

中文摘要 本計畫執行工作項目包括(一)辦理環境衛生永續指標「公廁管理潔淨化」相關工作、(二)辦理宣導及設置環境衛生相關設施、標示相關工作、(三)配合每月環境清潔日發布紙本新聞稿、(四)完成清查本市東西區空屋空地列管資料、(五)無牌廢機動車輛查報、(六)計畫期程內完成轄內10處髒亂點監控削減作業。依合約規定,工作執行期間自107年3月29日至107年12月31日,共執行9個月,各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 一、辦理環境衛生永續指標「公廁管理潔淨化」相關工作 (一)本計畫依規定執行列管公廁每週巡檢評比,特優等級每2週巡檢1次、優等及普通等級每週巡檢1次,共有707座列管公廁;於巡檢時皆依環保署「公廁環境整潔檢查表」逐一進行評核,已完成13,302座次之巡檢,並於綠網登錄16,063件次之公廁巡查日誌;另707座公廁(含新增)皆已輔導衛生紙丟馬桶或如廁新文化標示與張貼。 (二)本計畫以人潮密集之公廁做為本市特優公廁認證之目標,已輔導4處公廁完成特優公廁認證,包含嘉義火車站與嘉義文化創意產業園區等;於推動本市列管公廁認養項目,有本市9個環保志工小隊、達和環保服務股份有限公司與台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉義營業處等,共有11個認養單位,共認養67座公廁。 二、辦理宣導及設置環境衛生相關設施、標示相關工作 (一)本計畫印製之宣傳內容包含公廁等級貼紙、衛生紙丟馬桶宣導貼紙、環境清潔維護等相關文宣,共印製6款文宣(8,772份),並配合計畫執行需求進行張貼發送。 (二)本計畫結合市政府各局處活動共同辦理政策宣導工作,完成5場次政策宣導會,共有681人參與。 (三)於10處公廁周邊完成設置遛狗不留便宣導立牌,每處提供2,000個狗便清潔袋。 三、依規定期程每月配合環境清潔日於發布前10日提供紙本新聞稿,共提供9則新聞稿。 四、完成清查本市東西區空屋空地列管資料 於107年6月2日完成清查本市列管東、西區空屋空地共174處(196點),包含東區98處(109點)及西區76處(87點)。依前述清查結果,共有97處(東區48處與西區49處)有影響環境衛生之虞,本計畫彙整資料提供環保局函請所有人/管理人限期改善。 五、無牌廢機動車輛查報 本計畫依規定每月至少查報15件次之無牌廢機動車輛並於巡查次日提供環保局,供後續執行貼單公告及移置作業,已完成144件次。 六、計畫期程內完成轄內10處髒亂點監控削減作業 依規定期程提送規劃書且於計畫執行期間共執行19處(東區8處、西區11處)髒亂點監控削減作業,執行方法有站崗埋伏、監視攝影、破袋稽查等,已解列9處,10處持續執行監控削減作業,其中的5處監控點有明顯改善。
中文關鍵字 公廁管理、空地空屋巡查、髒亂點監控削減


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1300 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 王志文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林春如 執行單位 創境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度營造友善暨環境改善暨垃圾減量工作計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 28MB

英文摘要 The tasks to be implemented in this project include the following: (1) sponsor sustainability indicators of environmental hygiene for the “management and cleaning of public toilets” and related works; (2) administer and set up related environmental hygiene facilities, and related works of signs and markings; (3) coordinate monthly environmental cleaning days and publish press releases; (4) complete sorting the information of empty houses and land in the east and west districts of the city; (5) check and report obsolete motor vehicles without a license; and (6) complete monitoring and reduction operations of 10 dirty spots within the jurisdiction during the project period. According to the contract, the execution period of the project is from March 29, 2017 to December 31, 2017, the project has been going on for nine months, and the results implemented with each task are summarized as follows: 1. Sponsor the sustainability index of environmental hygiene on related works of "management and cleaning of public toilets" (1) According to regulations, the project will carry out weekly inspections and evaluations of public toilets. Those honored with an outstanding grade are inspected once every 2 weeks, while the superior and ordinary ones are inspected once a week, with a total of 707 public toilets enlisted for appraisal. During the appraisal, the “Cleanliness Checklist for Public Toilet Environment" provided by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan will be examined one by one, with 13,302 seat-frequency inspections completed, while 16,063 public toilet inspection times are registered on Ecolife. Another 707 public toilets (including newly constructed ones) have been guided to throw toilet paper into toilets or to put up signs and posts about novel toilet culture. (2) The project is aimed at public toilets with overwhelming crowds that have been selected as outstandingly superior public toilets of the city for certification. Currently, four public toilets have been counseled and received special public toilet certification, including ones at Chiayi Station and Chiayi Culture Creative Industries Park. With regard to promoting public toilets enlisted for adoption in this city, 11 establishments have already joined in the adoption of 67 public toilets, including nine environmental protection squad teams, Onyx Ta Ho Environmental Protection Service Co., Ltd, and Chiayi Sales Office of the Marketing Business Division of CPC. 2. Sponsor publicity, signs, and works related to the installation of environmental hygiene facilities (1) The propagation content of the project includes public-toilet grade stickers, stickers about throwing toilet paper into the toilet, and related DMs on environmental cleaning and maintenance, with a total of six modes (8,772 copies) of promotional literatures. These materials have been carried out in accordance with the project’s posting requirements. (2) The project works jointly with each of the departments and bureaus of the City Government to carry out policy propaganda in conjunction with their activities, with five policy promotion meetings completed and a total of 681 participants. (3) Signs promoting dog-walking and cleaning up their waste were posted around 10 public toilets, and 2,000 dog waste cleaning bags were left at each spot. 3. Press releases will be published 10 days before the release of the Environmental Clean-up Day in accordance with the prescribed schedule, and a total of nine press releases will be provided. 4. Complete sorting the information listed regarding empty houses and land in the east and western districts of the city As of June 2, 107, the city has completed sorting a total of 174 empty locations (196 spots) enlisted by the city in the east and west districts regarding empty houses and land, including 98 locations (109 spots) in the eastern district and 76 locations (87 spots) in the western district. According to the aforementioned sorting results, 97 of those locations (48 in the eastern district and 49 in the western district) were found with suspicion of having affected environmental sanitation. The project will organize and arrange the information and then provide it to the Environmental Protection Bureau to request the owner/manager for improvement within a certain time limit. 5. Obsolete motor vehicles without licenses are checked and reported According to regulations, the project will report at least 15 obsolete motor vehicles without licenses every month and provide the information to the Environmental Protection Bureau the next inspection day for subsequent execution to post announcements and displacement operations. So far, 144 cases have been completed. 6. Complete monitoring and reduction operations of 10 dirty spots in the jurisdiction area during the project period According to the prescribed schedule, the project proposal is submitted, and dirty-spot monitoring and reduction operations have been carried out at 19 locations (8 in the eastern district and 11 in the western district). These operations include such measures as standing guard for ambush, video monitoring, and broken-bag inspection. Afterwards, nine locations were exempted from the list of execution measures, and 10 locations remained with monitoring and reduction operations, with five of those locations under monitoring demonstrating significant improvements.
英文關鍵字 management and cleaning of public toilets, sorting empty houses and land, monitoring and reduction operations of dirty spots in the jurisdiction area during the project period