

中文摘要 本計畫工作進度至108年12月底已完成100%,包含建置完成中區環境事故專業技術小組臺中隊、雲林隊兩隊,每隊18人。平時工作已完成臨場輔導186場次;無預警測試97場次;輔導地方環保機關辦理演習整訓作業兩隊共25場次;辦理聯防小組組訓4場次及辦理動員研討會4場次;搭配全動、反恐與環境災害相關演習105場次;協助地方環保機關輔導檢視或現場訪視毒化物危害預防及應變計畫467場次;辦理毒化物業者之毒災防救法規宣導及說明會23場次;成員參加環保署帶隊官訓練、駐地訓練及工作技術會議、48場次之專業複訓,隊裡新人訓練皆已完成基礎操作訓練及技術級課程;變時工作包括兩隊出勤赴現場協助36場次(事故應變出勤臺中隊18場次、雲林隊18場次),緊急出勤測試40場次(臺中隊20場次、雲林隊20場次),合計共76場次。已完成協助化學局規劃與辦理赴歐洲法國環境災害事故應變專業訓練工作二梯次,第一梯次於107年09月份帶隊至法國韋爾農石油及化學工業安全研究協會(GESIP)參與「國際專業機構應變FRO訓練研習班」課程,第二梯次於108年06月份帶隊至法國韋爾農石油及化學工業安全研究協會(GESIP)參與「環境災害事故應變-現場指揮官」訓練課程。計畫也支援環保署於內政部消防署訓練中心建置環境事故專業訓練設施及資材調度中心,107年及108年已完成設備購置規劃,協助購置設備器材並配合課程模組及設計需求及結合石化訓練場完成後之使用,以提升整體訓練技術能量。
中文關鍵字 毒化物、環境事故專業技術小組、臺灣中區


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-HC02-02-A003 經費年度 107 計畫經費 103600 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 洪肇嘉教授
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 彭富科 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107-108年度中區技術小組期末工作報告公開版.pdf 0MB 107-108年度中區技術小組期末工作報告公開版

2018-2019 Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland:Environmental Incidents Specialist Team in Central Taiwan

英文摘要 This project has completed 100% at the end of December , 2019, including to operate two Environmental Incident Specialist Teams (EISTs), Taichung and Yulin with 18 members each in the central region of Taiwan. For EISTs’ daily tasks, we completed 186 site-inspections for the plants operating toxic chemicals, 97 emergency tests without an early warning, and 25 exercises to assist the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs). This project also hosted the governmental agency-training as well as the mutual-aid training workshop four times each, and assisted 105 filld exercises on the incidents related to civil defense, antiterrorism or environmental disasters. The project also assisted those EPBs to review 467 emergency response plans for those plants operating toxic chemicals, and hosted the regulation promulgation/education workshops 23 times. Moreover, some members of EISTs had completed the incident commander training and the technical meeting led by Toxic and Chemical Substance Bureau (TCSB) of Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EISTs also conducted 48 training classes on basic and technical operations for our new and old members. So far, two EISTs responded to 36 incidents and completed 40 simulation exercises (18 incidents and 20 exercises for each team). This project also assisted TCSB to arrange two group training on emergency response at French Groupe d’Etude de Sécurité des Industries Pétrolières et Chimiques (GESIP) in Vernon, France, i. e. the “International Professional Organization FRO Training” in September, 2018 and the “Environmental Disaster Response-field Commander Training” in June 2019, respectively. This project also supported TCSB to initiate a construction project for establishing the professional training facilities of environmental incidents and the materials dispatching center at the training center of the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior. In order to improve overall professional capacity on emergency response of toxic chemicals, this project also the project also assisted in planning for stengthening training capacity equipment purchase as well as class modules for petrochemical training site to meeting the needs.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemicals、Environmental Incidents Specialist Team、Central Region of Taiwan