

中文摘要 自18世紀工業革命後,人類在產品製造上有了顯著地進步,在各類產品的製造過程中加入各種化學物質,以提高效能,例如螢光燈中的水銀、晶圓製程中的各種重金屬等,同時也產生了許多含有化學物質的廢棄物。聯合國環境規劃署針對化學物質的管理,制定諸多國際環保公約,如斯德哥爾摩公約、巴塞爾公約、鹿特丹公約、汞水俣公約等,多數國家已簽署成為各公約的締約方,本於身為國際社會的一份子,仍應善盡國際環境保護責任,我國並非許多國際環保公約之締約方,不熟悉各環保公約之核心精神及推動方式,如能透過國際交流活動,學習國際環保公約各締約方國家的法規政策及推動經驗,並建立我國與各公約締約方國家的溝通管道及平台,將有助於提升我國跨部會間對於化學物質之管理成效,以強化我國之化學物質管理成效,達成保障國人健康及維護環境品質,營造永續生活環境的目標。 本計畫參考日本國際協力機構(Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA)與歐洲委員會國際合作與發展總司(Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, DG DEVCO)之國際交流執行策略及作法,並調查我國化學物質管理之國際交流現況情形,擬定我國化學物質管理之短、中、長程國際交流計畫。於短程計畫中,規劃與日本進行人才交流、資源共享等雙向合作,學習日本化學物質管理之經驗,使我國化學物質管理制度更為完善。於中程計畫中,規劃建立我國具有循環型社會特色之環境首都,並與新南向政策中的國家進行多邊合作,協助東南亞國家建置化學物質管理系統及監測系統,且透過人才交流、經驗分享及資訊分享等交流作法,建立亞太地區的區鏈合作。於長程計畫中,規劃將我國環境首都推廣至全球,以提高我國於國際上之知名度,且協助全球未開發中國家或開發中國家建置化學物質管理系統及監測系統,並且透過人才交流、經驗分享及資訊分享等交流作法,達成全球區鏈合作。 於我國跨部會合作方面,包括環保主管機關、農政主管機關、衛生主管機關、經濟主管機關、財政部關務署、勞動部職業安全衛生署等六個主管機關,共同合作,制定血壓計除汞、汞物質流系統之建置及跨部會監測資訊共享等議題,以強化我國於化學物質管理之成效。
中文關鍵字 國際交流;化學物質管理;國際公約


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-CP03-02-E008 經費年度 107 計畫經費 930 千元
專案開始日期 2018/07/20 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 王立邦
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 林繼富 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學環境工程與管理研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 推動化學物質管理之國際交流與溝通計畫(公開版定稿本).pdf 22MB

The Project of Promoting International Exchange and Communication of Chemical Substance Management

英文摘要 Since the industrial revolution of the 18th century, people have made significant progress in product manufacturing. Various chemicals are added to the manufacturing process to improve performances, such as mercury in fluorescent lamps, various heavy metals in wafer processes, which generates many wastes containing chemicals. United Nations-owned organizations have begun for the management of chemical substances. Many international environmental protection conventions have been assigned, such as the Stockholm Convention, the Basel Convention, the Rotterdam Convention, the Minamata Convention on Mercury, etc. Most countries have signed into parties to the conventions. As a member of the international community, Taiwan should still take our international environmental protection responsibilities. Taiwan is not a party to many international environmental conventions and is not familiar with the core spirit and promotion methods of various environmental protection conventions. If Taiwan can cooperate with the party countries through international exchanges, Taiwan can learn the regulations, policies and experiences of the International Environmental Protection Convention, and can establish the communication channels and platforms with party countries. It will help to improve the management of chemical substances between Taiwan's interdepartmental. International exchange can strengthen the effectiveness of chemical substances management in Taiwan. This project refers to international exchange implementation strategy and practice of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), investigates the current situation of international exchange of chemicals management in Taiwan, and draws up the short, medium and long-term international exchange programs. In the short-term plan, we plan to conduct two-way cooperation with Japan on expert exchange and resource sharing, and learn from the experience of chemicals management in Japan to improve our own systems. In the medium-term plan, we plan to establish an environmental capital with a circular social characteristic and carry out multilateral cooperation with countries in the new southward policy to assist Southeast Asian countries in the establishment of chemicals management and monitoring systems. Through expert exchange, experience and information sharing could help establish regional chain cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. In the long-term plan, the plan will promote our environmental capital to the whole world to enhance Taiwan's international reputation, and assist the global undeveloped countries or developing countries to establish chemicals management and monitoring systems, and through expert exchange, experience and information sharing and other exchange practices to achieve global regional chain cooperation. In the aspect of inter-ministerial cooperation in Taiwan, we have six related sectors, including environmental protection, agricultural administration, health, economic, finance and labor, Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, work together to develop mercury sphygmomanometers. The establishment of mercury material flow systems and the monitoring of information sharing across the sectors are in order to enhance Taiwan's chemical substance management.
英文關鍵字 International Exchange, Chemical Substance Management, International Convention