

中文摘要 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自107年3月4日至107年12月31日止,主要針對機車排氣路邊攔檢、未到檢機車動態車牌辨識、訪查、巡查、定檢站查核、即時傳輸系統管理、定檢檢驗通知單寄發、充電站巡查、柴油車路邊及場站攔檢、油品檢驗、目視判煙、烏賊車案件處理、宣導活動之舉辦,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至107年11月30日止,各項工作執行如下: (一) 機車稽查管制作業 1.機車攔檢作業,目標數1,000輛次,已完成機車排氣路邊攔檢1,001輛次,檢測不合格123輛次,檢測不合格率12.29%,其中106輛檢測不合格車輛已完成複驗,複驗率86.18%,後續未到檢車輛將依法進行告發處分。 2.機車車牌辨識作業,通知數量需達800輛次,配合巡查作業,回檢量共需達2,000輛次。已完成機車車牌辨識定點稽查15,484輛次,並寄發附照片之定檢通知書873輛給車主,回檢車輛有754輛次,回檢率86.37%,後續未到檢車輛將依法進行告發處分。 3.機車巡查作業,目標數2,200輛次,已完成巡查作業2,208輛次,回檢數有1,642輛次,回檢率74.37%,後續會再寄一次未到檢通知,如果仍然未到檢,將依法進行告發處分。 4.機車訪查作業,篩選本縣104年度起迄今未定檢機車數,目標數500輛次,本年度配合二行程汰舊或換購電動二輪車補助,特別篩選出二行程機車641輛未曾拜訪之車輛,目前已完成訪查作業508輛次。 (二) 柴油車與船舶稽查管制作業 1.柴油車路邊攔檢作業,目標數200輛,已完成柴油車路邊攔檢204輛次,檢測不合格10輛次,檢測不合格率4.9%,不合格車輛再進行複驗。 2.柴油車路邊攔檢與船舶抽油作業,目標數15瓶,已完成柴油車路邊抽油5瓶,船舶抽油10瓶,送驗結果皆合格。 3.柴油車場站檢測作業,目標數400輛,完成柴油車場站檢測550輛次,檢測不合格11輛次,檢測不合格率2%,不合格車輛再進行複驗。 4.柴油車場站檢測抽油作業,目標數5瓶,已完成柴油車場站抽油5瓶,送驗結果皆合格。 5.完成柴油車目視判煙合格800輛次,已完成柴油車目視判煙合格有833件,不合格56輛次。完成船船目視判煙合格數為40艘次,己完成船舶目測合格數為40艘次,目判不合格車輛已進行通知到檢。 6.追蹤已簽署自主管理車輛是否確實執行車輛維修保養,以確實監督車輛狀況,目標數為700輛次,已追蹤保養車輛717輛次。 (三) 怠速熄火稽查管制作業 1.停車怠速熄火稽查作業,目標數200輛,已完成稽查宣導204輛次,其中大型車102輛、小型車102輛。 2.停車怠速熄火勸導單開立,目標數10輛,使用紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)作為停車怠速熄火查核儀器,已完成勸導單開立10輛。 (四) 宣導相關作業包括計畫製作宣導手冊文宣1,000份、宣導品2,500份和宣導手冊1,000份,並已舉辦20場監理站排氣定檢宣導、12場次移污相關檢驗或宣導活動、5場次校園宣導活動、柴油車環保駕駛及怠速熄火說明會1場次及新聞發佈4則。 (五) 定檢站定期查核作業於計畫開始執行後,每月完成每站1次查核,並每月不定期查核本縣定檢站至少1站,包含缺失複查、實車測試、人員及管制性耗材等。目前共完成63站次例行查核及7站次不定期實車查核。 (六) 針對縣內各鄉鎮設立之62座電動機車充電站,每月進行巡查維護工作一次,目前已完成9次之巡查維護。 (七) 辦理檢驗人員教育訓練說明會1場次,邀集環保署長官、定檢站業者、服務站代表,共同討論定檢業務工作執行,以及透過多元化教育訓練課程內容安排等,強化定檢站檢測之品保品管;此外,並於3、5、9及11月辦理計畫執行人員在職教育訓練,共4場次。 (八) 定期寄發本縣轄內機車定檢檢驗通知單,依機車發照月份共計完成定檢通知寄發32,214件,逾期未定檢機車再以二次通知檢驗,共計二次定檢通知寄發8,552件,以加強提升定檢到檢率。 (九)尚義環保公園停車場為本縣第一個空氣品質維護區,共稽查210天(一般日160天,例假日50天),拍照進出空品維護區車輛共計689輛,其中已驗403輛,未驗286輛,柴油車空品維護區管制,已檢驗比例達58.49%。 (十) 配合環保署實施未定檢機車禁止換發行照措施,修改新增既有之寬頻即時系統部份設備及功能,除即時與本縣定檢站以ADSL連線收取即時檢驗資料外,並定期維護更新定檢站專區及民眾專區定檢資訊網頁,作為與定檢站訊息交流的空間,提供最新的定檢相關資訊,建立便民服務的基礎。
中文關鍵字 機車、柴油車、移動污染源


專案計畫編號 KEPB107-04 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6008 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/04 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 林章文
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳邦鴻 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度金門縣移污計畫期末報告(定稿)1080104.pdf 6MB

Mobile Pollution Source Inspection Control Program

英文摘要 "2018 Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program" had begun from Mar.-4- 2018 to Dec.-31-2018. Its major items were inspecting motorcycle emission on the roadside, identifying the license plate for un-inspection motorcycles, visiting motorcycles, patrolling inspection, checking inspection stations, updating transmission in-time system, delivering inspection notifications, patrolling charge stations, inspecting diesel vehicle smoke, spot checking oil ingredients, visual judgment of diesel vehicles smoke emission, dealing with the cases of smoked vehicles and held the campaigns of guidance, etc. Till Nov., 30, 2018, perform the work as follows: 1. Motorcycles inspection (1) Target number is 1,000 cases; this project has completed 1,001 inspections on the roadside. There were 123 disqualifications, the rate of disqualification was 12.29%, in which there were 106 cases that has finished inspecting, and the rate of re-inspection is 86.18%. (2) In the tasks of the identification system, target number is 800 cases; this project has completed delivered 873 inspection notices with pictures for those non-inspection vehicle owners, in which there were 754 motorcycles inspected. The rare of participation was 86.37% in this task. (3) In the task of patrolling non-inspection motorcycles on the roadside, target number is 2,200 cases; this project has completed 2,208 cases, in which there were 1,642 cases inspected; the rate of participation was 74.37% in this task. (4) In the task of visiting motorcycles, screen vehicles registered data for the non-inspection vehicles until now. Target number was 500; this project has completed 508 cases. 2. Diesel vehicles inspect and control (1) In the tasks of spot check, target number 200 cases, this project has completed 204 cases, there were 10 cases unqualified and the rate of unqualified was 4.9%. (2) In the tasks of diesel vehicles oil inspection on the roadside, this project pumped 15 bottles of oil on the roadside, they were inspected by impartial inspection company, the result were qualified. (3) In the tasks of inspection in the diesel vehicles inspection station, target number was 400 cases. This project has completed 550 cases, in which there were 11 cases unqualified, the rate of disqualification is 2%. (4) In the tasks of oil inspection in diesel vehicle inspection station, target number was 5 bottles, this project pumped 5 bottles of oil, and all of them were qualified. (5) In the tasks of visual judgment of the smoky diesel vehicles, this project completed 833 cases qualified, and 56 cases unqualified, which were notified to check. In the tasks of visual judgment of the smoky ship, this project completed 40 cases, and they were all qualified. (6) Follow-up survey for those vehicles which has signed self-management and to know whether they carry out a regular maintenance. Target number was 700, till November 30, 2018, has completed 717 cases. 3. The idling-stop control operation inspection (1) Motor Vehicle Parking and Idling inspection operations, target number was 200, this project has completed 204 vehicles. Among them, there are 102 large vehicles and 102 small vehicles. (2) Writing idling-stop warning tickets, target number was 10, this project has completed written 10 warning tickets by using the infrared thermal imager (FLIR). 4. In the tasks of promotion, this project made 1,000 handbills and 2,500 gifts. Moreover, this project held 12 promotions, 5 campus propaganda, 20 Motor Vehicle Supervision Office promotions, and 1 seminar. This project also published 3 press releases. 5.In the tasks of period inspection, its inspection item included review, on-site inspections by riding motorcycles, inspectors, consumables etc. this project has completed 63 routine inspections and 7 on-site inspections by riding motorcycles. 6. In the tasks of charge stations, this project completed 9 times patrolled for 62 electric scooter charge stations. 7. In the tasks of education and coordination, in order to enforce inspection stations’ QA&QC, this project held 1 education training seminar and invite EPA officials, inspection station owners, scholar, and experts to discuss the period inspection jobs and educations training lessons etc. Moreover, this project held 4 education training meeting. 8. In the tasks of notices of motorcycle period inspection, this project has completed delivering 32,214 postcards and 8,552 second-notice postcards for those which didn’t finish inspection motorcycles within the specified time. 9. In the tasks of Diesel vehicle air quality maintenance area, the Shangyi Environmental Park parking lot is the first air quality maintenance area in this county. It has been inspected for 210 days (160 days in general, 50 days in the holiday). There are 689 vehicles were photographed in this area, in which there were 403 vehicles have been inspected, 286 vehicles didn’t , the proportion of inspection has reached 58.49%. 10. In the tasks of broadband transmission system, receive in-time inspection data, maintain and updating website, provide the latest inspection information to the people.
英文關鍵字 Motorcycle, Diesel Vehicle, Mobile Pollution Source