, Leq and Lmax are measured according to the regulations. The implementation of the seven sites has exceeded the volume during the construction period. The noise sources are generated when the ground is broken and the building is demolished. The follow-up communication with the operators is improved and the improvement period is again. Review, there is no excessive standard situation. The noise measurement results of the 113 construction sites were counted. The Leq measurement range was between 54.3 and 90.0 dB(A), and the Lmax measurement range was between 67.7 and 96.3 dB(A). Most of the projects with higher Lmax values are concentrated in excavation and pile-laying operations. (2) First and second-level engineering control rates and regulatory compliance There were 3,921 management sites in 107, which belonged to 1,018 of the first-level projects, accounting for 26% of the total; 1,728 of the secondary projects accounted for 44% of the total; and 1,175 of the tertiary projects accounted for 30% of the total, and for the inspection of the project 107 In the year, a total of 2,976 sites were inspected, of which 849 were surveyed in the first-level project, the rate of management was 83%, and the second-level project was 1,388. The rate of management was 80%. The overall rate of construction of Hualien County was 76%. In terms of regulatory compliance, the compliance rate of the first-level regulations increased from 89% in January 2007 to 95% in December, and the compliance rate of secondary regulations increased from 90% in January 2007 to 91% in December, and will continue to strengthen control in the follow-up. Related work. (3) Air pollution control fee collection business for construction projects In 107 years, the air pollution prevention and control fees for the construction of the county totaled 46.45 million yuan, 798 yuan, of which the other types of projects amounted to 15.57 million 5,156 yuan, and the second dredging project category paid 13,188,000 yuan, 239 yuan, counting to 107 years. In the 104 years, Xiulin Township levied a maximum of 26,346,452 yuan, mainly for the “Taiwan 9 Line Suhua Highway Zhongren Tunnel Continuation Project (tunnels, bridges, roads, buildings)”. The total air pollution fee was 23,928,785 yuan, accounting for the month. The collection amount is 84.35%. After the addition of the "Drainage Project" category, the "Lianwuxi Phase 5 AB Section Dredging Project" declared in July, 106 and the "106 Hualien Stream Water System Hualien River and the 106th October Report" The 11 dredging projects such as the dredging project near the tributary of the Shoufeng River confluence were followed by the air pollution charge totaling 20,021,5,066 yuan. In March 2007, the 106th annual Hualien River and Wanlixi junction were dredged and used for earth and stone mining. Separation of sales (expenditure) The air pollution control fee for construction projects was ranked first at $10.6 million. The construction project will apply for the refund due to the type of project change, shortened construction period, reduced construction area, reduced contract funding, or stoppage of work. From January to December, 107, the county will apply for refunds due to contractual expenses reduction. The number is the largest, a total of 346, a total refund of 712,000,134 yuan; followed by 218 cases due to shorten the application period, a total refund of 650,000 858 yuan. (4) Construction of air pollution charges for construction projects In the 107th year, there are a total of 48 construction sites for the construction of air pollution charges from the construction project database system. There are 35 other construction projects, 8 construction projects, 3 road projects, pipeline engineering and bridge engineering. There is one case, and 100% of the payment has been completed after the personnel have made the call. The average rate of construction of air pollution charges for each month is 99%, and the rate of completion of the next month is 100%. Only a few cases have been delayed due to forgetting. (5) Motor vehicle noise control and non-free radiation source survey During the period, 39 motor vehicle inspections (checks) were performed. The police conducted an inspection and detection based on the noise level of the vehicle. A total of 294 inspections were conducted. The relevant records of the inspection operations were collected and sent to the EPA for execution. In the follow-up procedure, unqualified vehicles are uniformly listed as notification objects. In addition, it regularly conducts reconciliation based on the noise car report website and the police quiet project data, screens the suspicious noise cars that have been sent through the case, assists in the administrative procedures and on-site inspection operations for notifications, and has notified the inspection operations to a total of 27 steam locomotives. 14 vehicles were part of the roadside inspection and campus inspections. The noise car site was 4 vehicles, and the other counties and cities were 9 vehicles. This year, the county's non-free radiation measurement operation should be carried out more than 50 points, and 58 points have been completed so far. (6) Control of the flow of business waste In the year of the 107th year, a total of 214 inspections were carried out for the construction of waste removal and disposal agencies in the county. The GPS inspection vehicles in the county’s jurisdictions were inspected and checked for 10 times per month. It is stipulated that the real-time monitoring system for the waste disposal equipment of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan will be checked once a week, and a total of 1,960 pieces will be checked 52 times. A total of 1,303 pieces of waste inspection and management plants (sites) and construction sites were surveyed. For the construction of the waste disposal plan, the air pollution counter will be sent weekly to the list of new construction sites for the week. A total of 2,720 pieces will be submitted 51 times, and 107 new pipes will be added. (7) Innovative practices - application of direct reading instruments for granular pollutants In order to strengthen the pollution control of construction projects, local environmental protection bureaus in various counties and cities have introduced a number of innovative monitoring practices in recent years to monitor, stalk and control the construction projects of different types of projects and situational needs, including large-scale construction engineering real-time monitoring systems. The triggered monitoring mechanism assists in monitoring the site pollution and the time-lapse camera for continuous monitoring of short-term maneuvering construction activities to promote the efficiency of the inspection and control and to relieve the manpower control load. However, such tools are monitored for end-polluting behaviors and phenomena. Once an abnormality is discovered, the pollution has become a reality, although it helps to reduce the impact of pollution, but the damage to environmental quality has also formed. Therefore, from the perspective of early warning, if the data can be collected through continuous monitoring, the air quality at the location of the construction project can be mastered, which will help to immediately intervene in the adoption of contingency measures. Therefore, this year, we intend to use the direct-reading aerosol detector to monitor the PM2.5 concentration in small-scale areas during the inspection (inspection), and to enhance the active early warning capability under the existing air quality deterioration and response mechanism: 1. Mastering the construction of large-scale construction projects The high-contamination stage of the project comes from the excavation and planing operations of dredging projects, construction and road engineering, etc., which are the largest sources of pollution emissions. In order to prevent air quality deterioration, large-scale construction projects such as dredging, construction and roads are required. Construction project, construction area of 5,000 square meters of dredging and road works) Real-time monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentration. Currently, 10 large-scale projects are selected according to the Environmental Protection Department's A2010 construction project pollution control and charge management information system. Conduct this year's immediate quality concentration monitoring control targets. 2. Direct reading aerosol detector detection operation planning For mass concentration analysis of PM10 and PM2.5, the detection range is 0.001 to 400 mg/m3, set the average concentration every 10 seconds, the detection time is 1 hour, and record the weather conditions of the wind anemometer on the upper and lower winds. Each time, different pollutants were tested at different times. After the test, the personnel performed the maximum, minimum and hourly average statistics for the monitoring results on the day. 3. Comparative analysis of the concentration value data of Hualien station Before performing concentration monitoring on the same day, go to the Environmental Protection Department Hualien Monitoring Station for simultaneous monitoring and comparison to confirm the machine hour average concentration difference, and use the average difference value of the Hualien station and the detector synchronous detection data as the current day. Measure the concentration measurement value, verify the measured value in this way, and use it as the reference value of the accuracy and accuracy in the measurement process to reduce the occurrence of excessive comparison value. When the comparison value is within ±10%, the measurement value will be adopted. Data usage analysis, if it is exceeded, re-measure and calibrate to ensure that the measurement results will not exceed ±10%. 4. Concentration warning combined with aerial shooting to strengthen prevention and control According to the monitoring results, grasp the situation of site pollution change, strengthen the prevention and control system in advance, coordinate the on-site strengthening of the traffic lanes, bare ground surface, etc., strengthen the watering, increase the frequency of entrance and exit cleaning, earthwork and materials to strengthen the net and other defense operations, and through the air Shooting methods, grasp the location and area where dust is easy to be raised, and strengthen the prevention of regional or road sections. 5. This year, 10 construction sites have been completed for monitoring: Zhang Yiyi's shop residence, office demolition project, 0206 earthquake disaster, old Far East department store demolition project, 106 Hualien River water system Hualien River and tributary Shoufeng River confluence near the river Dredging project, Zhou Hongtao illegal construction demolition project, new construction project of Hualien Xiang Er Wen Chuang Hotel, county 193 line 17k+300~19k+840 (Nanbin to Nanhai 4th Street section) section widening project (road widening and drainage project), Hualien County Youth Relief and Family Housing New Construction (Phase I) Turnkey Project (Construction Project), 106 Hualien River and Wanlixi Confluence Dredging and Separation of Earth and Stone Mining (Expenditure), Meilunshan Park and Mambo Park 0206 Earthquake Reconstruction project, 10 projects including Nanpu 8th Street, Renli 1st Street and 3rd Street Rainwater and Underwater Channel Project in Ji'an Township, Hualien County. In order to understand the current sampling difference between the direct reading instrument and the Hualien station, the sample will be sent to the Hualien station for one hour average comparison before sampling. The simultaneous sampling results of the direct reading instrument hourly average PM10 and PM2.5 respectively It is 0.019 mg/m3 0.003 mg/m3, and the hourly average PM10 and PM2.5 of the Hualien station are 35 ug/m3 and 2 ug/m3. The sampling result of the direct reading instrument is converted into ug/m3, and the PM10 is 19ug/ M3 and PM2.5 is 3 ug/m3, and the difference between PM10 and PM2.5 is 46% and 50%, respectively. However, due to the problem of equipment scheduling, the number of samples in the Hualien station is not enough, and there is still a large amount in the sampling value. The error can only be used as a reference indicator for on-site pollution. The average number of differences between Hualien station and direct-reading instrument is calculated. The average value is used as the reference value for the reduction to understand the actual pollution discharge and controlled emissions of the site. The difference. After the completion of the above-mentioned 10 sites, the PM10 of the comparison before and after the control was 451 ug/m3, the reduction was 58 μg/m3, the reduction was 13%, the PM2.5 was 146 ug/m3, and the reduction was 21 μg/m3, which was reduced by 15%.
英文關鍵字 Construction project, Air pollution, Pollution prevention, Noise control, Non-free radiationl, Construction waste flow control