

中文摘要 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾詬病,而本計畫藉由執行各項柴油車之稽查管制作業,藉以改善臺北市之空氣品質,給予市民乾淨清新之生活環境。在稽查方面,統計至107年12月31日止,已執行目視判煙稽查達31,373輛次,其中針對有污染之虞車輛共通知2,377輛次;另動力計檢測計6,266輛次;而路邊攔查計4,803輛次,不透光率不合格數則為257輛次;至於油品抽查及送驗分別為6,210件及114件(含重金屬14件),各項工作已達成合約要求。 在補助方面,由於環保署已無強制要求一~二期大型車汰舊,故各縣市汰舊目標都已進行調整,以臺北市為例,106-107年臺北市一、二期老舊車輛汰舊目標數原為914輛,目前目標數已下修為735輛,而累積至107年實際汰舊計705輛,汰舊達成率為95.9%(暫居全國第四),但由於汰舊數量仍不如預期,目前環保署評估延長補助期程由108年延長至111年。另統計106年迄今之申請案件,所有汰舊申請通過補助之案件計449件,總補助金額為10,386萬元,其中一期大型柴油車汰舊申請177件;而二期大型柴油車汰舊申請272件,其中申請汰舊補助仍以大貨車為主。 環保署於106年亦推動濾煙器認證及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器補助,然就目前推動現況而言,現階段環保署評估只要符合各期別排放標準即可進出空品維護區,並無強制要求三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器,由於目前並無強制效力要求三期車業者加裝濾煙器,且目前通過認證之濾煙器費用均不低,故全國加裝濾煙器並提出補助案件申請僅294件,臺北市僅有11件案件申請,由於各縣市推動加裝濾煙器補助成效普遍不佳,目前環保署評估延長補助期程,由108年延長至111年。累積至107年底,目前臺北市環保局所屬清潔車輛已加裝151套濾煙器,累計已安裝162套濾煙器(暫居全國第三),另環保局亦統計轄區內其他公務大型車輛加裝濾煙器意願,預計108-109年所有公務單位會在154輛三期大型車上加裝濾煙器,期能持續帶動業者加裝濾煙器意願。 107年4月環保署修正自主管理標章標準,雖不透光率標準略增加為1.0m-1但大幅提高馬力比標準並將標章改為第一~三級,本計畫已配合環保署政策進行調整。經統計臺北市目前標章總納管數為5,710輛,因加嚴馬力比標準導致標章取得變困難外,且環保署對於自主管理標章規定多次修改,不確定性大及現階段環保署評估只要符合各期別排放標準即可進出空品維護區(不一定需取得自主管理標章),導致目前標章數較去年同期有減少之趨勢。 106年環保局已公告1線2站6處為低排放區,今年度仍持續執行低排區之稽查作業,統計至107年11月15日止,兩組人員已於低排放區內執行攔檢計1,726輛次,其中進出1線2站6處仍以五期車為主占62.5%,而目前攔查車輛中標章取得率約52.7%,其中一~四期車約有6成取得自主管理標章,另本計畫於低排放區內執行檢測32輛次,不合格率為40.6%。透過檢測不合格車輛之污染改善及檢驗前車輛調修,且依環保署建議年行駛里程, 推估本計畫107年粒狀污染物(PM10) 可削減53.92噸/年。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源管制、淘汰老舊大型柴油車、濾煙器


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 14650 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/31 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 馮文華 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫.pdf 34MB

107 year project of inspection into the diesel vehi

英文摘要 The mobile pollution source is one of the main reasons leading to deterioration of the air quality in the metropolitan district, and the black smoke discharged by the diesel vehicle is most criticized by the public. This plan is to improve the air quality of Taipei and provide the public with the clean and fresh living environment by implementing various inspection and control operations of the diesel vehicle. In the aspect of inspection, as of December 31, 2018, the number of vehicles to which inspection of smoke judgment with eyes was implemented had achieved 31,373 wherein 2,377 vehicles had been informed of the concern of pollution, 6,266 vehicles had been subjected to detection with the dynamometer, 4,803 vehicles had been subjected to stop-and-frisk by the road, and 257 vehicles had failed to pass opacity stop-and-frisk by the road. There were 6,210 samples of spot check of the oil product and 114 submitted samples (14 samples including the heavy metal), and all inspection operations achieve the contract requirements.. In the aspect of subsidy, Environmental Protection Administration has no compulsory requirement of obsoleting the Phase-I and Phase-II large vehicles, therefore the obsoletion targets of all counties have been adjusted. Taking Taipei for instance, the original target number of the phase-I and phase-II old vehicles to be obsoleted in Taipei was 914 in 2017-2018, while the target number has been modified to 735 at present. While the actual number of old vehicles to be obsoleted was 705 as of the end of October, 2018, with the rate of achieving the obsoleting standard of 95.9% (which ranked fourth in the country temporarily). However, the number of the obsoleted vehicles was still not as good as expected, and Environmental Protection Administration has assessed to prolong the duration of subsidy, namely prolong to 2022 from 2019. In addition, after counting the applications since 2017, 449 applications of obsoletion subsidy have been approved with a total amount of TWD81,000,000, including 177 cases of obsoletion applications of the Phase-I large diesel vehicles, 272 cases of obsoletion applications of the Phase-II large diesel vehicles, and the trucks are still dominant in these applications of obsoletion subsidy. Environmental Protection Administration also promoted certification of the smoke filter and the subsidy to addition of the smoke filter to the Phase-III large diesel vehicles in 2017. However, in terms of promotion status so far, Environmental Protection Administration assesses that the vehicle may go in and out of the air product maintenance area at this stage as long as it meets the emission standard of each phase, and does not forcibly require the Phase-III large vehicles to add the smoke filter. Because the owners of the Phase-III large diesel vehicles are not required to forcibly add the smoke filter, and the smoke filter passing certification is expensive at present, there are 294 cases of adding the smoke filter and applying for the subsidy all over the country, and there is 1 application in Taipei. Because the result of promoting the subsidy to addition of the smoke filter in all counties is unsatisfactory generally, Environmental Protection Administration has assessed to prolong the duration of subsidy at present, namely prolong to 2022 from 2019. By the end of October, 2018, 151 sets of smoke filters had been added to the cleaning vehicles which belong to Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei, and 162 sets of smoke filters had been installed accumulatively (which ranked third in the country temporarily). Furthermore, Department of Environmental Protection has also counted the wills of adding the smoke filter to other large official vehicles within the jurisdiction. All official units are expected to add the smoke filter to 154 Phase-III large vehicles in 2019-2020. We hope to continuously drive the owners’ wills of adding the smoke filter. Environmental Protection Administration modified the independent management mark standard in April, 2018. Although the opacity standard was slightly increased to 1.0m-1, the horsepower ratio standard was improved greatly, the mark was modified to Level I ~ Level III, and the plan had been adjusted in coordination with the policy of the Environmental Protection Administration. According to statistics, the total number of vehicles included in mark management in Taipei is 5,611. Except difficulty in acquiring the mark due to restriction of horsepower ratio, Environmental Protection Administration has modified the provisions on independent management mark for multiple times, the uncertainty becomes great and Environmental Protection Administration has assessed that the vehicle may go in and out of the air product maintenance area at this stage as long as it meets the emission standard of each phase (independent management mark is not required), thereby leading to decrease of marks at present compared with that over the same period last year. Environmental Protection Administration had declared that one line, two stations and six locations are low emission zone in 2017, and inspection has been implementing continuously in the low emission zones this year. As of November 15, 2018, two groups of workers had implemented stop-and-frisk to 1,726 vehicles in the low emission zones, wherein 62.5% of the dominant Phase-V vehicles went in and out of the one line, two stations and six locations, while about 52.7% of the vehicles subjected to stop-and-frisk had acquired the marks, and about 60% of the vehicles of Phase-I~IV had acquired the independent management marks. In addition, the plan has been applied to inspection of 32 vehicles within the low emission zones, with a failure rate of 40.6%. It is estimated according to the annual mileage recommended by Environmental Protection Administration that the plan may reduce the particulate pollutants (PM10) by 53.92 tons per year in 2018 by detecting improvement of pollution of the unqualified vehicles, and adjusting and repairing the vehicles before inspection.
英文關鍵字 mobile source control、eliminating old heavy-duty diesel vehicle、diesel particulate filter(DPF)