

中文摘要 本計畫主要為執行新竹市低碳永續家園等相關事項,推動內容包含:運作新竹市政府低碳永續家園推動小組、維持強化低碳永續家園運作體系與執行管考計畫、低碳示範社區輔導、低碳永續家園評等與分級認證推動、執行本市電動機車充電站巡檢作業、協助ICLEI事宜、進行媒體宣導等事宜;計畫期程自107年2月13日至107年12月31日止,經費共532萬5仟元,本計畫期末成果摘要說明如下: 為持續辦理新竹市政府低碳永續家園推動小組定期會議,完成第27次定期會議召開,為了解本市府所推動之低碳永續家園各運作機能,辦理成果現地訪視,同時聘請專家學者,於會議中提供相關諮詢及興革意見提出實質可行之建議,讓本市低碳永續家園推動小組成員可應用於本市溫室氣體管制執行方案之推動;於8月13日及11月26日完成二場次溫室氣體管制執行方案草案協商會議,主要是與各局處討論溫室起管制執行方案之內容,並請相關局處提出亮點計畫。 在維持與強化低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考的部分,於11月9日完成一場次北部生活圈生態綠化運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,並完成提送生態綠化-牆面植生或綠籬認證專案及107年新竹市成果報告。 低碳社區輔導部分,本年度推出綠屋頂模組,鼓勵市民參與客製化的專屬空中花園。完成6個里/社區相關單位進行低碳措施改造,主要針對社區屋頂、牆面、自行車架設置及免插電通風扇之建置,除增加社區內綠化量外亦可降低社區用電量,預估每年減碳約79.8公斤CO2e,固碳量約25,509.3公斤CO2e,節水量每年約可達35噸,綠化面積達290.3平方公尺以上。另,配合環保署推動之低碳永續家園評等認證措施,完成新竹市、區、里及社區低碳永續家園潛力分析報告,並取得東區千甲里銀級資格及北區士林里、東區科園里成果提送,成果相當豐碩。 在氣候變遷教育宣導之部分,課程規劃諾亞方舟、企鵝敲冰、森林保衛戰叢林保衛戰及海洋保衛大作戰等不同類型的桌遊,在遊戲中體驗現實,重新衡量權力分配,連結社會議題,面對環境處境化為改變現況的正能量,透過遊戲讓與會者互相的交流及討論,完成辦理3場次氣候變遷教育宣導及2場次觀摩活動辦理,共計241人參與。 就電動機車充電站巡檢作業,本計畫定期進行充電站現場查核,並於每月提供相關使用紀錄至環保局存查。在App查詢系統部分,已完成107年本市淘汰二行程機車及新購電動二輪車補助金額及注意事項之訊息,提供電動機車使用者更多元訊息。 媒體宣導方面,配合低碳永續家園推動方面,已於6月12日辦理「森呼吸在我家-107年低碳家園補助開跑記者會」,並發布相關新聞稿。 其他行政方面,配合北部各地現地查核、新竹市社區營造工作小組第1次會議、新竹市社區營造論壇…等,蒐集各縣市及各局處於社區建構相關資訊。 本計畫已完成期末報告前應完成之各項工作,且各項工作皆符合預定進度,後續將持續進行並完成本年度所有工作內容。 本計畫已完成各工作項目內容,補助各里、社區之低碳改善工作,亦針對補助事項進行查驗,符合後核撥補助經費。藉由本計畫之執行已激發本市各里、社區積極配合推動節能減碳之意願,並參與講習了解推動之具體作法。各區、里、社區逐年推動成效擴展開後,新竹市建構低碳永續家園之目標將指日可待。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、評等認證推動、社區輔導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5325 千元
專案開始日期 2018/02/13 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 梁永瑩
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 曾香婷 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年新竹市推動溫室氣體管制執行方案與強化低碳永續家園運作體系計畫期末報告.pdf 14MB

Hsinchu City’s 2018 Project on Promotion of Reduction for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Implementation of Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation System

英文摘要 The main tasks of this project are the promotion of low-carbon sustainable homeland activities, including: operationalization of the Hsinchu City Government's Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Team, operation and continuing strengthening of the low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system and its surveillance project, consulting services provided to the low-carbon demonstration community, implementation of the certification and rating program for low-carbon sustainable homeland, implementation of the inspection program for charging stations of electric scooters, assistance related to participation in ICLEI activities, and conducts of relevant media affairs. The implementation period for this project is February 13 to December 31, 2018, with a total budget of NT$5.325 million. Summary of results for the implementation of this project are provided as follows. The project has organized the 27th meeting of Hsinchu City Government’s Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Team. In order for the Team to understand the city’s various functions of the low-carbon sustainable homeland promotion activities and facilitate the conducts of onsite visits, experts from the industries and academia were invited to the meeting to provide relevant advices and practical recommendations to assist in the implementation of the city's greenhouse gas reduction implementation program. Two consultation meetings were held on August 13 and November 26 respectively, between the various departments and agencies of the city government, to discuss the contents of the draft GHG reduction implementation program, and participating officials were asked to present highlighted projects of their respective departments. Regarding the operation and continuing strengthening of the low-carbon sustainable homeland operation system and its surveillance activities, a meeting of the consultation team was held on November 9 to discuss the operational technology and information for the greening of the northern residential community. A green wall promotion and certification program, and a 2018 Hsinchu City Implementation Status Report were generated through this meeting. For the provision of consultation service to the low-carbon communities, this year, the Green Roof Module was launched to encourage members of the public to participate in the customized aerial garden.6 low-carbon improvement projects were implemented at the villages, mainly related to the establishment of green roofs, green walls, bicycle racks and passive fans. These projects are expected to increase greening and reduce electricity consumption in the community. The estimated annual benefits and savings resulted from implementing these projects include reduction of carbon emissions by 79.8 kg CO2e, carbon sequestration of 25,509.3 kg CO2e, water saving of 35 tonnes, and creation of 290.3 m2 green space. In addition, in conjunction with the certification program for the low-carbon sustainable homeland projects implemented by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), the project completed analysis of the potentials for implementation of low-carbon sustainable homeland activities in Hsinchu City at the village, district, and community levels. In addition, the project also assisted the Qianjia Villiage of East District to acquire EPA’s Silver-level certification and assisted the Shilin Village of North District and Keyuan Villiage of East District to submit their implementation results to the EPA for certification consideration. On the climate change education part of the project, educational plans were developed for different types of board games such as Noah's Ark, Penguin Knocking, Jungle Defence and Marine Defence. The ideas for developing these games are to let players experience reality through the games, rebalance the distribution of power, consider their linkages with social issues, and turn environmental challenges into positive energy to change the current status. Through the games, participants are encouraged to exchange and discuss their views on the environment and foster mutual consensus for taking actions. This project also organized three climate change education events and two demonstration activities with a total participation of 241 people. The project has also been conducting periodic inspections of electric scooter charging stations, and providing relevant usage records to the City’s Environmental Protection Bureau every month. For the query system on the City’s App, information regarding the City’s phase-out of scooters using 2-stroke engines and provision of subsidies for new purchases of electric scooters were added in 2018, to provide more information to the users and purchasers of electric scooters. Regarding the project’s provision of assistance to media affairs, in order to promote the implementation low-carbon sustainable homeland project, a press conference on “Kick off of the 2018 Subsidies Related to Low-carbon Sustainable Homeland Project” was held on June 12. The project also provided administrative assistance and press information related to the first meeting of the city’s low-carbon community building working group and the forum on low-carbon community building. In addition, the project also collected information related to similar low-carbon community building activities in other cities and counties.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon permanent homeland, Rating certification, Community counseling