

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的係依據IPCC 2006指南更新我國2016年廢棄物部門(Waste Sector)溫室氣體排放清冊。2016年廢棄部門總排放量為4,029.8千公噸二氧化碳當量,其中掩埋占23.6%,堆肥占0.9%,焚化占3.4%,生活污水占37.9%,事業廢水占34.2%;排放氣體比例,甲烷占88.6%,氧化亞氮約8.2%,二氧化碳約3.2%。除清冊更新工作,本年度主要工作成果如下: 1. 檢討7個國家清冊報告(National Inventory Report, NIR),比較其統計方法與計算差異,並分析歐盟及美國之循環經濟政策、沼氣回收與管理措施、相關計算參數建立等文獻,以做為我國廢棄物管理政策之研擬參考。 2. 訪查6廠污水處理場廠及5廠事業廢水處理廠,估算沼氣回收再利用減排效益,以評估沼氣回收效益與實施可行性。經評估,歷年受訪生活污水廠可具35.8%減排潛勢,事業廢水廠檢排潛勢則為40.3%。 3. 實際量測造紙業與食品製造業之溫室氣體排放量,建立本土排放係數。經量測,造紙業處理排放係數平均(加權平均數)為1.23×10-3 kg CH4/kg COD 及3.50×10-5 kg N2O/kg-N;食品業則因樣本不足,尚無法檢討該業別排放合理係數。 4. 精進生活污水甲烷、氧化亞氮,及事業廢水甲烷排放估算,檢討統計方法、參數值引用合理性,估算精進後溫室氣體減排幅度。 5. 以高斯法、蒙地卡羅法模擬計算2016年部門排放量不確定性(Uncertainty),分析近三年排放估算不確定性之改善與演進。蒙地卡羅法較高斯法之不確定性評估,負向偏差減少約3.8%,正向偏差亦減少約1.9%。 6. 辦理3場次專家會議,確認污廢水廠沼氣回收之可能減排效益與建議,及審查事業廢水廠本土排放係數建立之合理性。 7. 協助環保署提報相關統計結果至清冊登錄平台。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體,廢棄物部門,國家清冊報告,本土化參數,減碳策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-FB01-03-A184 經費年度 107 計畫經費 5136 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/09 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 楊伊萍
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張文菖 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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A Preliminary study on the development of CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies and Establishment of localization Emission Parameters for Environment-related National Greenhouse Gas Inventory

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project was to compile and update the 2016 Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Waste Sector using the recommended methodologies in 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC 2006 Guidelines). The total emission of the waste sector in 2016 was 4,108.8 kt-CO2 eq. Among the waste sector emissions, the largest contributor was domestic wastewater treatment accounting for 37.9%, followed by industrial wastewater treatment accounting for 34.2%, solid waste disposal accounting for 23.6%, incineration of waste accounting for 3.4%, and biological treatment of waste accounting for 0.9%. Breakdown of emissions in 2016 by GHG showed that the largest contributor to the emissions was CH4 accounting for 88.6%, followed by N2O accounting for 8.2 %, and CO2 accounting for 3.2%. In addition to National Greenhouse Gas Inventory updation of Waste Sector, other results of this project were as followed: 1. Evaluate and analyze 7 National Inventory Report of Annex I parties in 2018 to understand and identify the latest international trends, emission trends and characteristics, and focal points of inventory review reports. Furthermore, the European and the U.S. policies towards circular economy, initiatives of biogas recovery and reusing, emission parameters, and other strategies and evaluation of achieving GHG emission reduction targets were also reviewed for developing waste management strategies. 2. Visited 6 domestic wastewater treatment plants and 5 industrial wastewater treatment plants to identify the benefits of biogas recovery for CH4 emission reduction. Implementation of Taiwan government biogas recovery system for wastewater treatment will provides 35.8% emission reduction potential from domestic wastewater treatment plants and 40.3% emission reduction potential from industrial wastewater treatment plants. 3. Measure on-site GHG emissions of each wastewater treatment process in paper industry and food manufacturing industry, so as to establish the country-specific industry emission factors. Through analyze of the measure results, the emission factors of paper industry in Taiwan is 1.23×10-3 kg CH4/kg COD and 3.50×10-5 kg N2O/kg-N (Weighted arithmetic mean). On the other hand, the wastewater samples of food manufacturing industry in Taiwan is still insufficient for reviewing and establishing emission factors. 4. Study the methodologies and emission parameters for estimating CH4 and N2O emissions from domestic wastewater treatment and CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater treatment. Relative to the previous estimation, CH4 emission from domestic wastewater treatment in 2016 will reduce 28.2 % and N2O will reduce 49.3%. Besides, CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater treatment will also reduce 43.4%. 5. Implement uncertainty analysis of waste sector emissions in 2016 using “propagation of error method” and “Monte Carlo method”, and analyze the uncertainty trend from 2014 to 2016. The uncertainty analysis results of waste sector total emission by Monte Carlo method will reduce 3.8% negative deviation and 1.9% positive deviation in comparative to propagation of error method. 6. Hold 3 expert meetings to confirm probable reduction benefits and suggestions of biogas recovery from wastewater treatment plants, and reviewing the rationality of country-specific emission factors for industrial wastewater treatment plants. 7. Assist Taiwan EPA to compile National Greenhouse Gas Inventory of Waste Sector from 1990 to 2016, and submit the related estimation results to the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory platform.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse gas, waste sector, national inventory report (NIR), localization emission parameter, CO2 emission reduction strategies