

中文摘要 在本計畫中,我們集結了過去三年多來的經驗,提出了「強化空污意識,建立基本公民行為」的目標。其次,我們到竹山鎮、草屯鎮、魚池鄉、埔里鎮、與國姓鄉等地區辦理志工交流與空污宣導活動,鼓勵民眾成為防制空污的尖兵,同時,提升民眾的空污意識。第三,為了宣導市場空污減量,我們與埔里的志工媽媽們一起開發結合微型感測器的推車與腳踏車,並在市場與志工們一起做宣導。 在現有物聯網系統的佈建與維護上,本計畫完成了中彰投地區所有 159 個監測點的維護,並更新其內部感測元件。其次,維護整個物聯網系統與雲端平台的正常運作。第三,我們義務提供 PM2.5 微型感測器 10 分鐘即時資料給各界應用。第四,本計畫採用程式分段校正的方式,用一整年的資料找出各分段校正參數。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、微型感測器、志工制度、中部地區


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA12-03-A150 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3565 千元
專案開始日期 2019/04/02 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 戴榮賦
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 國立暨南國際大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「中部地區空氣污染物微型感測器系統及推動空氣污染防制志工制度計畫」期末報告(定稿).pdf 30MB

Developing the Local PM2.5 Monitoring System and the Volunteer Program for Air Protection for the Middle Region of Taiwan

英文摘要 The project has finished the goals as planned. Regarding the volunteer program, the project has finished the following works. (1) We proposed a basic goal for our volunteering activity, that is, ‘enhance people’s awareness about the PM2.5 emission and establish citizenship behavior regarding air pollution’. (2) We have held many promotion activities about air pollution control in the five townships to encourage people to be the frontier of air pollution control. (3) In order to reduce the air pollution in the traditional market, we have cooperated with the volunteer to develop a bike and a shopping cart equipped with the PM2.5 sensor. Regarding the maintenance of the IoT system, the following works have been completed: (1) All of the existing monitoring points have been maintained and their PM2.5 sensors have been upgraded to the newest version. (2) We have maintained the whole system and handled any emergency of the system 7/24. (3) We have provided real-time data every 10 minutes online. (4) A sectional calibration method for PM2.5 sensor has been applied to get calibration parameters for each section based on the sensor data of the past year.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollutants, Particulate Matter 2.5, Low-cost Sensor, Volunteer Program, the Middle Region of Taiwan