

中文摘要 本計畫自合約簽約日107年10月22日執行,截至108年10月21日止,計畫執行時間為365日,工作成果提報摘要如下: (一) 河川易揚塵裸露地巡查 本計畫已完成花蓮溪、立霧溪與秀姑巒溪沿線易產生揚塵之裸露地12梯次巡查(每月1次例行性巡查)。填寫巡查記錄表並予說明變化。花蓮溪流域裸露地17處,立霧溪流域裸露地2處,秀姑巒溪流域裸露地4處,共計23處。每月10日提送前月裸露地清冊與巡查紀錄表,並同時建置裸露地資料庫系統。 (二) 砂石業者巡查 本計畫至今完成花蓮溪、立霧溪與秀姑巒溪沿線砂石業者巡查12梯次(每月1次例行性巡查),合計巡查180家次。各流域周邊砂石業者計18家,分別為花蓮溪流域14家、秀姑巒溪流域4家。每月10日提送前月砂石業清冊與巡查紀錄表。 (三) 河川揚塵預警系統維護 每月固定進行相關設備建置維護、檢查及保養工作,設備正常運作中。 自動監測數據輸出為至少每小時1筆數據,監測期間數據有效率至少在90%以上,扣除設備維修、颱風撤站與網路異常等因素後,立霧溪新城站有效率為96.6%,花蓮溪壽豐站有效率為97.9%,秀姑巒溪玉里站有效率為99.3%。 (四) 道路洗掃作業 於河川揚塵好發期(10月至翌年2月)辦理洗街作業,因現今環境氣候變遷,以致揚塵好發期(107年10月至108年2月)過後仍有東北季風情形發生,且好發期間降雨日數多。日前已進入雨季,並考量今後揚塵突發狀況,以及計畫後半年將進入揚塵好發期,延長至108年9月底辦理完成。為降低揚塵對民眾健康的危害,使民眾更能認同主管機關的相關作為,年度洗街總長度為6,000公里以上。新城執行2,360公里、壽豐2,470公里、玉里1,271公里及輔導廠商認養135公里,總洗掃6,236公里,進度為100%。 (五) 花蓮地區河川揚塵事件緊急應變演練演習 為提高河川揚塵災害應變機制,辦理1場次揚塵模擬。107年11月30日已提送花蓮地區河川流域裸露地揚塵事件緊急應變演練計畫至局內核備。預計108年2月27日進行演練演習,但因二二八連假關係,延至3月底完成,又因配合局內辦理「108年度花蓮縣建構花園城市、百景花團齊開放綠美化競賽」,延至108年7月3日於本局四樓會議室辦理聯繫會議暨兵棋推演辦理完成,預演及正式演練原訂108年7月18日假花蓮溪東華大橋下疏濬道路旁廣場辦理,因丹娜絲颱風延至7月25日辦理完成,共216人參加。 (六) 河川揚塵預警、防制宣導說明會 宣導說明會已辦理完成3場次於107年12月6日假新城社區活動中心辦理,共70人參加,108年1月18日假玉里鎮公所中正堂辦理,共61人參加,108年1月25日假壽豐鄉文康中心辦理,共62人參加。主要對民眾宣導揚塵防制與防護措施進行相關說明。會後進行問卷調查,調查結果歸納出民眾對於花蓮溪的宣導防制滿意度最高(31%)、滿意(54%),而不滿意僅佔3%;而對立霧溪主要表達普通佔比較高(61%)。因此研判與立霧溪河川揚塵對當地居民影響最大有關。 (七) 網頁維護更新 目前已完成10梯次「花蓮縣河川揚塵預警通報平台」與環保署「河川揚塵防制推動資訊網平台」網頁更新及維護,更新之項目為每月辦理活動訊息、本計畫監測站即時監看數據後台之維護及上傳計畫執行成果資料。 (八) 創新作法 1.空氣品質感測器(PM2.5)之布建:架設立霧溪富世國小、花蓮溪台11丙東華大學、壽豐鄉公所等3處測站,並設置PM2.5監測資料網頁提供民眾查詢。目前匯整108年2月~8月份PM10測站與空品測站PM2.5進行分析,分析發現濃度曲線顯示有相同趨勢走向,為PM10測站受人為擾動影響會有些許不同,另外因PM2.5空氣感測器架設於人口稠密區,相對會受當地附近的人為污染機具所干擾數據,當排除這些因素,PM10與PM2.5趨勢曲線走向相似,分析顯示持續監測可了解整體空氣品質狀況。 2. 邀請氣象專家加入團隊:邀請專業天氣風險公司彭啟明博士團體,討論氣象預報資料中雨量與風速的意義,以及與揚塵間之關係;並拍攝宣導短片,內容增加局長訪談內容錄製,加強對於民眾宣導;對於揚塵預報的部分,天氣風險公司提供了WRF中尺度氣象預報模式數據,另計畫也結合WINDY的每日數據做參考,每日都做揚塵預報3日的評估表,提供給河管單位與村里長做預防因應,目前準確預測揚塵發生狀況。 (九) 揚塵預警通報系統 本計畫PM10自動監測站設置於花蓮溪、立霧溪及秀姑巒溪,進行監測河川揚塵濃度變化,監測站採樣每小時PM10達100 μg/m3以上,即發送預警通報簡訊,若濃度達600μg/m3且持續兩小時以上,立即啟動應變機制,以及建立之揚塵預警評分表,提前進行揚塵預警通報。 (十) 繪製懸浮微粒等濃度曲線圖 本計畫透過ISCST3 擴散模式(Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Dispersion Model,Ver3) 之模擬,掌握河川揚塵影響之範圍與地區,並瞭解河川裸露地周邊敏感受體影響程度。 立霧溪依模式模擬結果顯示以鄰近出海口附近為PM10最大落地濃度處,雖最大濃度位於出海口,新城國小之影響較富士國小為輕。 花蓮溪模擬結果則以木瓜溪與壽豐溪匯流口處為PM10最大落地濃度處,雖最大濃度位於兩溪匯流口,其當受東北季風或北風之瞬間最大陣風時,將影響月眉村、米棧村、豐裡村、共和村,另有時受氣流影響,將影響壽豐鄉鄰近市區,因此由河床裸露地至對敏感受體相距最近距離為1.08公里,由模擬結果顯示以月眉國小影響較大。 花蓮溪出海口處為溪口的沙嘴地形向南連接陸地,向北延伸到河口與河流直交,也於河床中間及南北岸形成灘地,因此受到強風影響導致該區域容易造成風飛砂。 位於東華大橋西南岸,為木瓜溪與花蓮溪匯流處,汛期後水量減少,因此在交匯處形成較大面積裸露區域,因該區域水量較少。 秀姑巒溪模擬結果則以玉里大橋南側為PM10最大落地濃度處,由秀姑巒溪河床裸露地至敏感受體相距最近距離為2.3公里,由模擬結果顯示影響最較大受體為玉里國小。 (十一) 汛期前、後購買衛星影像圖分析 依108年1月申購衛星影像圖,作為本年度計算河川基本圖,汛期前後立霧溪水覆面積由21.1公頃增加53.4公頃,目前為74.5公頃;綠覆面積由36公頃減少9.6公頃,目前為26.4公頃;裸露地面積由208.6公頃減少23.4公頃,目前為185.2公頃。花蓮溪水覆面積由215.7公頃增加136.2公頃,目前為351.9公頃;綠覆面積由784.4公頃增加11.4公頃,目前為795.8公頃;裸露地面積由1367.6公頃減少214.6公頃,目前為1153公頃。秀姑巒溪水覆面積由100.1公頃減少31.8公頃,目前為68.3公頃;綠覆面積由179.9公頃減少8公頃,目前為171.9公頃;裸露地面積由537.3公頃增加39.7公頃,目前為577公頃。 (十二) 揚塵好發區分級劃定 河川裸露地流域變化,107年10月至108年3月在水覆與裸露地變化較為明顯,編號01花蓮溪出海口至花蓮大橋東北岸水覆減少58.1%裸露地增加59.2%,編號14鳳林鎮萬里溪橋至箭瑛橋水覆減少16.8%裸露地增加13.8%,編號18、19因立霧溪疏濬工程引水至北岸河道,造成裸露地增加10.6%~11.8%水覆也減少7%~8%,編號20秀姑巒溪因河川局施作護堤工程,引水至東側造成裸露地增加10.4%水覆減少6.9%,編號22裸露地增加11.1%綠覆減少8.2%。另裸露地減少,水覆增加綠覆增加的編號分別為編號3裸露地減少13.9%綠覆增加13.8%、編號6裸露地減少9.7%水覆增加27%、編號9裸露地減少4.9%水覆增加9.8%、編號11為花蓮溪米棧橋裸露地減少9.8%水覆增加23.3%、及編號13中興橋裸露地減少18.9%水覆增加34.3%。今年冬天受東北季風影響時花蓮地區常會伴者雨勢,不至於造成嚴重揚塵,但相對會造成許多河道些許改變。 (十三) 自動監測站位址遷移及增設之可行性評估 針對本縣揚塵監測數據分析及模擬結果,進行自動監測站位址遷移或增設測站之可行性評估。經由105~107年的自動監測數據及氣象分析,對於既有自動監測站位址之設置合適性,透過這幾年數據及揚塵發生時氣象條件,當進入東北季風好發時期,風向的變化確實會影響測站位置及河川流域周遭的村里居民,但為有效的掌握揚塵的影像範圍及濃度的變化情形,配合歷年數據分析,故建議測站位址維持不變。 (十四) 花蓮地區河川揚塵影響範圍劃定(ISCST模式) 花蓮縣河川揚塵影響範圍我們依流域的不同.來作個別分級劃分,而我們根據自動監測濃度、風向、風速資料及ISCST作的模擬推估影響範圍,依照各地區與裸露地沙塵來源的距離,進行分級劃定建議如下:立霧溪流域嚴重影響區新城鄉新城村、秀林鄉富世村。中度影響區新城鄉崇德村。輕度影響區新城鄉順安村、秀林鄉秀林村。花蓮溪流域嚴重影響區:吉安鄉光華村、壽豐鄉(月眉村、米棧村)。中度影響區壽豐鄉(平和村、共和村、豐坪村)。輕度影響區壽豐鄉(壽豐村、志學村、豐裡村)。秀姑巒溪流域嚴重影響區中城里、源城里、國武里、樂合里、啟模里。中度影響區大禹里、東豐里、永昌里。輕度影響區泰昌里、觀音里、三民里。 (十五) 近5年監測分析 103~107年揚塵事件日與今年107年12月份測站濃度偏高的原因,經分析氣象條件如濕度、風速,發現104年度高濃度揚塵事件生成條件,與單一氣象條件並無太大相關性,但103年度揚塵事件則與單一氣象條件相關性甚高,可看出揚塵之發生與濕度、風速相關性甚高,但仍有受到其他條件之影響,如降雨量多寡、颱風汛期前後、裸露地面積的變化、受人為疏濬工程等,視為一複雜的綜合因素影響的結果。花蓮地區7月~8月份雖為夏季炎熱氣候,屬颱風好發期,因此降雨量較多濕度較高之氣候,雖可能受颱風外圍環流影響,仍有不易發生揚塵事件;但10月份後受到東北季風之影響,為花蓮地區揚塵好發季節,將造成部分地區空氣品質惡化,雖偶有降雨,但受到瞬間陣風吹襲下,仍有可能產生河川揚塵;翌年3月則會受到東北季風以及境外移入之兩者影響。 (十六) 歷年揚塵事件分析 經由分析103~107年揚塵事件日與今年107年12月份測站濃度偏高的原因,經分析氣象條件如濕度、風速,發現104年度高濃度揚塵事件生成條件,與單一氣象條件並無太大相關性,但103年度揚塵事件則與單一氣象條件相關性甚高,可看出揚塵之發生與濕度、風速相關性甚高,但仍有受到其他條件之影響,如降雨量多寡、颱風汛期前後、裸露地面積的變化、受人為疏濬工程等,視為一複雜的綜合因素影響的結果。 (十七) 防制工法 根據歷年防制工法執行成效,並經評估適於當地環境條件之工法,立霧溪建議以綠覆蓋、水覆蓋、防風林、梯田式及葉脈式引水道等方式作為不同河段的河川揚塵防制工法。花蓮溪建議以中高灘地進行植生綠覆、水覆蓋、截砂石離工法。秀姑巒溪建議以中高灘地進行植生綠覆、葉脈式引水道工法。
中文關鍵字 花蓮溪、立霧溪、秀姑巒溪、河川揚塵、裸露地、風飛砂、粒狀物、TSP、PM10、自動監測、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 EPB107-09-13 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6910 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/22 專案結束日期 2019/10/21 專案主持人 林世欽
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳依雯 執行單位 日揚環境工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107期末.pdf 67MB

Early warning, publicity and improvement of the river dust in Hualien County in 107

英文摘要 Běn jì huà zì héyuē qiānyuē rì 107 nián 10 yuè 22 rì zhíxíng, jiézhì 108 nián 10 yuè 21 rì zhǐ, jì huà zhíxíng shíjiān wèi 365 rì, gōngzuò chéngguǒ tí bào zhāiyào rúxià: (Yī) héchuān yì yángchén luǒlùdì xúnchá běn jì huà yǐ wánchéng huālián xī, lì wù xī yǔ xiù gū luán xī yánxiàn yì chǎnshēng yángchén zhī luǒlù dì 12 tīcì xúnchá (měi yuè 1 cì lì xíng xìng xúnchá). Tiánxiě xúnchá jìlù biǎo bìng yǔ shuōmíng biànhuà. Huālián xī liúyù luǒlù dì 17 chù, lì wù xī liúyù luǒlù dì 2 chù, xiù gū luán xī liúyù luǒlù dì 4 chù, gòngjì 23 chù. Měi yuè 10 rì tí sòng qiányuè luǒlù dì qīngcè yǔ xúnchá jìlù biǎo, bìng tóngshí jiàn zhì luǒlù dì zīliào kù xìtǒng. (Èr) shā shí yèzhě xúnchá běn jì huà zhìjīn wánchéng huālián xī, lì wù xī yǔ xiù gū luán xī yánxiàn shā shí yèzhě xúnchá 12 tīcì (měi yuè 1 cì lì xíng xìng xúnchá), héjì xúnchá 180 jiā cì. Gè liúyù zhōubiān shā shí yèzhě jì 18 jiā, fēnbié wèi huālián xī liúyù 14 jiā, xiù gū luán xī liúyù 4 jiā. Měi yuè 10 rì tí sòng qiányuè shā shí yè qīngcè yǔ xúnchá jìlù biǎo. (Sān) héchuān yángchén yùjǐng xìtǒng wéihù měi yuè gùdìng jìnxíng xiāngguān shèbèi jiàn zhì wéihù, jiǎnchá jí bǎoyǎng gōngzuò, shèbèi zhèngcháng yùnzuò zhōng. Zìdòng jiāncè shùjù shūchū wéi zhìshǎo měi xiǎoshí 1 bǐ shùjù, jiāncè qíjiān shùjù yǒuxiàolǜ zhìshǎo zài 90%yǐshàng, kòuchú shèbèi wéixiū, táifēng chè zhàn yǔ wǎng lù yìcháng děng yīnsù hòu, lì wù xī xīnchéng zhàn yǒu xiàolǜ wèi 96.6%, Huālián xī shòu fēng zhàn yǒu xiàolǜ wèi 97.9%, Xiù gū luán xī yùlǐ zhàn yǒu xiàolǜ wèi 99.3%. (Sì) dàolù xǐ sǎo zuòyè yú héchuān yángchén hǎo fā qī (10 yuè zhì yìnián 2 yuè) bànlǐ xǐ jiē zuòyè, yīn xiànjīn huánjìng qìhòu biànqiān, yǐzhì yángchén hǎo fā qī (107 nián 10 yuè zhì 108 nián 2 yuè) guòhòu réng yǒu dōngběi jìfēng qíngxíng fāshēng, qiě hǎo fā qíjiān jiàngyǔ rì shù duō. Rìqián yǐ jìnrù yǔjì, bìng kǎoliáng jīnhòu yángchén tú fā zhuàngkuàng, yǐjí jì huà hòubàn nián jiāng jìnrù yángchén hǎo fā qī, yáncháng zhì 108 nián 9 yuèdǐ bànlǐ wánchéng. Wèi jiàngdī yángchén duì mínzhòng jiànkāng de wéihài, shǐ mínzhòng gèng néng rèntóng zhǔguǎn jīguān de xiāngguān zuòwéi, niándù xǐ jiē zǒng cháng dù wèi 6,000 gōnglǐ yǐshàng. Xīnchéng zhíxíng 2,360 gōnglǐ, shòu fēng 2,470 gōnglǐ, yùlǐ 1,271 gōnglǐ jí fǔdǎo chǎngshāng rènyǎng 135 gōnglǐ, zǒng xǐ sǎo 6,236 gōnglǐ, jìndù wèi 100%. (Wǔ) huālián dìqū héchuān yángchén shìjiàn jǐnjí yìngbiàn yǎnliàn yǎnxí wèi tígāo héchuān yángchén zāihài yìngbiàn jīzhì, bànlǐ 1 chǎngcì yángchén mónǐ.107 Nián 11 yuè 30 rì yǐ tí sòng huālián dìqū héchuān liúyù luǒlù dì yángchén shìjiàn jǐnjí yìngbiàn yǎnliàn jì huà zhì jú nèihé bèi. Yùjì 108 nián 2 yuè 27 rì jìnxíng yǎnliàn yǎnxí, dàn yīn èr'èrbā lián jiǎ guānxì, yánzhì 3 yuèdǐ wánchéng, yòu yīn pèihé jú nèi bànlǐ `108 niándù huālián xiàn jiàngòu huāyuán chéngshì, bǎi jǐng huā tuán qí kāifàng lǜ měihuà jìngsài', yánzhì 108 nián 7 yuè 3 rì yú běnjú sì lóu huìyì shì bànlǐ liánxì huìyì jì bīngqí tuīyǎn bànlǐ wánchéng, yùyǎn jí zhèngshì yǎnliàn yuán dìng 108 nián 7 yuè 18 rì jiǎ huālián xī dōnghuá dàqiáo xià shūjùn dàolù páng guǎngchǎng bànlǐ, yīn dān nà sī táifēng yánzhì 7 yuè 25 rì bànlǐ wánchéng, gòng 216 rén shēn jiā. (Liù) héchuān yángchén yùjǐng, fáng zhì xuān dǎo shuōmíng huì xuān dǎo shuōmíng huì yǐ bànlǐ wánchéng 3 chǎngcì yú 107 nián 12 yuè 6 rì jiǎ xīnchéng shèqū huódòng zhōngxīn bànlǐ, gòng 70 rén shēn jiā,108 nián 1 yuè 18 rì jiǎ yùlǐ zhèn gōngsuǒ zhōngzhèng táng bànlǐ, gòng 61 rén shēn jiā,108 nián 1 yuè 25 rì jiǎ shòu fēng xiāng wénkāng zhōngxīn bànlǐ, gòng 62 rén shēn jiā. Zhǔyào duì mínzhòng xuān dǎo yángchén fáng zhì yǔ fánghù cuòshī jìnxíng xiāngguān shuōmíng. Huì hòu jìnxíng wènjuàn diàochá, diàochá jiéguǒ guīnà chū mínzhòng duìyú huālián xī de xuān dǎo fáng zhì mǎnyì dù zuìgāo (31%), mǎnyì (54%), ér bù mǎnyì jǐn zhàn 3%; ér duìlì wù xī zhǔyào biǎodá pǔtōng zhàn bǐjiào gāo (61%). Yīncǐ yánpàn yǔ lì wù xī héchuān yángchén duì dāngdì jūmín yǐngxiǎng zuìdà yǒuguān. (Qī) wǎngyè wéihù gēngxīn mùqián yǐ wánchéng 10 tīcì `huālián xiàn héchuān yángchén yùjǐng tōngbào píngtái'yǔ huánbǎo shǔ `héchuān yángchén fáng zhì tuīdòng zīxùn wǎng píngtái'wǎngyè gēngxīn jí wéihù, gēngxīn zhī xiàngmù wèi měi yuè bànlǐ huódòng xùnxí, běn jì huà jiāncè zhàn jíshí jiān kàn shùjù hòutái zhī wéihù jí shàngchuán jì huà zhíxíngchéngguǒ zīliào. (Bā) chuàngxīn zuòfǎ 1. Kōngqì pǐnzhí gǎn cè qì (PM2.5) Zhī bù jiàn: Jiàshèlì wù xī fùshì guó xiǎo, huālián xī tái 11 bǐng dōnghuá dàxué, shòu fēng xiāng gōngsuǒ děng 3 chù cè zhàn, bìng shèzhì PM2.5 Jiāncè zīliào wǎngyè tígōng mínzhòng cháxún. Mùqián huì zhěng 108 nián 2 yuè ~8 yuèfèn PM10 cè zhàn yǔ kōng pǐn cè zhàn PM2.5 Jìn háng fēnxī, fēnxī fāxiàn nóngdù qǔ xiàn xiǎnshì yǒu xiāngtóng qūshì zǒuxiàng, wèi PM10 cè zhàn shòu rénwéi rǎodòng yǐngxiǎng huì yǒuxiēxǔ bùtóng, lìngwài yīn PM2.5 Kōngqì gǎn cè qì jià shè yú rénkǒu chóumì qū, xiāngduì huì shòu dāngdì fùjìn de rénwéi wūrǎn jījù suǒ gānrǎo shùjù, dāng páichú zhèxiē yīnsù,PM10 yǔ PM2.5 Qūshì qūxiàn zǒuxiàng xiāngsì, fēnxī xiǎnshì chíxù jiāncè kě liǎojiě zhěngtǐ kōngqì pǐnzhí zhuàngkuàng. 2. Yāoqǐng qìxiàng zhuānjiā jiārù tuánduì: Yāoqǐng zhuānyè tiānqì fēngxiǎn gōngsī péng qǐmíng bóshì tuántǐ, tǎolùn qìxiàng yùbào zīliào zhōng yǔliàng yǔ fēngsù de yìyì, yǐjí yǔ yángchén jiān zhī guānxì; bìng pāishè xuān dǎo duǎnpiàn, nèiróng zēngjiā júzhǎng fǎngtán nèiróng lùzhì, jiāqiáng duìyú mínzhòng xuān dǎo; duìyú yángchén yùbào de bùfèn, tiānqì fēngxiǎn gōngsī tígōngle WRF zhōng chǐdù qìxiàng yùbào móshì shùjù, lìng jì huà yě jiéhé WINDY de měi rì shùjù zuò cānkǎo, měi rì dōu zuò yángchén yùbào 3 rì de pínggū biǎo, tígōng jǐ hé guǎn dānwèi yǔ cūnlǐ cháng zuò yùfáng yīnyìng, mùqián zhǔnquè yùcè yángchén fāshēng zhuàngkuàng. (Jiǔ) yángchén yùjǐng tōngbào xìtǒng běn jì huà PM10 zìdòng jiāncè zhàn shèzhìyú huālián xī, lì wù xī jí xiù gū luán xī, jìnxíng jiāncè héchuān yángchén nóngdù biànhuà, jiāncè zhàn cǎiyàng měi xiǎoshí PM10 dá 100 mg/m3 yǐshàng, jí fāsòng yùjǐng tōngbào jiǎnxùn, ruò nóngdù dá 600mg/m3 qiě chíxù liǎng xiǎoshí yǐshàng, lìjí qǐdòng yìngbiàn jīzhì, yǐjí jiànlì zhī yángchén yùjǐng píngfēn biǎo, tíqián jìnxíng yángchén yùjǐng tōngbào. (Shí) huìzhì xuánfú wéilì děng nóngdù qǔ xiàn tú běn jì huà tòuguò ISCST3 kuòsàn móshì (Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Dispersion Model,Ver3) zhī mónǐ, zhǎngwò héchuān yángchén yǐngxiǎng zhī fànwéi yǔ dìqū, bìng liǎojiě héchuān luǒlù dì zhōubiān mǐngǎn shòu tǐ yǐngxiǎng chéngdù. Lì wù xī yī móshì mónǐ jiéguǒ xiǎnshì yǐ línjìn chū hǎikǒu fùjìn wèi PM10 zuìdà luòdì nóngdù chù, suī zuìdà nóngdù wèiyú chū hǎikǒu, xīnchéng guó xiǎo zhī yǐngxiǎng jiào fùshì guó xiǎo wèi qīng. Huālián xī mónǐ jiéguǒ zé yǐ mùguā xī yǔ shòu fēng xī huìliú kǒu chù wèi PM10 zuìdà luòdì nóngdù chù, suī zuìdà nóngdù wèiyú liǎng xī huìliú kǒu, qí dāng shòu dōngběi jìfēng huò běifēng zhī shùnjiān zuìdà zhènfēng shí, jiāng yǐngxiǎng yuè méicūn, mǐ zhàn cūn, fēng lǐ cūn, gònghé cūn, lìng yǒu shí shòu qìliú yǐngxiǎng, jiāng yǐngxiǎng shòu fēng xiāng línjìn shì qū, yīncǐ yóu héchuáng luǒlù dì zhì duì mǐngǎn shòu tǐ xiāngjù zuìjìn jùlí wèi 1.08 Gōnglǐ, yóu mónǐ jiéguǒ xiǎnshì yǐ yuè méi guó xiǎo yǐngxiǎng jiào dà. Huālián xī chū hǎikǒu chù wèi xī kǒu de shāzuǐ dìxíng xiàng nán liánjiē lù dì, xiàng běi yánshēn dào hékǒu yǔ héliú zhíjiāo, yě yú héchuáng zhōngjiān jí nán běi'àn xíngchéng tāndì, yīncǐ shòudào qiángfēng yǐngxiǎng dǎozhì gāi qūyù róngyì zàochéng fēng fēi shā. Wèiyú dōnghuá dàqiáo xī nán'àn, wèi mùguā xī yú huālián xī huìliú chù, xùnqí hòu shuǐliàng jiǎnshǎo, yīncǐ zài jiāohuì chù xíng chéng jiào dà miànjī luǒlù qūyù, yīn gāi qūyù shuǐliàng jiào shǎo. Xiù gū luán xī mónǐ jiéguǒ zé yǐ yùlǐ dàqiáo náncè wèi PM10 zuìdà luòdì nóngdù chù, yóu xiù gū luán xī héchuáng luǒlù dì zhì mǐngǎn shòu tǐ xiāngjù zuìjìn jùlí wèi 2.3 Gōnglǐ, yóu mónǐ jiéguǒ xiǎnshì yǐngxiǎng zuì jiào dà shòu tǐ wéi yùlǐ guó xiǎo. (Shíyī) xùnqí qián, hòu gòumǎi wèixīng yǐngxiàng tú fēnxī yī 108 nián 1 yuè shēngòu wèixīng yǐngxiàng tú, zuòwéi běnniándù jìsuàn héchuān jīběn tú, xùnqí qiánhòu lì wù xīshuǐ fù miànjī yóu 21.1 Gōngqīng zēngjiā 53.4 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 74.5 Gōngqīng; lǜ fù miànjī yóu 36 gōngqīng jiǎnshǎo 9.6 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 26.4 Gōngqīng; luǒlù dì miànjī yóu 208.6 Gōngqīng jiǎnshǎo 23.4 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 185.2 Gōngqīng. Huālián xīshuǐ fù miànjī yóu 215.7 Gōngqīng zēngjiā 136.2 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 351.9 Gōngqīng; lǜ fù miànjī yóu 784.4 Gōngqīng zēngjiā 11.4 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 795.8 Gōngqīng; luǒlù dì miànjī yóu 1367.6 Gōngqīng jiǎnshǎo 214.6 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 1153 gōngqīng. Xiù gū luán xīshuǐ fù miànjī yóu 100.1 Gōngqīng jiǎnshǎo 31.8 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 68.3 Gōngqīng; lǜ fù miànjī yóu 179.9 Gōngqīng jiǎnshǎo 8 gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 171.9 Gōngqīng; luǒlù dì miànjī yóu 537.3 Gōngqīng zēngjiā 39.7 Gōngqīng, mùqián wéi 577 gōngqīng. (Shí'èr) yángchén hǎo fā qū fēnjí huà dìng héchuān luǒlù dì liúyù biànhuà,107 nián 10 yuè zhì 108 nián 3 yuè zài shuǐ fù yǔ luǒlù dì biànhuà jiàowéi míngxiǎn, biānhào 01 huālián xī chū hǎikǒu zhì huālián dàqiáo dōngběi'àn shuǐ fù jiǎnshǎo 58.1%Luǒlù dì zēngjiā 59.2%, Biānhào 14 fèng lín zhèn wànlǐ xī qiáo zhì jiàn yīng qiáo shuǐ fù jiǎnshǎo 16.8%Luǒlù dì zēngjiā 13.8%, Biānhào 18,19 yīn lì wù xī shūjùn gōngchéng yǐnshuǐ zhì běi àn hédào, zàochéng luǒlù dì zēngjiā 10.6%~11.8%Shuǐ fù yě jiǎnshǎo 7%~8%, biānhào 20 xiù gū luán xī yīn héchuān jú shī zuò hù dī gōngchéng, yǐnshuǐ zhì dōngcè zàochéng luǒlù dì zēngjiā 10.4%Shuǐ fù jiǎnshǎo 6.9%, Biānhào 22 luǒlù dì zēngjiā 11.1%Lǜ fù jiǎnshǎo 8.2%. Lìng luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo, shuǐ fù zēngjiā lǜ fù zēngjiā de biānhào fēnbié wèi biānhào 3 luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo 13.9%Lǜ fù zēngjiā 13.8%, Biānhào 6 luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo 9.7%Shuǐ fù zēngjiā 27%, biānhào 9 luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo 4.9%Shuǐ fù zēngjiā 9.8%, Biānhào 11 wèi huālián xī mǐ zhànqiáo luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo 9.8%Shuǐ fù zēngjiā 23.3%, Jí biānhào 13 zhōngxìng qiáo luǒlù dì jiǎnshǎo 18.9%Shuǐ fù zēngjiā 34.3%. Jīnnián dōngtiān shòu dōngběi jìfēng yǐngxiǎng shí huālián dìqū chánghuì bàn zhě yǔ shì, bù zhì yú zàochéng yánzhòng yángchén, dàn xiāngduì huì zàochéng xǔduō hédào xiē xǔ gǎibiàn. (Shísān) zìdòng jiāncè zhàn wèi zhǐ qiānyí jí zēngshè zhī kěxíng xìng pínggū zhēnduì běn xiàn yángchén jiāncè shùjù fēnxī jí mónǐ jiéguǒ, jìnxíng zìdòng jiāncè zhàn wèi zhǐ qiānyí huò zēngshè cè zhàn zhī kěxíng xìng pínggū. Jīngyóu 105~107 nián de zìdòng jiāncè shùjù jí qìxiàng fēnxī, duìyú jì yǒu zìdòng jiāncè zhàn wèi zhǐ zhī shèzhì héshì xìng, tòuguò zhè jǐ nián shùjù jí yángchén fāshēng shí qi xiàng tiáojiàn, dāng jìnrù dōngběi jìfēng hǎo fā shíqí, fēngxiàng de biànhuà quèshí huì yǐngxiǎng cè zhàn wèizhì jí héchuān liúyù zhōuzāo de cūnlǐ jūmín, dàn wèi yǒu xiào de zhǎngwò yángchén de yǐngxiàng fànwéi jí nóngdù de biànhuà qíngxíng, pèihé lìnián shùjù fēnxī, gù jiànyì cè zhàn wèi zhǐ wéichí bù biàn. (Shísì) huālián dìqū héchuān yángchén yǐngxiǎng fànwéi huà dìng (ISCST móshì) huālián xiàn héchuān yángchén yǐngxiǎng fànwéi wǒmen yī liúyù de bùtóng. Lái zuò gèbié fēnjí huàfēn, ér wǒmen gēnjù zìdòng jiāncè nóngdù, fēngxiàng, fēngsù zīliào jí ISCST zuò de mónǐ tuī gū yǐngxiǎng fànwéi, yīzhào gè dìqū yǔ luǒlù dì shā chén láiyuán de jùlí, jìn háng fēnjí huà dìng jiànyì rúxià: Lì wù xī liúyù yán chóng yǐngxiǎng qū xīnchéngxiāng xīn chéng cūn, xiù lín xiāng fùshì cūn. Zhōng dù yǐngxiǎng qū xīn chéngxiāng chóng dé cūn. Qīng dù yǐngxiǎng qū xīn chéngxiāng shùn āncūn, xiù lín xiāng xiù líncūn. Huālián xī liúyù yán chóng yǐngxiǎng qū: Jí'ān xiāngguānghuá cūn, shòu fēng xiāng (yuè méicūn, mǐ zhàn cūn). Zhōng dù yǐngxiǎng qū shòu fēng xiāng (pínghé cūn, gònghé cūn, fēng píng cūn). Qīng dù yǐngxiǎng qū shòu fēng xiāng (shòu fēng cūn, zhì xué cūn, fēng lǐ cūn). Xiù gū luán xī liúyù yán chóng yǐngxiǎng qū zhōng chéng lǐ, yuán chéng lǐ, guó wǔ lǐ, yuè hé lǐ, qǐ mó lǐ. Zhōng dù yǐngxiǎng qū dà yǔ lǐ, dōng fēng lǐ, yǒngchāng lǐ. Qīng dù yǐngxiǎng qū tàichāng lǐ, guānyīn lǐ, sānmín lǐ. (Shíwǔ) jìn 5 nián jiāncè fēnxī 103~107 nián yángchén shìjiàn rì yǔ jīnnián 107 nián 12 yuèfèn cè zhàn nóngdù piān gāo de yuányīn, jīng fēnxī qìxiàng tiáojiàn rú shīdù, fēngsù, fāxiàn 104 niándù gāo nóngdù yángchén shìjiàn shēngchéng tiáojiàn, yǔ dānyī qìxiàng tiáojiàn bìng wú tài dà xiāngguān xìng, dàn 103 niándù yángchén shìjiàn zé yǔ dānyī qìxiàng tiáojiàn xiāngguān xìng shèn gāo, kě kàn chū yángchén zhī fāshēng yǔ shīdù, fēngsù xiāngguān xìng shèn gāo, dàn réng yǒu shòudào qítā tiáojiàn zhī yǐngxiǎng, rú jiàngyǔ liàng duōguǎ, táifēng xùnqí qiánhòu, luǒlù dì miànjī de biànhuà, shòu rénwéi shūjùn gōngchéng děng, shì wéi yī fùzá de zònghé yīnsù yǐngxiǎng de jiéguǒ. Huālián dìqū 7 yuè ~8 yuèfèn suī wèi xiàjì yánrè qìhòu, shǔ táifēng hǎo fā qī, yīncǐ jiàngyǔ liàng jiào duō shīdù jiào gāo zhī qìhòu, suī kěnéng shòu táifēng wàiwéi huánliú yǐngxiǎng, réng yǒu bùyì fāshēng yángchén shìjiàn; dàn 10 yuèfèn hòu shòudào dōngběi jìfēng zhī yǐngxiǎng, wèi huālián dìqū yángchén hǎo fā jìjié, jiāng zàochéng bùfèn dìqū kōngqì pǐnzhí èhuà, suī ǒu yǒu jiàngyǔ, dàn shòudào shùnjiān zhèn fēngchuī xí xià, réng yǒu kěnéng chǎnshēng héchuān yángchén; yìnián 3 yuè zé huì shòudào dōngběi jìfēng yǐjí jìngwài yírù zhī liǎng zhě yǐngxiǎng. (Shíliù) lìnián yángchén shìjiàn fēnxī jīngyóu fēnxī 103~107 nián yángchén shìjiàn rì yǔ jīnnián 107 nián 12 yuèfèn cè zhàn nóngdù piān gāo de yuányīn, jīng fēnxī qìxiàng tiáojiàn rú shīdù, fēngsù, fāxiàn 104 niándù gāo nóngdù yángchén shìjiàn shēngchéng tiáojiàn, yǔ dānyī qìxiàng tiáojiàn bìng wú tài dà xiāngguān xìng, dàn 103 niándù yángchén shìjiàn zé yǔ dānyī qìxiàng tiáojiàn xiāngguān xìng shèn gāo, kě kàn chū yángchén zhī fāshēng yǔ shīdù, fēngsù xiāng guān xìng shèn gāo, dàn réng yǒu shòudào qítā tiáojiàn zhī yǐngxiǎng, rú jiàngyǔ liàng duōguǎ, táifēng xùnqí qiánhòu, luǒlù dì miànjī de biànhuà, shòu rénwéi shūjùn gōngchéng děng, shì wéi yī fùzá de zònghé yīnsù yǐngxiǎng de jiéguǒ. (Shíqī) fáng zhì gōngfǎ gēnjù lìnián fáng zhì gōngfǎ zhíxíng chéngxiào, bìng jīng pínggū shì yú dāngdì huánjìng tiáojiàn zhī gōngfǎ, lì wù xī jiànyì yǐ lǜ fùgài, shuǐ fùgài, fángfēnglín, tītián shì jí yèmài shì yǐn shuǐdào děng fāngshì zuòwéi bùtóng hé duàn de héchuān yángchén fáng zhì gōngfǎ. Huālián xī jiànyì yǐ zhōnggāo tāndì jìnxíng zhíshēng lǜ fù, shuǐ fùgài, jié shā shí lí gōngfǎ. Xiù gū luán xī jiànyì yǐ zhōnggāo tāndì jìnxíng zhíshēng lǜ fù, yèmài shì yǐn shuǐdào gōngfǎ. 顯示較少內容 4923/5000 This plan is implemented from the date of contract signing on October 22, 107. As of October 21, 108, the plan execution time is 365 days. The summary of work results submission is as follows: (1) Inspection of rivers exposed to dust The plan has completed 12-stage inspections of bare land that is liable to generate dust along the Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek, and Xiuguluan Creek (1 monthly inspection). Fill out the inspection record form and explain the changes. There are 17 bare areas in the Hualien River Basin, 2 bare areas in the Liwu River Basin, and 4 bare areas in the Xiuguluan River Basin, a total of 23. On the 10th of each month, the first month's bare land inventory and inspection record form will be submitted, and the bare land database system will be set up at the same time. (II) Inspection of sand and gravel industry So far, the plan has completed 12 inspections of sand and gravel operators along the Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek, and Xiuguluan Creek (1 regular inspection per month), and a total of 180 inspections. There are 18 sand and gravel operators around each river basin, including 14 in Hualien River Basin and 4 in Xiuguluan River Basin. On the 10th of each month, the previous month's sand and gravel industry inventory and inspection record form will be submitted. (III) Maintenance of River Dust Early Warning System Relevant equipment construction and maintenance, inspection and maintenance work are carried out on a monthly basis, and the equipment is in normal operation. The output of automatic monitoring data is at least 1 data per hour. The effective rate of the data during monitoring is at least 90%. After deducting factors such as equipment maintenance, typhoon withdrawal and network abnormalities, the effective rate of Liwuxi New Town Station is 96.6%. The effective rate of Xishoufeng Station is 97.9%, and the effective rate of Xiuguluanxi Yuli Station is 99.3%. (IV) Road cleaning operations During the river dusting period (October to February of the following year), street washing operations were performed. Due to the current environmental climate change, the northeast monsoon situation still occurred after the dusting period (October 107 to February 108). There are many rainy days during the period. It has entered the rainy season a few days ago, and considering the sudden situation of dust in the future, and the plan will enter the period of good dust generation in the second half of the year, which will be extended to the end of September 108 for completion. In order to reduce the harm of dust to the health of the people and enable the people to better recognize the relevant actions of the competent authorities, the total length of street washing is more than 6,000 kilometers per year. The new city implemented 2,360 kilometers, Shoufeng 2,470 kilometers, Yuli 1,271 kilometers, and counselling manufacturers adopted 135 kilometers, the total cleaning 6,236 kilometers, the progress is 100%. (5) Emergency response drill in the river dust event in Hualien area In order to improve the response mechanism of river dust disaster, one simulation of dust was conducted. On November 30, 107, the emergency response drill plan for the bare ground dust incident in the river basin of Hualien area was submitted to the Bureau for preparation. The exercise is expected to take place on February 27, 108, but due to the holiday of 228 consecutive holidays, it was postponed to the end of March. It also cooperated with the bureau to handle the "108 Annual Hualien County Construction Garden City, Baijing Huatuan Open Green Landscaping Competition" It was postponed to July 3, 108 in the conference room on the fourth floor of this bureau. The contact meeting and the chess deduction were completed. The rehearsal and formal drill were originally scheduled for July 18, 108. The square next to the dredging road under the Donghua Bridge in Hualien Creek was handled by Indana The typhoon was postponed until July 25, with a total of 216 participants. (6) Briefing on the warning and prevention of river dust The briefing session has been completed for 3 times at the Xincheng Community Activity Center on December 6, 107. A total of 70 people participated. On January 18, 108, it was handled at the Zhongzheng Hall of Yuli Town Office. A total of 61 people participated. On May 25th, 62 people attended the Shoufeng Township Cultural and Recreation Center. It mainly explains the public's propaganda of dust prevention and protection measures. After the meeting, a questionnaire survey was conducted. The survey results concluded that the public had the highest satisfaction (31%) and satisfaction (54%) with the propaganda and prevention of Hualien Creek, while dissatisfaction accounted for only 3%; while the main expressions of Opposite Wuxi were relatively common. High (61%). Therefore, the judgment is related to the most significant impact of local dust on Liwuxi river dust. (VII) Web Maintenance Update At present, 10 steps have been completed to update and maintain the webpages of the “Hualian County River Dust Early Warning Reporting Platform” and the Environmental Protection Agency ’s “River Dust Prevention and Promotion Information Network Platform”. The updated items are monthly activity information and real-time monitoring by the monitoring station of this project. Maintenance of data background and uploading of plan execution results data. (8) Innovation 1. Air quality sensor (PM2.5) deployment: set up three measurement stations including Wuxi Fortune Elementary School, Hualienxi Terrace 11 Donghua University, Shoufeng Township Office, and set up PM2.5 monitoring data webpage Provide public inquiry. At present, the analysis of PM10 station and PM2.5 station from February to August of 108 is conducted. The analysis shows that the concentration curve shows the same trend. The PM10 station will be slightly affected by human disturbance. In addition, PM2 will be slightly different. .5 Air sensors are set up in densely populated areas and are relatively disturbed by man-made pollution equipment nearby. When these factors are excluded, the trend curves of PM10 and PM2.5 are similar. Analysis shows that continuous monitoring can understand the overall air quality status . 2. Invite meteorologists to join the team: Invite Dr. Peng Qiming, a professional weather risk company, to discuss the significance of rainfall and wind speed in the weather forecast data, and the relationship with the dust; and shoot a briefing video to increase the content of the interview with the director For the public; for the part of the dust forecast, the weather risk company provided the WRF mesoscale weather forecast model data, and the other plan also combined with the daily data of WINDY as a reference, and made a daily assessment report of the dust forecast for 3 days, providing Preventive measures are taken for river management units and village heads, and the current occurrence of dust is accurately predicted. (9) Dust warning and notification system The planned PM10 automatic monitoring station is set in Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek and Xiuguluan Creek to monitor the concentration change of river dust. The monitoring station samples PM10 above 100 μg / m3 per hour, and sends an early warning notification. If the concentration reaches 600μg / m3 for more than two hours, immediately start the contingency mechanism, and establish a dust early warning score table, and carry out dust early warning notification in advance. (X) Plotting the isoparticle concentration curve Through the simulation of the ISCST3 diffusion source model (Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Dispersion Model, Ver3), the project grasps the scope and area of ​​river dust, and understands the influence of sensitive receptors around river bare land. The model simulation results of Liwuxi show that near the estuary is the largest landing concentration of PM10. Although the maximum concentration is located at the estuary, the impact of Xincheng Elementary School is smaller than that of Fuji Elementary School. The simulation results of Hualien Creek are based on the maximum landing concentration of PM10 at the confluence of Papaya Creek and Shoufeng Creek. Although the maximum concentration is at the confluence of Liangxi, it will affect Yuemei Village and the rice when the maximum gusts are affected by the northeast monsoon or north wind. Zhancun Village, Fengli Village, Gonghe Village are also affected by airflow at other times, which will affect the adjacent urban area of ​​Shoufeng Township. Therefore, the nearest distance from the bare riverbed to the sensitive receiver is 1.08 kilometers. The simulation results show that The impact of primary schools is greater. The estuary of the mouth of Hualien Creek is the mouth of the mouth of the estuary, which connects the land to the south and extends north to the estuary and the river. It also forms beaches in the middle of the river bed and the north and south shores. Therefore, the area is prone to wind and sand due to strong winds. Located on the southwest bank of Donghua Bridge, it is the
英文關鍵字 Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek, Xiuguluan Creek, River Dust, Bare Field, Wind Fly Sand, Granular Matter, TSP, PM10, Automatic Monitoring, Emergency