

中文摘要 因應我國季節性空品不良特性,本計畫依據空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法與行政需求,完備系統化應變作業決策應用工具,包含中央部會、各縣市應變成果及指揮中心成立資訊分級填報權限、系統化自動通報空品惡化、預報發布等功能,以及資訊揭露與統一管理資訊平台,透過系統化蒐集彙整各縣市即時空品、預報資料、自動連續監測煙道排放量、電廠發電量及各應變單位之應變作為等資料,確保空品不良應變期間有效即時整備資源與成果,作為決策與資訊公開之應用。此外,依循災害防救法,完成懸浮微粒物質災害防救業務計畫等3項行政規則、4項法規命令及地方各級防救組織業務計畫撰寫指引之研訂。 除前述應對空品惡化期間之精進工作外,空品標準為日常之計畫性污染改善策略與計畫擬定之標的,故本計畫參酌世界衛生組織(World Health Organization,簡稱WHO)空氣品質準則(Air Quality Guidelines,簡稱AQG)及國際各國空品標準資訊、修訂原因及趨勢,與我國現行法規進行比較,並進一步依我國監測資料進行試算,再結合國內現況及可行技術,完成研擬空品標準之建議修正方向與草案內容,優先檢討加嚴目前已改善至符合現行空品年均值標準之物種,包含PM10、SO2、NO2、Pb,以持續改善我國空氣品質並務實保障民眾健康。 此外,搭配我國新南向政策、科學研究計畫等推動方向辦理國內外環保業務,包含完成辦理1場次空氣品質管制策略交流國際研討會、派員拜會交流3個亞太區域國家政府或研究機關、2場次學術交流研討會、3場次科研計畫成果發表會,並依「2018年政府網站營運績效檢核計畫」,全面檢視並完成空氣品質改善維護資訊網之改版作業。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質標準、應變管理系統、國際交流


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FA18-03-A139 經費年度 107 計畫經費 12573 千元
專案開始日期 2018/04/10 專案結束日期 2019/03/31 專案主持人 許長嵐
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李美慧 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-FA18-03-A139.pdf.pdf 16MB

Project for the Improvement of Emergency Actions on Preventing Air Quality Deterioration and the Review of Air Quality Standards

英文摘要 In response to the problem of seasonal air quality deterioration, this project established reporting system for authorities and related organizations to report their emergency response in accordance with the Emergency Management of Preventing Air Quality Deterioration Regulation and administrative demands. Information platform was also established to assemble data and information relating to emergency response, including real-time air quality information, air quality forecast, data of continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) and electric power generation in order to provide integrated information access for competent authorities to implement emergency control measurements. In accordance with the Suspended Particles Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, this project has amended 3 related administrative directions and 4 related regulations, and has drawn up guidelines for local authorities to plan their regulating projects. Besides solving the seasonal air quality deterioration problems, air quality standards are goals for sketching the air pollution improvement strategies. Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) and the trend of international air quality standards, this project gave suggestion on amending air quality standards on the basis of Taiwan’s monitoring data, feasible technologies, and practical situations of Taiwan air quality. The content of this proposal draft included: strengthening the standard on pollutants that have met the current regulations, including PM10, SO2, NO2 and lead. In addition, following the goal of New Southbound Policy and scientific research plans, this project has thrown 1 international conference of air quality management policy, 2 academic conferences and 3 scientific research wrap-up presentation conferences, and has visited governments or research institution of 3 Asian countries. Also, this project has examined the revision of air quality improvement and sustainment website according to the requirements under the rules of “2018 operating performance of government websites”.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Standards, Emergency Management System, International Exchange