

中文摘要 本計畫已蒐集彙整國內外化學物質管理方針及現況、國內外綠色金融發展現況及模式、及國內外化學物質管理導入經濟誘因工具推動情形等相關文獻盤點蒐集,並辦理一場次跨部會暨專家諮詢會議,廣泛納入中央部會及專家學者相關建議。 此外本計畫完成2類我國具有推動綠色化學潛力之相關產業(紡織業,塗料、染料及顏料製造業)以及2類具綠色化學特色之食安相關產業(清潔用品及化粧品製造業,其他塑膠製品製造業)產業現況結構彙整以及未來推動轉型時所需進行之成本效益分析。 工作團隊已辦理5家先導工廠現場訪視,訪視名單為:臺灣永光化學工業股份有限公司、清淨海生技股份有限公司、毛寶股份有限公司、歐萊德國際股份有限公司、昶昕實業股份有限公司,並取得業者回饋資料,評估產業後續轉型之可行性,回饋至綠色化學導入財務策略之運作機制。並辦理一場次綠色化學導入綠色金融研商會議,希望能使更多企業了解我國主管機關推動綠色化學現況,並在導入經濟誘因之情況下,廣納企業建議,進一步瞭解我國產業實施轉型時可能遭遇困難,以完備我國化學物質管理政策架構。 本計畫綜整執行成果,包含國內外相關文獻之蒐集、盤點、彙整;跨部會暨專家諮詢會議之各界先進完整討論;篩選產業分析與轉型可行性評估;先導工廠業者化學物質安全使用了解程度及實際作為、採行困難與未來推行應加強之方向,以及綠色化學導入綠色金融研商會議中產業業者具體意見回饋,整體融入現有化學物質管理架構,進行綠色產業轉型提升之可行性評估,研提經濟誘因工具導入化學物質管理配套方案及政策藍圖回饋。
中文關鍵字 化學物質管理、綠色化學、綠色金融


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-CP02-02-A030 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/30 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 魏敏裕
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 黃佑榮 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告.pdf 30MB 成果報告

The research and analysis plan of green financial tools application with chemical substance management

英文摘要 The project has collected the domestic and international chemical substance management guidelines and current status, the current status of green financial development, the introduction of incentives of chemical substances, the related literature, and then hosted an expert consultation meeting and a conference. In addition, studies of industry structure and cost-benefit analysis required in this project have also been completed for two categories of industries in Taiwan that have the potential to promote green chemistry (including textiles, paints, dyes and pigments) and two types of food-related industries with green chemistry (including cleaning and cosmetics manufacturing, other plastics product manufacturing). Site visits for a total of five pilot factories were conducted, including Taiwan Yongguang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Qingjing Haisheng Technology Co., Ltd., Maobao Co., Ltd., Oright International Co., Ltd., and AMIA CO., LTD. Feedback were obtained from the industries to assess the feasibility of the subsequent transformation and to provide input to the financial strategies of operational mechanisms for green chemistry. The Green Chemistry and Green Finance Conference were hosted to enable more companies to understand the current status and incentives available in Taiwan. The accomplishments of the project included consolidation of relevant literature, conduct an inter-departmental meeting and expert consultation meetings, studies of industry analysis and feasibility assessment for transformation, and understanding of the safe use of chemicals and substances from pilot factories.
英文關鍵字 Chemical substance management, Green chemistry, Green finance